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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Merlot

  1. Merlot

    Why a bow?

    The challenge of hunting with a primitive weapon. The bow I bought 43 years ago was a Bear Kodiak hunter.
  2. OJ will settle in Florida and pick up a job driving Tiger around...
  3. Pricey tickets, but understand that they will be snapped up quickly given the opponent. Do the Redsox ever envision building a bigger ballpark?
  4. had a few reunions at that Weimers grove shelter. What a mess.
  5. Spending time on my Uncle's farm, not only helping with the milking chores and bailing hay, but also some time learning to shoot his .22 rifle and then going out to hunt chucks after milking in the evening. Loved the smell of the farm...even the manure...Smell of gunpowder was great too.
  6. Wish major league baseball would use a pitching machine during the home run derby...more consistent pitches for the guys to swing at.
  7. More than likely no recycling back then and people made do as best as possible. Glad for recycling and re-use of materials now in place. A shame what was done by large businesses that you mentioned...stuff dumped/buried was certainly short sighted, to say the least. At least, in some instances, clean-up was done or is still underway. Talk about the need for a clean-up, how about the Kilcher clan on "Alaska,the last frontier"...talk about a disaster area that those people live in and around the homestead...junk everywhere. Lets hope that the Yellowstone caldera doesn't blow up in our faces, killing us all with endless winter and rendering all this chit chat mute.
  8. My great uncle dumped stuff into a dump out back on his farm all the time, as well as other farmers. Just disposing of unwanted stuff....recycled/ reused what could be used and dumped the rest. No big deal back then. Unfortunately, spitting on the sidewalk gets people riled up nowadays.
  9. could have been Turkeyfeathers wandering around in his bunny suit.....
  10. Any idea on when barn was built?
  11. Big fireworks display at firemans park in Allegany last night. Lots of explosions. BOOM.....BOOM....BOOOOOMMMM. KAPOWW.
  12. Doewhacker, please crawl back under your rock.
  13. Helluva idea to plant tree for daughter. Never gave it a thought. Would be 27 years old now. Maybe a grandbaby tree...better late than never.
  14. Darn good eating. Like your stained glass window type plates and bowls you have. Nice touch...
  15. I'm into trying to get a nice buck every year. Feeds the urge to hunt, but not disappointed if it doesn't happen and will try again the following season. Getting up at 4 AM,getting the coffee going and heading out at first light is good enough for me. If a 140 class bumbles in front of me broadside, that's great, but just being out there is the thing for me.
  16. My garden sucks...heading to Tops..
  17. Whatcha think about Phil Housley at the helm for the Sabres ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk He's offence oriented guy, given his playing experience. He will have a tough go at head coach level given the defense first/ neutral zone crap dominating the game. I give him 3 years then he's gone.
  18. May I suggest a cup of coffee and just look out over your woods/crops and bask at what you are accomplishing....then have a second cup...
  19. Your note reminds me of the stretch of state route 19 between Warsaw and Pavilion...deer carnage along that stretch during rut. scary driving at night through there.
  20. Seems like you do more for your property than most to benefit wildlife. You have developed a good property. I say, don't mess with it.
  21. Probably the Russians made it happen...
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