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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Fletch


    Sloop Soft Serve and an IBU Radioactive Pond Water Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. oh yea! I need me a big ole paella pan like that!!
  3. Anyone know why all the subway entrances have like 10 full geared guards on them?
  4. Most of my places i have no need of any kit. I always have a drink, snacks, compass, knife and cordage with me. When I hunt big woods like the Dacks I have a small pack that i built. Heavy on fire starting, bit of first aid, space blanket, water tabs...If I was planning longer deeper trips I would adjust accordingly. I have very few reservations about being able to take care of myself in the woods for multiple days unless seriously injured. I guess if I hunted in places without normal reception regularly I would look into Sat. but not really a concern now.
  5. Thanks for making me feel worse about not working on my planned projects and instead drinking beer and playing golf lol...... Sunday was such a nice day here too breezy and cool. All I got done was a lawn mow.
  6. Fletch


    For you western guys....
  7. Fletch


    They have been around quite some time, 5 years or so. They are in Auburn. I am a big fan of their Beer Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Fletch


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I think I did! Great recipe!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I'll have a beer as I look up what the hell a springbox is!! Option C looks legit though. I will be waiting to hear from actual folks that know what the eck they talking aboot!! :-)
  11. Thanks for all the input! Yes City Field Still looking for a stop to park overnight outside city to train in from. Problem seems to be is a lot don’t let non residents park overnight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Port Jervis Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Is Jarvis a non res overnight parking? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Yanks will be at Mets. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. That recipe looks very familiar.......lol been my go to crowd favorite for years!!!
  16. Couple of the kids are headed down to the city to catch a game and sight see. They are driving down from central then want to park and transit in. Looking for a station with non resident overnight parking Port Jarvis line or Hackettstown line that you would recommend. Appreciate any help as most seem to not allow non res.
  17. Fletch


    A Magic Hat XAmbassadors Pale Ale At XAmbassadors Concert Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. That's it I'm not sharing my BDay with those degenerates!! JK lol Happy Birthday Boys!! And thanks for the well wishes everyone!!!
  19. lol I've seen a some interesting things too. I saw three Russian guys coming in from fishing back the trailer to far down the state ramp on a local river. The wheels dropped over the end. The were in the water trying to lift it up. Then they brilliantly unhooked it from the hitch. Well that ended that and the whole trailer went kaplunk! It was a lot funnier cause they were swearing up and down and at each other all in Russian, which I know none of but could still get the jist. We never did stick around to see if they ever pulled that out or if it is 20 feet down. Now myself the first time I launched the new us bass boat hooked the line to the boat, handed the line to my young son to hold. Backed her in, boat slips off and I park the truck. Coming down the boys yelling Dad, Dad!! The boats floating away no rope attached. I made a running leap off the dock and hit half in and half out. Banged my shit up but saved the boat. I hadn't clipped it in all the way I guess. Did the quick look around making sure no one was around to see that shit. My son still gives me shit about it lol. Only did that once so I have a learning curve!
  20. Its the old man model, sits taller so his old self don't need to bend over as far!! lol JK TF looks like a lotta good food is gonna get it!
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