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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. I have the Black Widow quiver by Mathews on my old HQ-32. It removes very easily, and keeps the arrows close at hand, for any possible shots going to or from stand. It's a well made quiver that doesn't make any noise or rattle. Or there is a hip quiver, that just clips over your belt. Or if you are used to carrying your arrows in a pack or book bag, that will work too. Lots of choices out there to consider.
  2. Holy smokes, is that a nice buck! Be so cool to see you and him in the same picture thus fall. Good luck!
  3. Congratulations! Such a great milestone! And to have a dear sweet lady like her, put up with all your outdoor hijinks, all these years, is truly momentous!!!
  4. Since having right rotator shoulder surgery on May 4th. But haven't shot at all since early January. The last week or so, I've been able to pull full draw in the basement. But much too shaky to actually shoot. Still shaking a bit but was able to pull off a few shots at 20 yards. I have worked so hard to get here. And along with some other issues I'm dealing with, I never lost sight of my goal to bowhunt with my grandson this fall. I will tighten up my groups, and continue improving, until the season starts. One person I have to thank, who has encouraged me, all through this, and told me to go hard with PT is moog5050. A true friend and gentlemen. So these shots are for you buddy! Very first arrow.First three shot group.Best part, shooting with my grandson!!!His groups are getting tighter! He's going to get his first bow deer at 13! Not sure who will be happier, him or I.Last shots of the day, from an old guy with his old bow. Big Smile................
  5. Thanks! I couldn't see them either. Awsome buck!!!
  6. Dare it is, right there! Bravo!
  7. Yup, the last week in October, is always better for shot opportunities at bucks, if that is what you are looking to shoot. Early October, is a good time to target unpressured doe. At least that's what I've seen in my neck o the woods. And of course all properties can vary on when and where deer may be moving. Prime time for the big guys here, is centered on November 11th. based on my observations of hunting the same properties for decades. Regardless of when ya go, wishing you much success in your first bow season! Git-R-Done Biz!
  8. Awesome Biz! Sounds like you made out real good! And I think you got a great set up! You did right by choosing what felt good and comfortable, and not the fastest and most radical. Welcome to the blood brotherhood of bow hunters! No hot pink, I mean salmon, accessories? ........grin.
  9. I got a 17 year old Mathews that's still getting it done. But it doesn't look anything close to the new ones. Shoot as many different ones as you can. You will know it when you shoot it. And it may not be a Mathews Biz.
  10. My fear of heights is so bad, I get skeered just "looking" at the pic's! Ah, youth....... We all took our chances. I admire your girls exuberance!
  11. Glad ya found em moog! I really think Lawd is on to something. Lost the magazine to my 7mm-08. Looked everywhere, gun case pockets, my cleaning cabinet, drawers for shooting supplies, couldn't find it. So ordered a new one. A week later, cleaning out the gear bag from coyote hunting, and whata ya know, there it is! Right with the gear I last used that gun for.
  12. Great find! Perfect set up for swamp and foul weather hunting! Post up the range results when you get em. Get some blood on that baby this season!
  13. And tommyc50, good luck with the sale! Good price on a solid bow! What is your new bow?
  14. Seems like a good deal, on a good bow here, and everything needed to get started. But I must warn you! Bow hunting is an addiction! Once you're hooked, it can be a lifetime obsession! As NFA-ADK said, you may want to get measured for draw length to be sure this bow will fit you. Not sure if that bow has adjustable cams? Also, just starting out, a 50lb or 60lb draw weight would be optimal. You can always increase poundage after perfecting your form. Good luck with all your future bowhunting adventures!
  15. + 1 I understand having advertising to keep the site going. But these LOUD vocal ads That you can't "click" off are so annoying!
  16. There will be no limit, or closed season on Zombies!
  17. You WNY guy's are so spoiled!......sigh. In my area of 4-H he would be way up on the hit list! If not #1! That's it! I'm moving!
  18. Nice buck! Lots of character on him! A sure shooter from our neck of the woods!
  19. Congratulations!!! He already has the hunters stare! Enjoy every second, time does fly by so quickly. These really are some of the best days of your life.
  20. Some darn good advice right there. Sometimes you just need to SLOW everything down. At some point, most every archer goes through a flaw of some kind, in the form department. Or the dreaded target panic, to some degree. If you have been shooting for awhile you usually KNOW what the correct form SHOULD be. So just slow everything down to the basics. Another way to help over come TP is to get point blank to your target and shoot with your eyes closed. Concentrating on a smooth trigger release. Do it over and over, until it's almost automatic. This advice was given to me years ago from a coach, after I started developing some bad habits that greatly effected my accuracy. The good thing is, you know you have a problem and are working to correct it! Also you have plenty of time before the start of the season to work it all out. And you will!!! Just remember, slow and steady.
  21. Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled up with all the good stuff!
  22. Prayers, well wishes, good vibes, all being sent grow.
  23. Yes, it did for me too! Listened to that album over and over. Got a Gibson SG, grew my hair out and wanted to play like that! All these years later, I'm still playing. But not like that.
  24. Went to the address given to join and don't see where it is? Just some old posts from moog? I gotta be doing something wrong. If it aint work related, I'm almost lost in the technology world.
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