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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Be pretty boring if everyone agreed on everything. Sometimes you may even learn something from someone with a different point of view. Over all, this forum is a gathering place of some really good hunters. And some really good people. I disagree with your assessment. Just my opinion. But I'll also respect yours. Good luck this hunting season.
  2. Nothing like a big pile of dirt to make a guy HAPPY! We are, after all, still boys at heart.
  3. grampy

    CP Swing

    Used to hammer perch, right after ice out with the CP Swing !! I know I still have a few of them tucked away in one of my tackle boxes. May even have to get one out and use it after seeing this. Thanks for jogging my memory Larry!
  4. grampy

    Fish Mounts

    Very Nice! They look great!
  5. This is exactly why I asked the questions. Was hoping for a discussion to bring forward the repercussions, if any, should any of us be put in that situation. As long as I have no chance of hurting a PERSON, with a missed or ricocheted bullet, that dog is DEAD! But when things happen like this it all happens very quickly. So there is not usually much time to think of any, or all repercussions of firing your weapon when the spit hits the fan. Great responses by the way! And didn't want to hijack Greg's thread, but it all ties in I think.
  6. My sincere condolences, thoughts and prayers to you and your family Larry. Seems as if your daughter is a lot like her grandmother.
  7. What a handsome lad! Congratulations!!!
  8. Would it have been within the legal ramifications to shoot this dog while holding a CC permit? Would you have to be bitten before you could shoot? Even if the dog were acting aggressively at close quarters and not biting yet? Could you lose your CC permit if you shot and killed this animal? Or have charges brought on YOU from the dog owner? Or from the police? Do you have the right to protect yourself in a neighborhood, from a vicious animal, by discharging a firearm? Interesting questions. What do you guy's think. I think, I know what I'd have done while being attacked. But what would the outcome have been for me?
  9. As bad as it was Greg, it could have been even worse! Hope you feel better soon. The dog owner has absolutely no excuse for what happened to you. If that dog is put down, and I believe rightfully so, SHE is the one who is responsible for it ending that way. She knew the animal was dangerous, and did nothing to prevent it from hurting multiple people! If she truly cared for that dog, she would have gotten it some training or at the very least, kept it secured like she was ordered to do! Some people never cease to amaze me. I would definitely talk to an attorney! You should never have gotten this extra pain and suffering, by taking a morning walk in your neighborhood!
  10. grampy

    Why a bow?

    The one and only reason I picked up a bow, was I could start deer hunting earlier! Started out with a second hand Bear recurve, that I worked a few hours for in a trade. That was 1975. Since then bowhunting has grown to be a part of me. After shoulder surgery in May, not sure if I'll be able to participate this year. Will see. I'm not dead yet!
  11. Nice job on a great stand! I haven't used my summit in a while now. But it's there if I need it. Comfy and easy to use. And a great go to option if needed.
  12. With all the reports of mountain lions, huge bears, yotes, UFO's and squatches, who wouldn't want to pack heat! But not legal in one of the scariest states, NY. Go figure.
  13. Gonna somewhat disagree with ya on this grow. We are around the same age. I too remember the party permits and the hunting with friends and family. Also being in the woods from a very early age. How everyone was happy for anyone getting a deer, as there were not as many deer running around in the early to mid 70's. Yes hunting as well as everything else has changed greatly in the last 40+ years. But nothing stays the same. It's all in how one adjusts to the changes, to be able to keep the old perspective, and at the same time keep up with the changes in hunting or anything else . Time was, and is, still very valuable to us all. And these days so many things vie for our time and attention. So, most anyone making time to hunt, do so because in one form or another it fills a void or enhance's a lifestyle, certain people want in their lives. Some may do it for the antlers. Some for the meat. Or others just to fill a need to be closer to the natural world. Perhaps a combination of many things. There are almost as many reasons why we hunt, as there are hunters! I don't see this as a bad thing for hunting. As long as there is the passion to 'keep on hunting'. I try not to concern myself if others don't hunt the same as I do, or have a vastly different attitude, on how they go about getting 'their' deer or what deer 'they' decide to hunt. I will ALWAYS give a "heartfelt" congratulations on this forum, and especially to hunters I meet eye to eye, on any deer no matter what it is! And the same "heartfelt" level goes for a doe fawn or a monster buck! Because it was taken legally, by a HUNTER! And it does seem, the overwhelming number of hunters, give a hearty congratulations to other successful hunters, even if the deer is not what they would choose to shoot themselves. Of course you will always have a few buttheads. Just as in every other group. But overall, I'd like to think that most all hunters have respect for the game we hunt. Probably more so than we have for each other it does seem at times. I too, see what may be way too much bickering and infighting among'st our ranks as hunters. In this day and age, it's so easy to express your opinion via social media and remain somewhat anonymous. But most of these feelings were still held back in the day! Just not as widely viewed as today. I really don't think hunting is headed to hell in a hand basket! Last year I sat through the NYS Hunter Safety courses with my grandson for bow and firearms. Looking at the many young faces, and hearing their questions and the excitement in their voices, the look on their faces during demonstrations. How they all tried hard to fit in, and do well with the instructors on the field exercises. I came to see that these kids are really no different than I was back in 1973. They just want to become hunters. Nothing wrong with that! They will all find their own way, just like me. And from what I see hunting has a bright future! If we can all just quit worrying about what everyone else is doing and just hunt!!!
  14. That 25-06 is a real nice gun. Give it what it deserves, a scope that will absolutely hold zero, and is nice and clear to look through. For a few bucks more saved up, the Prostaff will not disappoint you. My buddy has them on almost all his guns and has never had a problem. I'm a Leupold guy. And the VX-1 is an excellent scope, that can be picked up on sale at around $160. And will give you many, many years of of flawless service. Especially with rifle scopes, the old adage 'you get what you pay for' rings clear and true.
  15. Nice pic's! What, no GPS coordinates? Feeling any anticipation yet?
  16. Personally, I don't like either one of them. They are both making way too much money for being showboating loudmouths. But being two of the best, at being showboating loudmouths, that is why they are being paid the big money. The fight it's self will be boring. Just a huge gimmick, to make a very few, a lot of money.
  17. Not sure if the psychology aspect really apply's to what an individual hunter chooses to legally hunt. Weather it be a huge racked mature buck, yearling spike or a doe. We are all different individuals, with differing motivations and goals. Based on time restraints, experience, the land we hunt on, and many other variables, it will dictate what is "right" for one hunter and "wrong" for another. No one should be called an elitist, because they prefer to only hunt large racked, mature bucks. And by all means, no one should be made to feel bad about walking up on a nice fat doe or yearling buck. There really is no right and wrong, it's just hunting! Do whats feels good to YOU! Hunting should never be about pleasing someone else. It's about as personal as it gets, in our individual motivations to head out to the woods! Target the biggest buck on the property. Shoot the first legal deer that happens along. Head out to take a nap and not shoot anything. It really is all good. We all call ourselves hunters first. That, in my opinion is worth much more, than what we choose to shoot.
  18. A rangefinder will be a valuable tool to carry. Range the trees, stumps and rocks, within your effective bow range. Before the deer show up, and note the ranges. One less thing to do while preparing for the shot. If hunting a deer trail, back off 10 or 15 yards instead of hunting on top of it. Always keeping the prevailing wind in consideration. Consider a well placed natural ground blind, if the "perfect" tree is not available.
  19. Nice looking rifle in a perfect deer caliber. Looks to be a fine shooter too! A keeper for sure. What glass did you top it with?
  20. Hunting with a more experienced bowhunter will definitely help with the learning curve. Thats kind of why I was steering you to introduce yourself. Where are you from, what areas are you looking to hunt? We have a bunch of really good hunters here, from all over the state. Sometimes, willing to help a new hunter. Let us know more, to help you more.
  21. What shame is there from posting a link from CNN?
  22. Practice with your bow. Practice more with your bow. Go where other hunters don't. Keep the wind in your face. Be observation, with deer sign and movement. Adjust when necessary. Learn something with every outing. Perseverance. You must have it to be successful. Stick with it. Hang in there. Enjoy every minute you are out there. Welcome to the forum! Go on over to introduction section and tell us a little about yourself.
  23. Happy Birthday! Great day for a Birthday! Give that little girl of yours, a big hug and a kiss! Then sit back and bask in the shine of her smile.
  24. Yes.......so true! So easy to lay blame on the Bills for lots of stuff. Deservedly or not!
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