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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Happy Birthday!! Hope your day is filled with all the good stuff like family and friends!
  2. Did you shoot a deer with your bow this year?
  3. Snow camo for me. First time wearing it after a good snow storm, I killed a buck from a natural ground blind at 25 yards. And had deer very close just about every time I wore it in the snow. Seems like they did not pick out the human shape at all, even when slowly moving.
  4. Just try it! You might like it!.........lol
  5. Probably would have killed a couple more p and y bucks, had you been hunting with a crossbow. Just sayin.......
  6. I just park uphill in the driveway, turn on the power washer and done in less than five minutes. No macho truck though, just a Nissan Frontier. But since you did such a nice job on your truck bed carpet. Could you get the blood stains out of my camo bibs?.......grin...
  7. Now you are questioning the skill level of anyone who does not hunt exactly like you? I'm confident my, and many others, skill level, is at the very least as much as yours! No matter what hunting implement I'm using, bow, gun or crossbow. Or whatever part of the season I'm hunting! Public or private land. But I will never question another hunters abilities or ethics, because they hunt differently than I do. And certainly, if I have never tried what they do! You just continue to beat a dead horse. I find your over the top responses quite comical.
  8. Each time you go you will learn something. Last year was our first at hunting them with calls. And we learned the the coyote is no push over! But we were able to take a few. Will be going out this weekend for the first hunt of the season. It is a bunch of fun! Good luck out there!
  9. Happy Birthday! Nothing but the best for one of the best!!! Enjoy your day my friend!
  10. Thank you sir! I love reading on a cold winter night, by the fireside.
  11. I may be a bit lame because of some health issues. But in no way am I lazy when it comes to hunting. I don't like the insinuation, because someone may choose to hunt differently than you. If it's legal, just hunt. It's all good man.
  12. I'd like to read the Spring Gobbler Fever! Or, the Advanced Turkey Hunting! Getting back into hunting turkey's after a few years hiatus. Thank You for your generosity.
  13. Happy Birthday John!! Hope your day is filled with all the good stuff! Thanks for giving us this place to "rub elbows" with some great people!
  14. Wow! Absolutely beautiful mount! And that buck would make my wall mounts look small too!......grin... Congrats again my friend.
  15. Not like this was not expected. You can only blow, bluff and banter so long, before you need to put up or shut up. All's quiet in Buffalo now.
  16. I've seen that on my hunting properties, and I wasn't smiling! But I will say again.The more coyotes we kill, the more deer we have on our properties. Simple enough for me. Welcome back.
  17. In 4-H Partridge Run and Martha Burke get some birds. But they are scattered quickly and the fox and coyote's get their share. That being said, I've seen pheasants in both places. Good luck, if you head up this way.
  18. Happy Birthday ! Hope your special day is spent with the ones you love. Also hope you get outdoors, doing something you love.
  19. Never seen anything like it myself. Give us your review! I'm curious!
  20. Ah.... to be 17 again. And to know then, what I know now......sigh....
  21. She's way to good for you! Just kidding of course. Congratulations to you both my friends!
  22. The fact is, crossbow AND bow hunters hunt the same "best" two weeks. Anyone notice any big changes over the last couple years during that time? Myself, I have not seen any changes that I could associate with other hunters, or us using a crossbow, or not. Pretty much the same deer were or were not killed, regardless weather crossbow was used or not. The sky did not fall.
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