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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. I have used the Tubbs from LL Bean for many years. I even wore out a pair,(broke a binding) and brought them back. They replaced them with an upgraded pair, (model I had was outdated) with no questions or hassle. So buy once for life! These are very comfortable and east to walk with. And are fine for woods walking, icy conditions, up or down hill. I would also recommend the trecking poles too.
  2. Just another way to harass legal gun owners! While the criminals and street rats don't have to bother with "recertification"! Thanks again Andy! I'd love to see you retire with the Clintons!
  3. We got it real easy, compared to the Tug Hill folks! I'll take the cold temps over the three feet plus, of snow added on. They got to be a hearty bunch, up in that neck of the woods!
  4. Nice job! Bet it tastes as good as it looks! Buon Appetito!
  5. As a guest, you have to walk the tightrope if you are hunting his land. But you could offer to help cut up his next deer, and see how he goes about it. And offer a tip or two on how to get the most meat out of his deer. Telling a landowner what they should or should not shoot is not the place of a guest. But if you are close, a gentle suggestion or two may be accepted. Phrased, " I was just thinking, what if we did......? What do you think?" But you always have to remember, it's his land to do as he see's fit. Like it or not. Hope it all shakes out well for ya! And I'm no gun expert, but there is quite a difference between a 300 Win mag and a 270! But both will kill a deer very effectively.
  6. Got mine too! Thanks very much! Can't wait to dig into this book!
  7. I'm curious as to what makes a good fur price year or a bad fur price year? Is it simply, supply and demand, like most things?
  8. A big high five to RangerClay for being an exclent mentor, nice job! Congratulations to his daughter, on her very first deer! Her smile says it all! And to Cabin Fever, your kindness and generosity is truly commendable! I've said it many times. The people on this forum are amazingly thoughtful, generous and kind. The stand up people here continue to warm my heart.
  9. The fox will get picked at a bit and the deer bones and other scraps, get eaten quickly. But even the crows don't seem to bother with the remains of the coyotes. I don't have an answer, as to why this is. But the sun, weather and bugs were the only things that took care of the coyotes we put out there last year.
  10. We have started a tail board in the barn. Also had a couple hides tanned for various projects. Will do a scull mount or two. The rest goes on the pile but it seems nothing will eat them.
  11. Welcome Elmo! Embrace it! It's not as bad as one might think!
  12. Oh yeah, the toxic black smoke from the "snakes" was just an added bonus! So now at almost 60, my hearing is shot and my lungs are scared, from the caps and snakes. And according to today's standards, I should have never lived this long, with all the things we did as kids.
  13. Used to take a hammer to a whole roll, for a bigger bang!
  14. From the target pic's, I'd say you are fine, just fine, with your new rifle! Have fun and good luck with the song dogs!
  15. Those of us on this hunting forum, will not agree on everything. But no doubt, that we have more in common than not. Happy hunting to all! No matter how you choose do it. Everyones opinion weighs the same.
  16. Happy Birthday Doc! Hope you have the best of everything today!
  17. The perp is out of the hospital and hopefully, gets help for his issues. And all the cops went home that night. Pretty good outcome I think.
  18. Seems to me, that YOU like to argue as much, if not more, than anyone else on the site! Good luck with your shed hunting.
  19. Do all I can, to help my grandson shoot his first deer with his bow! Nothing would make me happier than to see his face as he walks up to that very first deer. This is my #1 goal for this year!
  20. I too have limited center fire rifle experience, compared to many here. But I do have the Savage Axis in 7mm-08 and use it for deer and coyotes. I find it to be an accurate gun for the money. I've upgraded the trigger spring $20 on amazon ( highly recommended ) and the glass. For coyote hunting, I uese the same ammo used for deer hunting, 140gr Federal Premium Nosler bullistic tip. Anything I've shot with this is dead instantly! But they do leave a hole apon exit in the coyotes. But not as bad as you would think. We have used the hides for trim on ice fishing gloves and hats, and things like you want to do. We just started calling and hunting coyotes last year and are still in the learning curve. But find it to be great fun, to get out there in the winter months! Best of luck to you out there my friend!
  21. Happy Birthday Archer! I love your name! Looks like you're growing strong and straight.
  22. Didn't see a thread dedicated to predator hunting, for this season, so here it is! Successful hunts? Unsuccessful hunts? Tips? Gear used? Comments? Lets hear em! Went this morning on the farm property for our first coyote/fox hunt. Conditions were perfect! And we saw some tracks on the way in. Set up with a bunny decoy, a foxpro E-caller and a double dog mouth call. After 15 minutes or so, had two coyotes trot across the top of the ridge about 300 yards away. But we never got them to show down where we were set up. So after 45 minutes, we picked up and moved a half mile to a 40 acre field bordering a thick swampy area and got nothing again. But saw no tracks in this area either. It was fun to get out, and next weekend is a full moon so hoping for more action then! Still, we got some fresh air, a nice walk and a few good laughs! So the coyotes and fox won this one. Hoping to get on the scoreboard next week!
  23. From one grampy to another, CONGRATULATIONS! Keep us updated with pic's!
  24. Who woulda thought that April 1st is the day to play the old record, "Let's Get It On"!
  25. Happy 2017 to you all ! Wishing you the very best in all you do outdoors! May you be happy, healthy and prosperous in the new year! Sending out a big high five to all the guys and a hug to all you gals! Happy New Year!
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