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Everything posted by phade

  1. Don't bother securing cameras has been my experience. Had more stuff stolen that was locked than unlocked. Just note it on the expense side of hunting that losses will occur. Relative to the action, posting, cell cameras, and being very firm when reasonability is not prudent. Proactively reaching out to LE and neighbors is also good to establish relationship. Trespassing might be the lynchpin to the worst part of hunting ethics and other people.
  2. Larry is a great person. Only he can post photos of the ER and Alcohol in the opposite direction. Usually it's alcohol and then ER. But no, Larry does it the other way. Awesome.
  3. Yeah, something really was off with that firing in Miami. Obviously details are coming out and true or not true, there just doesn't seem to be rational logic for him being let go. If anything, the guy should be credited with over-performing, which you'd like to think would allow him to retain his job. There seems to have been friction with what ownership wanted him to do vs not do. Tampering, tanking, etc. and he didn't do that. Apparently he was very big on drafting Herbert in MIA but was denied by GM/Ownership. If 25% of what is leaking out is true, Flores seems to be a really good guy who got the shaft. He might really be putting a case forward based on integrity of the game/business.
  4. phade


    At least your choice in deer is better than your choice in beer.
  5. That's like bringing a banana onto a boat.
  6. Sort of like Hannah Barron who is most known for noodling.
  7. I think she has self-filmed some of her hunts, but regardless. There will always be the celebrity hunter component, but just like guys, some girls are documented and successful hunters that grew into the celebrity space after that.
  8. Short of taking a stand, hunting alone is becoming less enjoyable as I age. I hunted many hours solo this season since my hunting partner was sick. Alot of that time in Ohio. I came very close to taking the largest buck we knew of that we could hunt, the weekend after Thanksgiving. I was somewhat relieved that the shot didn't present itself because it would have been pretty subdued to have taken the largest buck of my life and literally nobody to high five. I am sure I would have been excited but it just would have been...different, at least for me. I think alot of it likely has to do with how much time I am putting into my career and doing my best to carve out time with family and friends. Being solo in the free time I have now just doesn't seem like a good time spend for me. I am sure some of it may change as I get older and hit the downside of my career, but for now, I enjoy hunting with my hunting partner and friend.
  9. Geez you guys got hit hard. I’m down but not by a lot in my 401K and Roth IRA. I actually gained for the week this past week despite a hellacious first few days. Apple was tasting pretty sweet.
  10. I make a post here each year as a handful of people usually join in. Opens Monday. PM if you want to join. It’s a fun event. Main board usually closes within two hours.
  11. Yeah, I'm in the same mindset. Like hunting, you make of it what you want. You can slugger/smoothie or you can work year round at it. Same with owning land, short of liability components/requirements. In any case, it's a good spot to be in a decision on for luberhill. Enjoy what makes you happy. Congrats.
  12. Toyota of Batavia called me yesterday and asked if I wanted to buy one. Three arrived on lot yesterday. One 21, two 22. It's really not that hard to find them. Same with 4Runners. I know you waited for yours, but get the import list from reddit, look at the list and the letter statuses. Dealers can't reserve vehicles until allocation and can't complete the sale process until G status update in their order system, which consumers can access. You can find all of this out within minutes for the most part. It gives you a list to call on.
  13. Short of purchasing practices with bids and what not, I think alot of people might be better served doing some research and spending a few hours locating the vehicle on a lot vs ordering at one or two dealers with tunnel vision, and buying into the mystique of the production challenges. It seems as if the aura of the shortages make finding a vehicle impossible. It's just hard. Not impossible. For any mainstream vehicle. The new vette is not what I would call mainstream so similar situations with low prod. #s aside. I don't think people leverage the power of communication and effort to get what they need and just take an ambiguous story and believe in it hook line and sinker. When I got my wife her Prime, I was told ad nauseum that I would never find one on the lot, never get one in less than 6 mos. and be prepared to pay over $5-10K over MSRP. So, maybe I am hard-headed, but I didn't just give up before I started looking. I found import lists on reddit, and called dealerships in rural, right leaning areas with low population centers. I spent about four hours in total, found one on lot, and found four due in by end of January with no deposits and able to be reserved. I reserved one at MSRP. Three of them were willing to sell at MSRP. Then, next day, lucked into a mutual connection that landed the exact vehicle at MSRP prior to Christmas. Had the car beginning to end in less than two weeks. Fast forward to now, I've since passed the info off to other buyers who bought all but one of the ones I found at MSRP. Less than 30K of these were made worldwide. California dealers are selling them for $80-90K, infamously, vs. the $40-50K MSRP. One of the dealers sent me a $50 referral check, even. For an MSRP deal. We were also considering a Bronco and did the same thing. A little bit of effort goes a long way. We found three of them, one in Buffalo, and ultimately didn't pull the trigger because of the soft top and lack of hard top not yet available at the time for the 4D. I see people talk about being willing to wait for 6 mos. for a vehicle and I can't align with it, if it's not a specialty. Do a few hours of work and see if it pays off. I don't know, maybe I am crazy, but that is just my take.
  14. We will only walk the fields this early. Not a fan of bumping them hard for the same reason.
  15. Have fun. Not sure if you've messed Ontario Knife company. NY owned. Surprisingly like their RAT I and II folders for edc. Very cost-effective too.
  16. Alfalfa is a popular plotting option but for me personally, I can't justify the time cost and effort for it. I've seen deer react very positively to it from a draw POV but also see it where it is less preferred at times too. Kind of a toss up. If you want to blend, and people debate the merits, I'd do a mix of clovers, oats, wheat and then brassicas with radish and turnips. It allows you to have a few options with the clover established the following year too. We finally had a good stand of oats this year but were planted early with our brassicas. The oats lost palatability after a few weeks into the season because they grew too much. But wow what a draw on them.
  17. Google and you'll find the answer in 10 seconds.
  18. https://www.uniquestyleracingstore.com/products/2010-toyota-4runners-black-housing-upgrade-to-2014-style-tail-lights-tlty4run10leds2 $100 and they're yours lol. As long as I don't have to ship.
  19. tail lights the OEM are full of chrome. Once you see, you can't unsee.
  20. I have a set of lightly used black / chrome delete tails that should fit. I ended up getting another set of completely black tails.
  21. You probably just didn't see him, shorty.
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