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Everything posted by phade

  1. I used to like changing oil and doing basic maintenance. As noted, the time value vs money spent is becoming a factor. We have two shops we trust to work on our cars. Both very good, neither cheap however. That said, I still have them do oil changes and other work. They also document well, so I have history for any warranty concerns. Things like lights, filters, etc. I still do. If I have to dispose or lift, which add time to the effort, I'll generally have the shop do it. Someday I hope to have more time to do things I enjoy, regardless of cost efficiency.
  2. It's legal in NY. Positive reviews across the board - only issue is supply chain.
  3. Weight and treestand heights are probably two of the most over-measured/overestimated comparable in all of deer hunting, lol.
  4. You might want to close it then, cold air gets in when not in use.
  5. @Biz-R-OWorldhas a grinder. My bad, he said he is on Grindr. Sorry. Got mixed up.
  6. This is gonna sound horrible, but I am trying to avoid it this week and next. I'm vax'd w/booster two Fridays ago. Normally I am pretty slack on safety protocols personally. That said, I have five freaking club level seats for the home Bills playoff game (should they have it at home)....I'm acting like a human in a zombie movie trying to avoid the virus. People are getting it left and right around here.
  7. I would think that only apply to key pieces of meat like loins or whatever came into contact with that. I'd personally just process it as fast as possible.
  8. Monroe County - it was one of the town/village public works UTVs. They had several JD UTVs too although the Kubota was the only one in size I wanted. Two of the JDs went for less than I thought they would. The third was one of those giant loaded models in a 2019 model year. Wide as a small car practically. That went for some coin.
  9. I ran into the same when looking at UTVs. Ended up going to county auction and picking up a Kubota for 25% of what I had mentally prepared myself to pay for a new Mule or Ranger. We don't put on alot of hours, and this one has the normal beauty marks, so I was ecstatic. Auctions were something I had not considered before and it was on a whim.
  10. Yes, Prime is their PHEV model. Different beast than the regular Rav4. $1K NY rebate plus $7,500 tax credit. Bit of a racket if you ask me about that. CA has huge rebates. I've seen a few people show how they bought three Primes in 2021 and leveraged $22.5K in tax credits. It's not a refundable tax credit so you need to have that liability to offset. I'm kind of shocked people can do that, but they are. Rules are somewhat ambiguous on time to own after service date, at least from an enforcement POV. One guy laid out his cost - bought two and sold. Made money on each one, plus the $15K tax credit. Bought the third with another $7,500 tax credit and kept that for himself. Net effect after all said and done was having his personal one almost paid off 50% of the way.
  11. You'd probably get a premium selling the lease rights if your lender allows. That said, you also will end up paying a premium for the replacement if you're in the truck space still. 13K is very low mileage so I would think that thing catches a good premium on the market. I know sometimes it's not much of a dial mover according to dealers and guide books, but that thing has seen barely any action. If you like the vehicle, it might make sense to just keep on keeping on with it and buy. You likely have a long vehicle lifespan ahead with that truck.
  12. The new Prime we bought, I put $23.XK down rather than outright buy with cash. ~$54K OTD, with 1.9% @ 66 mos. with the auto deduction opportunity not available. At 72-84 mos., it went up to 2.49% and the interest over life of loan was more noticeable. If I pay off on schedule, interest comes out to less than $1,700. That is super cheap from a financial POV. I put a larger down payment into the mix to solely have a lower monthly cost - $480 I think, for $30K. Financing more would have been wiser as noted with the potential to let that money bear interest; however, we're considering getting into the home market with considerations around buying a forever home. I'm fighting that lifestyle creep like whoah, however. The car was a legit purchase. If I can just keep the wife from wanting the forever home, lol, we're golden!
  13. I’m done with 2021 hunting season. Put an inch of snow on the ground and the light switch gets hit to our corn plot. These deer have been there for for 18 hours straight and used up a month of data in one day. The bucks have been sticking to after dark hours. Ohio this weekend and then I’m hanging it up.
  14. I didn't take advantage, but I had several deer encounters/opportunities in those 60 minutes. None were THE encounter, lol. I did get down several times prior to end of new legal because I simply couldn't see/hunt any longer. I noticed it more this season than in prior with the change.
  15. It's not up to me to judge, but I view for me, getting access and having ability to manage as part of hunting skillset in today's world. It's not all-encompassing nor the only way to "skin the cat," but if I (speaking to me) were stuck with crappy public state land, the #1 skill building I would focus on is improving access to better quality hunting ground. That might mean traveling further, or working for money to pay for a lease or land purchase, trading work for access, or spending time knocking on doors asking permission. Again, that is just as I view it for me, and know others may view different.
  16. I don't think there is an active forum member who hasn't at least once had it out on the forum with one or multiple other members on a topic. So it'll roll off like water on a duck's back for the most part. This forum does seem to prefer the more open sharing of details and info, pics, etc. For largely positive reasons to celebrate wins, camaraderie, and to learn from experiences. That said, the best practice (to me) seems to be either end of the spectrum - open book sharing or just don't share any personal points/results while sticking strictly to points of conversation. Being in the middle, sharing some or flashes ends up causing issue - IE your doe photo but without context of the gutting. Been there, done that. I'm working toward the latter practice...not there yet fully, but getting there. In full transparency, I am absolutely floored you are posting photos at all. Kudos to you for participating. You'll need to figure out what works best for you. All that said, there are several awesome members here which is why I try to still participate.
  17. We've largely moved to gutting after hanging here in NY. Mostly because we use equipment to aid the process...UTV or tractor...to the truck, and then up on the electric hoist. Gut into a can and process. remnants all get loaded out back to the bone pile via the tractor. My back hates gutting deer on the ground now after two surgeries. It's one of the more difficult tasks for me to do so I do anything to avoid it. Hanging allows me to work standing up for the most part. When we go out of state, we've largely resorted to hanging/gutting off a tree and processing right then and there. Gutless method is something we're looking into, as well for out of state.
  18. You can tell alot of ppl didn't get ther bucks/goals this season. Everyone has blue balls here. Sheesh. Not my best season ever but I punched a tag and had a blast. Even after the annoying neighbor BS that continues, I let it bother me overnight and now I'm back to level. I suggest everyone do the same. As to the measuring contests - obviously Law has knocked down some good ones, probably one of the most consistent mature buck hunters and deer killers on this forum or NY. More importantly he really is a nice guy and a fellow .243 fan. I have met The HH once before at his hunting partner's house whom I know better. I'm going to say this to provide general context and respect privacy as much as humanly possible - don't underestimate or overestimate people's ability or walls based on their posts. Both are great hunters. Maybe different strategies/mindsets, etc. but both are great and we should all learn the best from each person here.
  19. Congrats on those who punched. im pretty annoyed. Hunted along our corn plot. Third time since last day of regular. Not a deer seen. Very unusual. Extremely. Had one cam on plot. A few does and small bucks at night but real low utilization. A few yotes and fox but nothing out of norm. Only standing corn for miles. On way out, I walked out on a path through corn. Saw white hair and a leg. Inspected and found a dead 2.5 8 in the plot. Probably been there 3 weeks. Makes sense now. No arrow but the deer likely wasn’t killed by a car here. The annoying part is last year I had to put down a two year old buck who was shot. Same stand. In total, in eight seasons, this makes 6….6! Two year olds who we have found dead, put down, or have on cam with bolts in them within 100 yards of this stand. Add to that one doe with a bolt in her. On the very first one eight years ago we made contact with the hunter and it didn’t go well because they trespassed without asking while trailing the deer. It is a safety issue for us. Let us know and heck we will help track. I’m sure it’s the same neighbor and it’s getting annoying. I’ve passed this guy three times this year. It’s gonna happen - deer that you pass may get shot. But damn this is annoying.
  20. Rumor mill is the Capstone model is going to be $70K. More than the Pro.
  21. I know of probably 5-10 people that have sold lease rights to the big used car chains now in the past year. By selling the rights they can then complete the acquisition of the vehicle under the terms of the contract. The lesser pockets the difference.
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