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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. World domination,you gotta be kidding me. No one country will take over the world,that is ludicrous. You guys worry about what you want,but do make sure you worry.
  2. Why would China attack their best customer? So we buy more of their stuff? Good thing some people on here have a clear view of all things,maybe they could explain the motivation to me? Maybe blast through my indoctrination ignorance?
  3. I don't think I can make time this weekend,I am trying to get all materials assembled for re-siding 60% of my house.
  4. What's worse is people that think they see and that their view is the only one.
  5. I have not been shooting much lately. I will practice once we get a little closer. It is not helpful for me to get too excited too early, haha
  6. I am in,I also have allowed my.bow to collect some dust,it has been a busy spring for me. Looking forward to meeting you guys and getting the bow back out!
  7. Ooh,are you considering toning down your attacks on the left leaning folks? A great first step,congrats!
  8. That is a sad statement. It should not matter if you are holding office or not. But you are pretty good at picking and choosing when something is unacceptable.
  9. So now you are worried about sex offender allegations? Where was that critical eye the last four years? under an eye patch,matey?
  10. You can thank Trump for the voter turnout. 4 years ago a lot of people didn't vote because they thought Hillary was a shoe in. That did not happen twice.
  11. The best thing is all the bitching you guys do on here now. What a beautiful chorus indeed.
  12. I got a cruzer when I started bowhunting. The adjustability is nice and so is the price point for a beginner. If you are brand new to archery I think something like that is a good way to go because you don't know what you are looking for in a bow and what exact DL you will have. Also the adjustable draw weight is nice to work your way up gradually. When the time came to replace strings on it I upgraded to a better bow and have been shooting that a while now.
  13. Another vote for a sling pack. I had a vest for years after I started fly fishing but I find the sling pack much more comfortable if you carry a bunch of stuff. Since owning one I have not used my vest.
  14. i leave the political section to the real experts mostly.
  15. Glad you guys got something to believe in,everybody needs that.
  16. I used to swim in this spring creek when I was young,I doubt that creek ever got much above 60 even in the summer. I don't think I would enjoy it as much now...
  17. Another vote for lem grinders. I bought a model for about $180 last year and it ground everything no problem and is also fairly quiet. Metal parts and a slow speed for stuffing,which I didn't use since I own a stand alone stuffer. The food saver vacuum sealers are OK if you don't expect them to seal 50 bags quickly.
  18. Couldnt have said it better. People trudging through the woods that have been void of people for 300 days makes deer go nocturnal. Even if you dont actively spook a deer on your hunt,any deer crossing your entrance or exit trail will know of the human activity.
  19. I know, right. We humans should be the only ones allowed to kill deer. We make the rules after all!!
  20. uugh,that works with lamb or mutton,but venison? I could not imagine not butchering my own.
  21. Wow,you are scoring morels alright. I was working yesterday and the client came home after a walk with some morels in hand. I guess they are getting ready here too. I will have to head out and check the few spots I know.
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