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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. some people like the wild edge steps,but @sodfather is right they have a learning curve. The straps need to be stretched and the installation needs to be just so. They are light and pack small though.
  2. So the loose blackhorn has more oomph than the pellets? I was not aware of that...
  3. I would deal with target panic when it rears it's ugly head. I am not sure how much precautions you can take. The main thing is too focus on not punching the trigger and accepting your pin float and not trying to quick release when the pin is floating in the center. I don't think everybody gets it.
  4. some people really are wiling to put a lot of work in...
  5. Agreed. The bh will show if the bow is 100% tuned or not. It is a better tuning tool than paper in my opinion. I still think he may have perfect arrow flight. I can't imagine a scenario where your arrows kick and still have the same poi at 40 yds with fieldpoints and broadheads. Any kick will make the Bh plane much more than the fieldpoint. I think his eyes are betraying him. Light and shadow can make you see things. The other possibility is that I know nothing, haha.
  6. I also have to disagree with you on BH flight. A perfectly tuned bow should shoot a bareshaft, bh and fp into the same spot. If you have perfect arrow flight having a bh on the front should make no difference. To the op,our eyes can deceive us on arrow flight as well. If you have a somewhat newer phone you can make a slow motion recording of your shots and that will tell you if something is happening that shouldn't.
  7. I can relate to that. I am over summer,but I will still gladly bowhunt in a t shirt. I prefer cooler temps of course.
  8. It is odd that you can see a nock left but the bh and fp hit together,especially at 40. That is plenty good enough. Shoot.a bareshaft at 20.and see what that does.
  9. I remember when this site had mods,it was nice...
  10. And here I thought voting puts us in charge of the government. I guess I am a simpleton.
  11. I just stated I don't get the fascination,how is that lecturing? you seem a little touchy on the subject,or too much caffeine? Are you so insecure that you flip your lid over a civil discussion?
  12. I was not talking about Afghanistan. What are their gun laws? I was talking about the U.S. If germans had guns back before Hitler came into power it would not have made a difference,they wanted him in power. So your arguments are all over the place.
  13. Honestly,I don't get you guys fascination with guns. Are you saying freedom equals gun ownership? That seems pretty absurd. To protect yourselves against government overreach? When is the last time that happened? Ok,I forgot my 22. That one is useful on occasion. Actually the muzzleloader is more useful,it kills deer. There,happy now?
  14. You going to Gilbertsville in the next couple of weeks? Broken arrow is too far for me.
  15. Just the basics. Saddlehunters are the tinkering kind and make it their priority to switch stuff out. If you are talking ropes for tether or lineman belts it really doesn't matter because they are fairly short. I was talking about ropes for climbing,like 50 to 80' of rope. I have a ropeman2 that I could sell you since I won't need it anymore. it works with both diameter ropes but is more abrasive on the thick rope. What would your climbing method be? Sticks? Are you using sticks now? I decided to rope climb so I wouldn't have to buy sticks,plus the rope is lighter. I looked at NY saddlehunter on you tube. They have good videos for that. DIY sportsman is very informative too. I bought the phantom saddle,their predator platform and made my own tether and linemans belt from the extra rope I bought to climb with. I think I spent $750 for everything. Quite a bit to get started,but I will never have to buy another tree stand. And I like the safety aspect of being tied to the tree as soon as my feet leave the ground. And the 360° shot possibilities. And the rappelling down,look out batman.
  16. 8 mm is lighter lots of people use it. you need to go down to 6mm or 5mm for cord for your friction hitches on 8mm rope. I have 11.4 mm rope because that is what I started with to do Moving rope system climbing where the rope moves over the branch. I will see how I like the new system I am learning, and if I like it I will go to 8mm rope. less bulk when you carry it in as well. There are so many climbing options it is mind boggling. That may be the hardest part to figure out. The saddle itself is easy. Saddlehunter.com is a great resource.
  17. That is pretty lame. When my wife went to nursing school she got some small scholarships out of the blue that she didn't even apply for but she wrote thank you notes,common courtesy.
  18. makes sense to explore home first,that is what I am doing with the state land close to me. I am between Cooperstown and hartwick.
  19. Ah,haven't been over that way. Looks like a beautiful area though,I love the elk creek valley. I have a friend over that way.
  20. Not my intention,it is the double standards I am trying to point out. Wrong is wrong,doesnt matter if you are rich or poor, dem or republican,black or white.
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