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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. Great buck grampy,couldn't be happier for you. I guess you had a good reason to want to go out today,wow.
  2. I do that sometimes,makes you sound four legged instead of two legged. Also mix up the speed. Constant speed is something humans do
  3. Unbelievable day,what awesome bucks! Congrats to all of you.
  4. I walked up to a buck i shot a few years back because he dropped just over a little rise,wanted to make sure he was there. I waited 10 mins before going over there. As i admired him two does walked up,only one left...That was sweet.
  5. True,but you already have two deer in the freezer. Feels nice,doesn't it? I am still taking a little break,recharge...the Muzzleloader is getting hungry though.
  6. That's awesome,i got a double a few years ago,i was done shooting by 7.15. He must be on cloud nine today,excellent!
  7. Congrats to all the successful hunters! I went out for a couple hours this morning,but i am not feeling the joy for gun season. I think i will sit out for a week or two let my excitement build back up and let the woods quiet down some. I think i may wait till MZ season to try to fill another tag.
  8. No wonder you missed,you never shot from a tree stand before. Tsk tsk,trying new things like that....
  9. I can't make up my mind where to sit...one spot is as good as the next i suppose.
  10. Up and ready,though listening to our wind chimes whilst laying in bed didn't make the getting up easy. For some reason i have very low hopes for this opener,maybe i will be wrong. Good luck to all,be safe and put one down,or two.
  11. Not me,i will be switching to a MZ. I won't hunt too hard during gun though,bow is where i have my most fun.
  12. I also think the g5 dont leave the best blood trails. I switched to them this year and got two does. Blood trails were not great at all. I am thinking of going to a magnus two blade or some other two blade heads,they seem to do a lot of damage. At my bow shop i saw a pic of a buck that got shot by one and the hole was incredible. The DEC tested it for gun powder residue because it looked like a big bullet hole.
  13. Well,my last bowhunt was very exciting. I went for a still hunt and covered some ground,the wind gave me good cover. I saw some does here and there,spooked a few in a different area and then i zig zagged along a ridge and the dropped down behind a pond. Just before closing time i see a lone deer come towards me. Turns out it was a decent buck,eight pointer i think. He ate a little,made a scrape and a rub. He was going to walk past me at 60 yds so i crouched down and grunted at him. He looked up but didn't commit,so then i snort wheezed at him,first time i ever tried that. And man did that work,he was pissed and looking for a fight. I drew back when he was behind a tree,but then the problem was he came straight at me. He stopped at under 20 yds and was trying to figure out what i was. It was a good stare down,but then he turned and i let it rip,I had the pin on him the whole time. I heard a weird sound when i released and it must have been a sapling in the way. I grazed him acrosss the chest,i watched him bound off 50 yds or so and then walk off. The arrow layed right where he stood and there was hair,quite a bit but hardly any blood on the arrow. I think it deflected and just grazed him. No blood at the hit site,and i followed his track quite a ways and just got a few drops. I am confident he will be ok,maybe i can check that when gun season opens and i lay my hands on him. The arrow was pointing back towards me and didn't travel past him. That was a pretty exciting end to my bow season.
  14. I will head out mid day for a stroll and hopefully meet a buck that has the same idea. It would be great to finish the bow season with a decent buck. After @Robhuntandfish gets one.
  15. BowmanMike

    New guy

    Welcome aboard! This is a good forum.
  16. I am not done with bow yet either. I am still looking for a buck,my neighbor texted me about that one just 100 yds up the road,he was in the same spot last week. I went looking for him and followed some tracks,but it turns out i am no buckmaster. I knew that already though. Thursday and Friday left to make it happen. I am content with my bow season though,got two does in the freezer. So for gun i will take it easy. The first week of gun feels like cheating after having to get so close to deer during bow.
  17. No beer before 10 a.m.,other than that no restrictions at all. No seriously though,i used my doe tag during bow,so the ladies are safe until MZ season. A 2.5 year old buck would be nice,but i think a decent 1 1/2 year old might tempt me. I might tag out early,generally i don't enjoy just having a buck tag.
  18. The problem is the damn deer dont do the same thing from year to year even. At times i feel like i know less now than when i started hunting. Sometimes you pattern a group,they do the same for a couple of days,then change when i am trying to intercept them. I guess you gotta put your best foot forward and keep at it. Luck is definetely a factor. My season was much better than last,got a few opportunities at does and got them,one way or another. No shooter bucks in range,but i got some archery kills.
  19. Must be rest contact,right? Anyway you slice it,that sucks. At least you didn't wound him.
  20. Good luck guys,get your dream deer today!! I will be back out later this week looking for my bow buck.
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