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Steuben Jerry

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Everything posted by Steuben Jerry

  1. I have no problem with leaving that lawless, godforsaken s-hole. My only issue is in HOW it's being handled. Americans and collaborators are still there. Collaborators are being hunted down and executed already, along with their immediate families. Horrifying. Why would anyone in that situation ever help us again? Also, we are diminished in military effectiveness by the way this all looks. Again, by HOW this is happening. China just issued a statement to Taiwan that pointed to Afghanistan and basically said we would abandon Taiwan if China invades. Wouldn't this be a perfect time for China to try to reunify Taiwan, and Russia to invade the Ukraine. They must certainly feel emboldened. And while I'm enjoying this thread, it belongs in the political section.
  2. I just caught up to Biden's statement. Looks like Kamala can stay home and get her nails done. Biden says it's all Trump's fault. Case closed.
  3. Is it too late to assign Kamala to the case? I don’t believe the root cause and been pinpointed yet.
  4. I think the much smaller list is what's actually going well? Stock market is up, so there's that.
  5. I didn't hear that yet. What a stunning failure by the administration. A month ago Biden said he doesn't see this happening at all. Thursday they thought 30-60 days before Kabul falls. Friday it turned into "maybe by the end of the weekend". And now, low supplies already? Was Biden expecting a picnic or to bolster the Afghanis resistance? Makes perfect sense with this administration though.
  6. Have the Afghanis put up any resistance at all? Do the Taliban pick up an air force of their own when the Afghani army flees Kabul and runs to the hills?
  7. Are you saying that this is not happening? Despite what we see on TV and what the Border Patrol reports daily? All made up?
  8. Been offline for a few days. Monday afternoon I started feeling bad and by 9:00 pm I was very sick. Been down and out since then, sleeping close to 20 hrs per day. Incredible headache, chills, 103 fever, sore all over, weak and I can’t concentrate on anything. Low blood ox too. Haven’t eaten much in days and food has no taste, just texture. No respiratory issues, but I do have nasal congestion which is not unusual with my allergies. Got the Moderna pair of shots when it was first available. This is the sickest I’ve ever been. Had Pneumonia once in my 20’s but I don’t think I felt as bad then as I do now. Took the PCR test yesterday, and my results came back negative. Doctor said I definitely have a virus. Well, if it isn’t Covid, what else is going around?
  9. I didn't speak to anyone there but site was smooth and easy to buy from. I would have liked a Vortex scope and have been watching their stock since last deer season. Like everything else, they were 90% out of stock on everything with recent additions to inventory just recently. This popped up in the last day or two. Thought I should jump on it otherwise I'd regret it when I couldn't get one in time this year. As nice as that old Knight shoots, I hate messing with it and it weights a ton. I check every year and the zero on the 1-4X Bushnell hasn't moved an inch in 20+ years. It'll make a good backup or guest loaner - if they clean it, lol.
  10. I agree but in my head the comparison was when Fitzpatrick signed his new contract. He put down the pen and went down the drain immediately.
  11. So sorry - praying for a good outcome here!
  12. That a great collection of pics! You've got a lot of possibilities this fall!
  13. I've got some simple goals this year. Oct 1st is my last day at work, at least as far as working a full time gig goes. After 45 years of squeezing in outdoors time in on weekends or on limited vacation time, I'm going to take my sweet time and just enjoy the hell out of the outdoors. I'll hunt when I want to, and not when I have to. There's been a number of years where I've just taken the first thing that walks in range because of limited time to hunt, but now I plan on being in no hurry at all to fill a tag. As a matter a fact, I may just hunt more with a camera than with a bow or gun (but obviously will always have a bow or gun at the ready). I'll fill a tag or two, but for the first time ever my mindset is that I want to enjoy my time in the fall woods much more than I want to just kill a deer. And I'm going to watch every damn Sunday afternoon Bills game without trading off hunting opportunities!
  14. Got one of these making it's way to me. I've been using a Knight original DISC style rifle since I bought it in the 90's. It is a very accurate muzzleloader, but such a big pain to clean, and being down to my last few bullets that have been discontinued for quite some time, I knew I'd have to dial in a new load. I can only get 2-3 shots through it and then have to completely disassemble the gun to clean it. I said screw it and ordered this last evening. I haven't had to think about powder and bullets in many years, so I am way, way out of touch. Looking for suggestions. Performance is obviously important, but so is general availability. It might be the best combo in the world but that won't help if I can't get my hands on it. The gun is a .50 cal magnum, but I'd be fine shooting just 100 grains. Educate me?
  15. Is he looking down her shirt in that one photo? I see he has her seated on the ground lower than him. Just like Jabba the Hut and Princess Leia.
  16. Local NBC affiliate for local news, Fox for national and world news. Fox is unashamedly biased to the right, but just about every other one is biased to the left, most to the far left. So between the NBC affiliate and Fox, I'm keeping it fair and balanced.
  17. If some deer gets close to me without his mask, I'm dropping the sucker. I'll check vax status after field dressing.
  18. I follow this a little as we have hunting family there. This was a campaign promise of Murphy. He cancelled it on state lands last year, but now their management plan has recently expired and he has stalled the new plan creation with non-cooperation. Their state charter says they can't have any hunt without a policy in place. So it's a cowardly way of doing it IMHO. He promised he would do exactly that if he got elected and he's keeping his promise. I guess they got what they voted for, just like we did with boob-grabbing Andy and his SAFE act.
  19. So sorry to hear that Cynthia. Is he stable, or improving?
  20. Mine used to be this way. Now we argue over who gets to sit in which stand. And then she shoots better deer. I kind of miss the old days, lol.
  21. Out of likes, but thanks everyone. Going down next weekend just for the day so Grandma and I can hold the little guy!
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