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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bugsNbows

  1. Quarter bores are the bugs nuts... have used several with success. My current favorite is my Dakota model 10 chambered in "The Bob". Tis a sweet little bugger.
  2. bugsNbows

    Why Not?

    Although I love checking out nice mounts (and there are some beauties here), I'll never do another. Recently had a beautiful Texas buck ruined by a pitiful Taxidermist. I finally put enough pressure on him whereby he agreed to a partial refund. Guess what... he never paid up. I believe I'll just stick with Euro skull mounts from now on.
  3. Just an FYI, there are some bows currently available can be safely de-cocked utilizing the rope cocking aid. No need to shoot it off. My CAMX is one. It's a great option.
  4. I'd be all in favor of exemptions and inclusion into regular archery season for us old farts.
  5. Howdy all... from sunny Florida. I've just joined and am looking forward to socializing. Lest not everyone think I'm an intruder... I was born and raised in NYS. Have been hunting there since the 60's. Our family has a small parcel (with cabin) in Steuben Co. that has served me well for many years. I took my first bucks back then with recurves and slugs! I moved up to vertical bows and rifles as the situations permitted. Now, I'm hunting with crossbow and rifles... since NY (and Steuben) has allowed their usage. NYS is a great place... save the cold and political climate. However, I left in 1976 to pursue educational and employment upgrades. I do get back every fall... and will likely do so till I take the eternal dirt nap. It's a way of life. In case anybody is curious, I go by bugsNbows. That's because I'm an Entomologist (semi-retired) by training...(the bows being self explanatory). LOL Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking' to it.
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