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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. So I did a quick comparison of the 45-55hp models, the Kioti has the McCormick beat in the loader lift capacity by a full 1000lbs. One thing that I will be using the tractor for is firewood processing, as doing it myself is alot less expensive than buying chunk wood or split wood. Im planning to have loads of green logs brought in, rent a processor for a few days and get all of the logs cut and split. Ill need the tractor to lift the logs up onto the processor platform, so lift capacity is one of the most important things for me to take into consideration. IIRC, the Kioti came out on top or maybe second to JD in that department last year when I was looking around.
  2. Looks like the closest dealer is in Batavia, which is 45 or so mins away. Not horrible, but the Kioti dealer is 15 mins away. Ill have to take a look at them though. Thanks for the heads up!
  3. The red box is the general area that I always aim for, regardless of how far the deer is. That way, if it does "jump the string", its still going to be hit high in the lungs.
  4. The only time deer typically move to a new home range is when they are ousted from where they were born. Its called dispersion. There are exceptions, but those are generally caused by loss of habitat or something like that. During the rut, bucks' home ranges are larger than the rest of the year. As bucks get older, typically their home range shrinks, especially their core area. Of course, all bucks are a little different, some travel more than others during the rut. Does typically have pretty small home ranges. There are lots of good GPS tracking studies to read, and they provide very good insight into deer movements throughout the year. The studies also debunk most of the old hunters theories, such as moon phase theories, the October Lull, etc. But no, deer do not migrate in the traditional sense of the word, like birds or african plains animals.
  5. Nope, I slacked off and did them every oil change
  6. Thats what I had on my truck before I went to the 35s. They were great at first, then about 20k later, they were downright dangerous, even just in the rain. I hope you have better luck with them than I did. BTW, the Falken Wildpeaks are great from what I have heard. Im running Nittos, been awesome so far.
  7. Tennis ball size groups are acceptable for me, but I really like to keep them a bit tighter than that. Some years I shoot out to 60 yards, but the last few Ive kept them in to 50. Makes anything 40 yards and in alot easier if I know I can put them in there at 50. Most deer Ive shot with archery equipment have been 20 and under, but I did take a buck at 40 a couple of years ago.
  8. Maybe he needs to get laid and release some of the tension he apparently has built up.
  9. Ill be adding a couple more Brownings and probably a Spartan GoCam or two.
  10. Im planning on AGs for it, and will have them loaded, as I wont be using it on what lawn we have, just in the plots, plowing the road and in the woods.
  11. I remembered the email you sent about that. I have emailed him a couple of times, but havent heard back. When I get some time Ill have to call and talk to someone there.
  12. So sliding a tire on a dirt road when coming to a stop equals driving like an idiot to you, which gives you the right to throw a rock through their windshield? And you insinuate that I have no common sense? I live on and drive dirt roads every day. My tires routinely "slide" or spin on them, and I dont drive down them in any type of an unsafe or illegal manor. BTW, yes I do have kids, just like may other people that drive down the road. I would never purposely do something that could cause other people or families harm, regardless of how I feel about their driving. If I feel they are doing something that might be putting others at danger, Ill dial up the Sheriffs department and let them deal with the guy.
  13. The DK5010 is the same physical size as the DK4510, just 5hp more. Where did you get those prices from?
  14. Minimum limb width: 17 inches (outer tip of limbs, excluding wheels and cams, uncocked)
  15. What an asanine thing to claim to do. Again, you could cause someones death. Over what? Them going faster than you agree with? You must be one of those guys that says they would shoot a trespasser. All talk.
  16. The guy in the next article that raped a 13 year old worries me more than this guy.
  17. From the shop I talked to about it, they said it was. I have not measured it myself though. All it needs is 3/4" per side wider than the axles, which is possible.
  18. Dk4510 shuttle. We looked at one last year, but decided the ATV was fine for what we needed at the old place and picked up a Scag commercial zero turn for lawn duties. We no longer have a large lawn, so we are selling the Scag and buying a small mower and the tractor.
  19. Im holding off right now, as I was given the green light to buy a tractor, as we need something to plow our road and work on firewood stuff, clear trails in the woods, etc. Looking at the same one we were last year, a 45hp Kioti 4wd, which will be more than enough to handle a disc, etc. Thanks though guys.
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