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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Yes, really. We are talking about scouting, they are illegal to use for hunting so theres no sense in even discussing that. How would it not be fair chase to use one for scouting?
  2. Im relatively new to turkey hunting, but what has worked for me so far has been 1 or 2 feeding hens with a Jake. I position the jake a few feet away from the hen(s), and keep it so that the jake is facing toward the hen(s) and the hen(s) face away from the jake. Worked like a charm for my daughter's hunt last spring.
  3. I have a ton of great memories, but at the top of the heap is opening day of youth Turkey season last year when my daughter shot her first gobbler. Ill never forget her reaction and the smile on her face when she walked over to her bird. It was a great hunt!
  4. Did you just eat a quiche?
  5. Took me a few just to see the food in that pic
  6. I like the old trucks, but for everyday driving, I like the fancy stuff. My Ram is paid off, and wont be going anywhere, and will be placed into toy status before long. In a few years I may end up buying one of the new ones for a daily driver.
  7. Do you watch it in the back of a carpeted truck while eating quiche?
  8. Ask Culver how much he enjoyed his F150 lol
  9. Except when your Chevy burns all of the oil out of the engine and you cant really hear that lower end knocking because your power window motor is dead for the 5th time, so the engine seizes up and the rusty Dodge pulls up to offer you a tow with all of its Hemi or Cummins power.
  10. You sure that was the blade and not half of his fender rust?
  11. Thats what happens when you drive a Chevy
  12. Its only gay if you push back
  13. It would be a great time to do some hinge cutting if you can. I plan on getting started on some on our new place soon.
  14. Right, like omelette pie. So is pie not manly then?
  15. We havent seen an egg in months. Since we moved, and they are in an enclosed coop for now (no access outside), I put a light in there on a timer. Maybe they will start laying again, although our rooster was killed the other night by a fisher.
  16. Its basically just an omelette cooked in the oven
  17. Quiche is delicious. Just eat it. Make her throw some venison and bacon in it.
  18. I have many reasons for hunting. Meat is not the one at the top of the list, and neither is a big buck. They are both in the top 5 though.
  19. Its an insult to say that your post was ignorant? Piss off. Theres no rule about insulting people anyway. Noone would ever be able to post anything if that were the case. Someone is insulted or offended about everything these days.
  20. I have done it with a 5 gallon metal pot (turkey fryer) and a turkey fryer burner. It takes a long time that way, as you dont have much surface area for the water to evaporate. If you can find a large, flat pan, maybe 9 or 10 inches deep, you can build a stone or brick base and burn wood under it. That would be faster. Thats what Ill be doing this year.
  21. I have a brand new chunk of woods to start tapping this year! I probably wont get started till mid February though. I have no idea where most of my stuff is right now lol.
  22. What do you mean not another one of these threads? The day we as hunters stop discussing the future of our sport, is the day the sport dies. What an ignorant post.
  23. Youd need to find a pretty big limb too. Of course, so would I hahaha
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