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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I started seeing it on social media yesterday morning. People trying to make it into a gun rights issue, trying to blame it on certain people that are running for office, etc etc.
  2. Same here. The bad ones usually pop up every now and again thanks to my buddies.
  3. What do you mean by "I have a block I put in today to start drawing them."
  4. Oh yeah, the 22 is alot more fun, but if he has the kind of issues he is describing with damage, etc, better to go the more effective route and use the 22 to clean up the stragglers.
  5. Nice looking rifle. Three words for you though, Bucket O Death. Youll put a hurting on the chipmunks pretty quickly with one or two of those.
  6. It was a little wavy first thing, then the light breeze died and it was like glass. Wind and boat traffic picked up in the afternoon and it got a little rough.
  7. Absolutely! A bad day fishing is better than a great day working. Says so right on my tackle box lol.
  8. I got out fishing with my buddy on Conesus yesterday. The fish are spawning and laying on beds, so the action was pretty slow. We did catch a good variety of fish though, bluegills, rock bass, largemouth, smallmouth, perch and northerns. I had one of the biggest nothererns Ive seen in quite some time roll on my jerkbait just as I got it to the boat. Now that I think about it, it could have been a muskie. It was pretty light colored. No really big bass this time, a few in the 3lb range and the biggest smallie was probably just over 2 1/2, but I didnt weigh that one.
  9. I make that all the time. Put a good rub on it, throw an onion (halved) in the bottom of the crock pot and let it go for the day. I usually start it when I leave for work and shred it apart when I get home. Sometimes Ill put some BBQ sauce on it, but lately Ive just been doing the rub and a little bit of liquid smoke, then add the BBQ sauce when its on the sandwich or plate.
  10. I finally watched Snakes On A Plane a few weeks ago. That has to be a contender
  11. Isnt that the one I bought? Ive had pretty darn good luck with it. Actually I just looked, I got the 8FHD.
  12. Theres a guy on ebay selling the Browning Dark Ops cams for $79 each, free shipping. They are factory refurbs with a 1 year warranty.
  13. I dont have cable, just an internet connection and Netflix. I stream everything, spend less than $20 a month on TV.
  14. You can get around the live sports thing if you know what you are doing.
  15. Looks good! I keep my bikes in the garage using the cheap harbor freight bike hoists. I dont have drywall in the garage, so I lift the bikes right up into the rafters. They are never in my way.
  16. I shoot mine out to 60 at the range (when I have time to go to the range) with no issues. Plenty accurate. I run straight Blazer vanes on my arrows. No damage at all.
  17. Ive been a big fan of it since it started. I cant even count how many times Ive caught myself stupefied, sitting there with the credits rolling, in disbelief of what I just saw. Best show on TV, hands down.
  18. Yep, Ive noticed it lately as well.
  19. I rode alot of 3 wheelers when I was young. Everything from a Big Red to a 350X to my Kawi Tecate, they were all fun. They handled great if you knew how to ride them. That looks like a decent Big Red for $600.
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