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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. You dont need to see that happen for the loss to occur. Do you have any idea how much non resident licenses were cut, and how many used to buy the bigger combo lisences that are no longer available? Just have a majority only buy what they know they will use (ie the most popular ones, small and large game and maybe doe tags and a fishing lisence) and you lose money quick. Then take into account what phade said about many people not buying fishing lisences until spring/summer and $7 million in lost revenue as of spring time is entirely possible.
  2. For resident licenses it only went down a buck or two, but non resident licenses dropped by a ton. Also, as has been said, combo licenses are gone and people are only buying what they need. It could amount to a sizable drop in revenue. We should wait to see the numbers for all of it before we start crying that the sky is falling.
  3. Did they say how many licenses were sold? Did that number drop or was it just revenue? Remember, they slashed prices for out of state hunters, and made it a little harder for people to understand what they were buying, so you could have just had a bunch of people only buying low priced licenses instead of spending the extra and just getting the super sportsman or something like that. Just throwing one number out there doesnt tell the entire tale.
  4. First thing, is I dont think I would have gotten that close to a bear attacking its prey. I probably would have called DEC to make sure they knew the situation and could do what they needed to, but other than that, Id have let nature take its course. Kept the kids and pets inside, let the neighbors know and let Mr Bear have his dinner.
  5. No need to over complicate it I would think Hunting Dogs should be fine
  6. Nice bike John. I looked at the Specialized line when I was shopping for mine. Just got a much better deal on the Trek.
  7. I do from time to time. Not as much as I used to though. I like riding the old railroad bed trails around here. Ill do 20+ miles at a crack. I have a Trek 3900 disc, just like this... http://www.trekbikes.com/us/en/bikes/2012/archive/trek/3900_disc/#/us/en/archive-model/details?url=us/en/bikes/2012/archive/trek/3900_disc Love that bike. Light, nimble and smooth. The disc brakes are the cats ass.
  8. All great suggestions. Also, print up the DEC forms and take them with. Many land owners are mistaken about liability laws and think they are responsible for injuries if people are hunting on their property. Most of the time, its simply not true. Also, read the laws and regs, especially the major ones. If you are educated about them, most land owners will be much more comfortable with you there. http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/ask.pdf http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8371.html
  9. I missed their tree mount. Ill have to take another peek. I like the cheap route that NYBuckHunter posted though.
  10. Same happened to ours. Wiped out, plus I think we had bad seed because not much sprouted. No go for our corn this year.
  11. I can do without the cambush thing, but thats a great little design for a screw in mount. Could even use that with the cable lock and still be pretty secure. Thanks for posting it, Ill have to grab some stuff at the hardware store.
  12. Well if you arent worried about your camera walking away, or worried about deer noticing your camera immediately. There have been these post type mounts for a long time. I actually used a T post and a chunk of 2x4 when I first got into playing with cams. I ditched that years ago though. I prefer my cams to be up around 6 to 8 feet high in most places, where deer wont see them as easilly. There are a few spots where I make exceptions because the deer dont seem to notice them at lower heights because they fit into spots where they are not conspicuous at all.
  13. Yep, we are working on it. Should have more info soon. Keep an eye on our FB and we have a section in the forums here as well where it will be posted.
  14. If you are looking for our events, go to our facebook, listed below. If you want more info, PM me and Ill get you on our branch email list. If the branch near NF is what you want, here is their info. North Western Niagara Branch6153 Townline Road Lockport, New York 14094 Contact: Joseph Ciepiela (716) 713-1949 - Phone
  15. Prices for spots hadnt gone up that much in the last few years, but attendance had dropped with visitor and exhibitors alike. To have a booth there, you had to have insurance at a specific minimum level. I know because I did the booking and whatnot for when our QDMA branch had a booth there for a couple of years. We didnt bother last year because of bad attendance. The reasons why exhibitors dropped off was because of the insurance mandate combined with a rise in costs for the spots, then because there werent as many vendors, attendance dropped off, then more vendors dropped out and attendance continued to slide. It was a very pathetic showing the last two years. I can say that the guys running the NHFD there did a horrible job with getting the applications, etc out to past vendors and exhibitors. I dont think ours came in my mailbox until about a week before the event, and trying to get response from those guys was like pulling teeth. The insurance mandate stemmed from an incident where a woman dripped over a tent hold down rope and injured herself. She sued the DEC successfully. I dont think its just region 8 though, I think the event has been axed state wide at any DEC facilities. I could be wrong about that though. Just what I heard.
  16. How about this thread is nuked because I dont feel like editing all of the cursing. Im not warning about it again, knock it off.
  17. I have a few from the 2 cams I checked last weekend, but nothing great yet. Couple of good 2 year olds and a few with their first rack. I have to do the first real round of cam checks and battery swap out this week, so we will see.
  18. And one in Philly http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/breaking/Ogden-STreet-Shooting-308747231.html?_osource=SocialFlowTwt_PHBrand#
  19. Different strokes for different folks. Your idea of fun probably sounds completely pointless to alot of people. Im sure your gunshots during deer season make every single person that hears them happy. Do you ride a motorcycle with a loud exhaust? Betcha everyone enjoys that....etc etc etc.
  20. You do understand that the large, loud fireworks are still illegal in NY right? The only things that are legal are sparklers, fountains, etc.
  21. Yep, and the same can be said for a thousand other things that people injure themselves with because they are dumb
  22. Im with you on that. Heck, make people take a little class on handling them if you must, and charge $25 for it. Then let the stores in the state, and say you can only buy them if you have this certificate. State makes money, people learn to handle them properly, and you dont have to sneak them in to set them off at your 4th of July bash at the lake.
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