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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. It could be summarized in 3 words blah blah blah
  2. Nope, you stated that crossbows are more accurate than vertical bows. You are wrong on that, and as an example I used the top dogs to show that even at the highest level of competition, a compound is just as, if not more accurate than a crossbow. Sorry bub, you arent going to win that, facts are facts. My Ke numbers are to show that the difference between the two implements is really minimal, and pretty much meaningless when it comes to hunting any game that walks this continent, let alone anything in NY. Crossbows and vertical bows do not kill with hydrostatic shock, so as long as you are putting enough Ke to kill a whitetail, which is around 40lbs Ke. Anything over about 60 is really just overkill anyway, so who gives a damn how much Ke a crossbow puts out. People get way too wrapped up in speed numbers with any archery equipment. If you cant hit a bullseye with your vertical bow, you need more practice. Its the Indian, not the arrow.
  3. I would support it ahead of archery season only if it was doe only, only in the WMUs where the population is too high, and it only stays in place until the population is down to where it needs to be. It should be a relatively short season (a week or 2 at the most) with a 1 week gap between when it ends and bow season begins. If thats not the case, then nope, I dont support it at all.
  4. I saw this somewhere else. What a couple of morons. Serves them right.
  5. I usually buy Ameristep or Primos blinds and havent had much of an issue getting them back into their bags as long as they make it through the season and I dont just chuck them in the trash. I did have one that was a pain in the nuggets to get back in the bag, but I dont remember what brand it was. A Barronet maybe.
  6. You must have gotten that idea from the air freshener I had in my car when I picked up dates back in my single days
  7. If we lock every thread that goes off topic, there wouldnt be very many open threads on the site. Its fine.
  8. Theres nothing wrong with the thread. It can stay open.
  9. That deer has too many inches of antler for Wolc. Its meat would be too tough and gamey for him, even if he hung it in 50 degree weather for 3 weeks.
  10. Actually, the CWD in NY was discovered in wild deer.
  11. I have no issues with it as long as its legal. In NY its just not legal, so of course hunters here are going to have disdain for it.
  12. Oh just wait. It will get better. Always does.
  13. I’m sorry but corn in the teeth means jack nothing. You could have food plots less than a quarter of a mile away and never know it. All but one of my neighbors are clueless that I have food plots, and I only Know that those and my neighbors are the only ones around because I fly My drone all over a 1 mile radius from my house. I have some of the same bucks as my sister does on camera and they live a mile from me. Deer move long distances sometimes.
  14. Looks like a bunch of possible ag around there. Then add food plots to the mix, you never know what’s growing somewhere in an entire county.
  15. My cell cams have been going crazy all day. 2 real nice bucks have walked through my food plot so far since 9am. Tons of does in and out of there all day so far as well. Its killing me that Im at work
  16. I have a bunch of them on the list for this year. 1 - dig ditches to drain main tractor trail 2 - fix trail 3 - expand the larger of the two food plots 4 - add more shooting lanes for the tower stand 5 - hinge cut/feather the edges of both food plots 6 - plant apple trees If I can complete those, I will be happy.
  17. So all you master baiters out there, remember to brush your deer's teeth before taking it to the processor....
  18. Maybe because you and I look at our sport differently in some respects. Im a hunter first. Not a bow hunter, not a gun hunter, just a hunter. I care deeply for the tradition of hunting, and do everything I can to try and ensure that it continues for generations to come. If adding a different type of bow to archery season helps that to happen, Im all for it.
  19. I compared the average crossbow to the average bow. Speed isnt even the biggest factor in Ke measurements anyhow, its arrow weight. Regardless, it only takes 40 ft/lbs of Ke to effectively kill a deer, and 45-50 to kill an elk. I shoot a 63lb bow that shoots just under 300 fps (with my arrows, its a touch over 70 ft/lbs Ke), and the furthest shot I have taken on a deer with it was 40 yards. Guess what, complete pass through, buck down in less than 50 yards. Who really cares if a crossbow has half again as much Ke, its completely unnecessary anyway, and doesnt change the effective range. Do you consciously worry about any of those things when you shoot your bow? I dont. I practice enough to where I dont think about those things at all. Shooting my bow comes as natural to me as shooting my crossbow because i put the practice time in.
  20. A rare breed? Please. You think taking ones marksmanship seriously is limited to "vertical bow hunters"? You make some seriously ignorant statements.
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