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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Id shoot it, just like an albino or piebald. They probably taste just like any other deer, delicious. If you have an idea on how genetics works, youd realize that all deer carry the genes for such anomalies, they are just recessive genes and the traits dont show up as often as dominant ones do.
  2. Ill be there, doesnt cost anything but gas to go. My daughter loves it, thats reason enough for us to go.
  3. My new bow is home! I put my sight, stabilizer and a new Whisker Biscuit on her as soon as I got done checking everything out. Im going to drop her off at the shop tomorrow for tuning. I cant wait to start flinging some arrows with her!
  4. Treelimb 5 arrow quiver, used one season, in great shape. $25
  5. 2007 PSE Octane, adjustable DL from 25 to 30 inches, 50 - 60lbs (maxes out at 63lbs). 1 year old H&M custom strings, peep, kisser and D loop. Includes Bow Rattler, Whisker Biscuit and bow sling. Bow has been hunted with for the last 2 seasons, was purchased as a left over in 2008. I would put this bow in 8 out of 10 condition due to a couple of nicks in the finish from the stabilizer and sight. The cam had a small bur, which slightly wore one serving, but I took the bur off with a small rat tail file last year. $250 or possible trade for recurve
  6. 38th Annual National Hunting and Fishing Day at the NYSDEC Region 8 Office, 6274 E. Avon – Lima Road, Avon, NY (Two miles east of Exit 10 off I-390 on Route 5/20). September 24 - 25 2011. Presented by Livingston County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs & New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. This annual event is aimed at the whole family. try your hand at a variety of outdoor activities, including trap shooting, archery, fly casting and canoeing. If shopping try one of the commercial vendors or one of the 50 + vendors in the Sportsmen’s Flea Market. (For information call Mark Osypian at 585-226-2889 or email [email protected])
  7. For that money, Id be looking at the WGI cams, Moultries or good deals on Bushnells.
  8. BTW, if you go on youtube and search for professional russian, you can find alot more videos that guy did. They are pretty much all hilarious. Here, I did it for you guys... http://www.youtube.com/user/FPSRussia
  9. I love those guns, they would be a ball to shoot.
  10. Good lord you guys sure do know how to get off topic lol
  11. Beech, Hickory are looking good here, oaks are as well, but nowhere near as good as last year. I havent checked the apples at my dads or on the farm here yet.
  12. I found some info on this Android app on another site, so I ended up buying it and will be using it this year. You guys with Android phones might be interested. https://market.android.com/details?id=seMn.App&feature=search_result
  13. Thats because people feed them in their back yards. On top of that, they eat up people's veggie gardens, shrubs, bushes, flowers, apple trees, lawns etc etc. Plenty of good nutrition in the 'burbs.
  14. Bears hibernate during the winter.
  15. Id put a high fence and a small barn up and raise deer for meat.
  16. I have no idea what I would do. Probably just fish more. It would suck.
  17. Here are some good resources for trail cam info and reviews. www.chasingame.com www.trailcampro.com
  18. Eddie, are you sure those arent Wildview cams you have?
  19. If that doesnt work, just return it. I have an IR4 and have been using it for 3 years now. Works great. I had a Moultrie cam a few years back that did the white pic thing and I had to return it under warranty,
  20. Nice! Glad to hear you had a great time!
  21. I usually get it within a couple of weeks of when they become available.
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