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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Im on my way home from picking up a 99 Sun-Lite 24 footer. Details later...
  2. Yes, Happy Fathers Day to all of you guys! Hope you all have a great, relaxing day!
  3. steve, this is where you fail to see the forest through the trees. The regulations that are already in place are more than enough if they were enforced. What CAN be enforced? You have a maze of laws, none of which are uniform across state lines. Have some sort of national system where one set of laws is the law of the land and we will be getting somewhere. As the main representative of gun owners the NRA should be pushing for this sort of gun law reform, instead of having coronaries at the mere mention of any gun law. If they represent gun owners and want the rest of society to accept us as responsible citizens who don't want guns to easily fall into the wrong hands, it would be to the gun owners benefit to propose such sensibility. I won't be holding my breath though. I have often thought that it wouldn't be to their financial benefit if some sort of sane law was devised where it would benefit gun owners in the long run and at the same time make it tougher for criminals to get guns. That's the reason NOTHING ever get solved in this country. Too many greedy scumbags making money on both sides of any issue for it to ever come to a sensible resolution. What in the world are you talking about steve? Its pretty simple, enforce the laws that are on the books. No plea deals, no early release, etc. If you commit a crime involving a gun, you pay the price. You dont need the exact same law everywhere to do that. I am not arguing that the same law everywhere wouldnt be more simple, but thats not the way it is, and it will more than likely not be that way anytime in the foreseeable future, so its a moot point. Remember, this country is formed by different states, which are all able to have their own laws. One law may benefit one state, but not another. As a responsible gun owner, it is your job to check the laws that apply to the area you are in or will be traveling to and abide by them. If thats too much for you to handle, then you will pay the price for your lack of responsibility. Again, no law will ever keep illegal guns out of the hands of those that have no regard for the law, because they arent following the law to begin with. That is about as simple as it gets.
  4. A list of who owns what and where its kept makes it real nice and easy for whomever holds that list to take them away. Thats my problem with it. Its bad enough that the government has a list of my handguns, I personally dont want them having a list of my long guns as well.
  5. This is the first year in a long time that I havent been out camping on Fathers day weekend. We are headed out to the RV show today and to look at a couple of private sale campers as well. Who knows, maybe Ill be dragging something home with me today.
  6. HAHAHA I havent seen that yet
  7. Bow season would have to be shut down that weekend. If its a youth weekend, how could you allow adults to hunt at the same time? It wouldnt make any sense if they didnt .
  8. Maybe the local Chinese restaurant would take those cats in.
  9. Im at a loss for what you are trying to say here. "unless you hunt in a high pressure area...." what? Why is a picture taken in June, how many stands you have or how many times you hunt them in a season relevant to anything we are discussing here? Dont take this as me being a jerk, Im trying to figure out what you are saying.
  10. Nobody is touting this as a "fix all" for getting more youth interested in hunting. Its a stepping stone, just like lowering the age in NY is another stepping stone. I think half the problem is that some people are looking for that "magic bullet" that is going to bring people into the hunting community in droves, and that just isnt realistic. Small steps in the right direction are.
  11. Well, if you introduce your kids to hunting by waiting to bring them into the woods with you until they are legal age to shoot a deer, then you might have a point. If you are like alot of us, our kids get out in the woods for a few or many seasons before they can do the shooting, so they have a good idea of what the ropes are before they are thrown into the ring. I see the youth weekend as an opportunity for kids to see and have a chance at deer that arent sprinting through the woods. It may well help to hold their interest better than sitting in the cold, only to see nothing right off the bat. It eases them into the sport rather than just tossing them into it.
  12. Yepper, and I almost forgot, it came with a scope too.
  13. Miracles DO happen I guess. The first post of yours that shows some level of sanity. What also needs to be added to this is that the same needs to apply to private sales. What good does it do if NICS checks are required for purchases from dealers, if you can buy and sell it privately with NO background check? I have NO doubt that this system WOULD keep guns away from the criminal element and there would be a better checks and balance to exactly how they are getting them. Try passing this by the NRA, though! They would have a huge $#!+ fit over anyone even suggesting something like this. So tell me that they aren't also part of the problem here?? The only way that you could control private sales would be to require registration of every gun, accessory, magazine and bullet you own. You want that? Even then, it would not be a perfect system, guns still get stolen, how exactly do you propose that we control that? Require any gun owner to have an un-movable safe in their home and have it locked at all times? What about when you are transporting the weapon(s)? How do you assure no theft could occur then? My point is that there is NO perfect system, and NO way to keep illegal guns out of criminal's hands. Its been proven multiple times, in multiple places with many many types of gun control systems and laws, even total outright bans.
  14. steve, this is where you fail to see the forest through the trees. The regulations that are already in place are more than enough if they were enforced.
  15. So you are against small game, turkey and goose seasons? All of those occur during bow season. Who said that? I am neutral on those seasons and don't expect the DEC to remove them. I'm just saying No Mas. Nobody said it, I was just asking.
  16. Of course it's NOT the same thing....the youth turkey occurs at a time when there are no other seasons open and you still have ppl out there shooting other camo glad ppl Sure it is the same thing. Do you think that adult bow hunting would be allowed during the youth weekend? I dont think so. Show me some articles of people being shot during youth turkey.
  17. I picked up a Crosman Phantom recently for under $100. Its break action, .177 caliber and shoots at 1000 fps. I havent shot it yet, but from what I read they are pretty darn accurate.
  18. So you are against small game, turkey and goose seasons? All of those occur during bow season.
  19. I still don't understand or see the need for the whole youth hunt day's. Do you agree with the Youth Turkey hunting weekend? Same thing. I still dont understand why it would be such a big problem for some of you guys.
  20. The problem is not in the availability of guns, its in the enforcement of the laws that are already in place. Also, if something exists and there is an opportunity to misuse it, someone will find a way to do just that, no matter what the law says. So in the case of guns, why continue to limit the ability of the legal law abiding citizen to defend themselves against those that choose to misuse them? Like Ive said before, gun laws do not keep illegal guns out of the hands of criminals, they keep law abiding citizens from owning certain guns.
  21. steve, if you take a real good look at the AR platform, you can see why it is very popular. There are all the accessories available that you could ever hope for to build one into the perfect rifle for what you want to use it for, it is an extremely accurate semi-auto and it is available is a huge variety of calibers, both center and rimfire. My friend and I hunt with a 223 chambered Rock River Arms rifle when we go predator hunting, and that gun is deadly accurate at 200 - 300 yards, light weight and just plain nice to shoot. I am looking into my next deer rifle being one of the larger caliber AR platform rifles, Im looking into either a 260 or 308 chambered rifle. I know quite a few guys that own them, and not one of them is arming themself for any type of armegedon. You just have to look past the "assault weapon" and "black gun" propaganda spewed by the antis and realize that there is nothing inherently evil or malicious with those guns. I don't know, I would think predator hunters using AR's are a very, very small group in comparison to all the AR's that are being sold these days. I walked into some gun shops recently and it looked like there were more AR type rifles on the shelf than other types of rifles. I couldn't imagine that it was only predator hunters buying them, and since the majority of them are still chambered in the .223 caliber they were originally designed for, I don't think it's the deer hunters who are buying them up in droves either. I think these type of weapons got their bad rap a good many years ago now, with some of those militias that sprung up around the country, and Aryan nation type organizations that felt the need to pose for pictures with them. Such images can have a detrimental effect on those who are not as well versed in weaponry. Unfortunately a few whackos spoil it for all others who would use them for peaceful purposes. I think you would be surprised at how many use them to hunt with. Take a peek at some of the predator hunting boards, like www.predatormastersforum.com to see how popular they are for that, and some of the AR related boards for an idea of how they are catching on for big game now that the lowers for the larger calibers have become more readily available, like the Remington R15, etc.
  22. Bingo! Its a completely ridiculous thought process to me.
  23. Seeing as crossbows are bowhunting equipment, they should be in there. The week before gun season is my personal favorite time to be in the woods with my bow, so I would rather the early ML season be as early in Oct as possible if it has to be there.
  24. Thats what I was going to say. You dont need any program to upload or look at pics, just use Windows Explorer like you said. Just a heads up in case you get a new phone, the new ones are starting to save pics to a 'DCIM' folder on the memory card just like a regular digital camera does.
  25. Yep, my daughter is as well. Shes got 5 years to get good with her bow and learn all she can tagging along.
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