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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Correct me if Im wrong, but you dont need to be 150 or even 500 feet from a road to discharge a bow or gun currently. You just cant shoot across a road. Exactly ! Since when do you have to be a certain distance from any public highway to discharge a bow or firearm. Now I am confused. If you pay any attention to the ideas Rich Davenport has, you get used to it. ;D
  2. Correct me if Im wrong, but you dont need to be 150 or even 500 feet from a road to discharge a bow or gun currently. You just cant shoot across a road. If you really look through that plan, theres alot of issues. Both bad ideas and things that make no sense.
  3. I heard it was 8 point outside the ears You guys are to funny, I wonder if there are any other hunting sites that a topic can go from talking about eating fawns, to inuendos, to name calling to homosexual perversion and back to eating fawns. To funny. Its a great site, isnt it?
  4. I dont know him from a bag of a******* but he says he has alot of support for this from folks in his region. Its alot better of a plan than that crap the DEC came up with so if he can get things rolling we should support it. Like I said, thats how he presents his opinions on AT and a few other forums. I have never seen any of his "plans" gain any traction. There are a couple of decent things in there but nothing that I really think the DEC would go for that they havent already detailed in their own plan.
  5. Rich doesnt have the influence he makes out to have. Hes full of alot of hot air and passes his personal opinion off as how the majority feels about things. Just speaking from my experiences with him on AT.
  6. Again I ask, if you didnt think a filter would screen it for being vulgarity, why use the dollar signs? Id appreciate it if you didnt speak about or for any member of my family as you dont know any of them, and I wouldnt bring your family into any type of disagreement. I may not agree with you on some things, heck I may not even like someone, but I dont bring their family into it.
  7. Still not a curse...insult yes...but some computer filters on sites filter it out with out the $$....Anyone thinking that there was nothing wrong nor offensive in those comments in my opinion has a little brain....NYS should be proud of a site holding it's title..... with members that don't find something like that offensive enough to delete....kutos to your Good Ole boy mentalities you should be proud! Well if you didnt think you were cursing, why did you use the dollar signs to try and get it past a possible filter? Like I said before, your insults and cursing isnt a problem but a silly joke is? Get over yourself. :
  8. From the rain we had in the last week or two?
  9. "Every animal that was killed by the meat industry to be microwaved and eaten was someone's baby at some point." This statement would only apply to those that....nevermind. ???
  10. You typed "jack a$$", which is an attempt at disguising your curse. I never threw the site owner under the bus, I merely stated a fact. He has limits as to what stays and what gets pulled. As far as I know, he disnt have an issue with that comment, neither do I, so Im not pulling it. Oh and there you go with the insults again. "Little brain"? You dont seem capable of making a statement without taking shots, and Im not going to get caught up in it. I have no issue with anyone's sexual preference and regularly laugh about jokes made by non-hetero people I know. Sorry, Im not a bigot.
  11. of ribs. Sorry, I hit the reply button too soon.
  12. You really need to give it a rest. There are comments about hookers & beer and all kinds of other things on this site that nobody has had a problem with. I dont make the rules around here, and if the owner of the site doesnt have a problem with a comment, then neither do I. BTW, you dont think your lame attempt at covering up cursing is a problem, but you think the silly jokes in this thread are? Really? Your "I won't give my suggestion on what you can do with this...( [img alt=:]http://huntingny.com/forums/Smileys/akyhne/rolleyes.gif[/img] )" wasnt an attempted shot? Riiiight. I gotta get going, have to go put a rub on a nice big rack
  13. I love Spongebo, lotsof adult humor in there if you are paying attention.
  14. My daughter is 7, she goes only to sites that I allow and isnt allowed to get on the computer unless I am nearby and say she can. You know, like a parent should. BTW, Im pretty sure alot of the pictures of torn apart deer and animal's guts hanging out are a little more explicit than this thread. Most of what is said by kids in middle and high school is leaps and bounds worse than anything that has ever been said on this site. Ill let the attempted insult go this time. Its Friday and Im in a great mood.
  15. PA tried that but there was a rash of broken hips, so they scrapped it.
  16. Thats what I thought. Thanks.
  17. We're Going Streaking!! Little 500 2k10 sorry it kept screwing up
  18. Do they have to be antlerless or do the permits not say?
  19. Looks like its in the hands of DEC now, the Senate already passed it. I believe the Assembly will be next, right?
  20. Im scarred for life after that image was put into my head.
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