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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Youre Welcome, be sure to take plenty of pics and let me know what you think of the park.
  2. Care to back that claim up? Ill bet you money that I can get an official answer from DEC that completely contradicts that. Wow, you wont allow people to recover a deer that died on your property after they shot it on property they are allowed to hunt? Thats pretty crappy of you. Its right in the 5 year plan. They have actually been talking about it for a while now.
  3. Nobody is saying that the distance for guns should be lowered, or am I missing something?
  4. I just got my rolls of Eternabond today, and picked up a wallpaper seam roller to help install it. I am going to start on the roof tomorrow evening after work.
  5. I agree that its pretty goofy, and Id rather not see the early ML happen. The youth season I can see. I dont see them trying to turn bow season into a gun season though. 4 days that are currently closed isnt the end of the world.
  6. In that situation, a shotgun or ML would have a chance of hitting the house as well. What you do in situations where someone makes a bad shot like that, is you charge them with reckless endangerment or something like that. No matter how far you are from a building or yard, you have to be aware of your background. I do not even shoot directly toward a house within a quarter mile from an elevated position where the bullet or slug is going to bury itself in the dirt. Theres always the chance of a ricochet. It would be the same way with a bow, if you something stupid like hit a house thats 60 or 70 yards away, even with the proposed law in effect, you should get charged with something like I mentioned. Basically some repercussions for stupidity.
  7. That rule would pretty much put an end to hunting. You can point in any direction (besides at a pretty good downward angle) and be pointing at some type of structure within a mile or two, from just about anywhere in the state with the exception of a few places.
  8. Keep it above the belt fellas, we have sensitive individuals here
  9. LOL, she probably watches them and thinks they are her pets
  10. I have EZPass, Im not worried if they see what toll booths I go through. I use it in multiple cars like they tell you not to, been doing it for a long time with no problems. As far as handing over my address and car registration info, well the state already has that stuff anyway. Ive heard almost the same article written before, but I dont feel that theres anything to worry about unless you are doing some serious speeding anyway. I really wish we could get the high speed EZPass lanes like PA and other states have. You dont even slow down going through them.
  11. Probably the same deer. My fiance's grandmother had a 3 legged doe that lived near her house. They watched it for 4 years before it got hit by a car a month or so ago. BTW, it had a fawn the last 2 years.
  12. If you do the Kool Seal, you can make it last better and stay cleaner by using some white exterior latex paint on top of it after it cures. As for coverage, My camper top was 12ft x 7 foot or so, and I used 1 1/2 gallons for 3 coats.
  13. Well, the Eternabond tape will stick to anything, and doenst need to be replaced for 20+ years, so I would say run that over all seals and around any vents, ect instead of any caulk type sealant. The coating is pretty much up to you, but I would say Kool Seal. Their elastomeric sealant goes on nice and thick and sticks very well on painted aluminum, so I would guess it would work just fine on steel. It is white, so it will reflect heat, flexible, so it can move with temp changes and it has a 10 year warranty. You can pick it up at Lowes (possibly other home improvement stores) and you roll it on with a deep knap roller. Just my 2 cents.
  14. If they took the last week of bow and gave it to gun hunters, what kind of stink would be made over that? Thats pretty much the best week to be in the woods for bowhunters. skully, isnt that what they said about crossbows becoming legalized? We will have to wait and see what happens, but I see the possibility of the early ML season going through as pretty good. Dont get me wrong, ideally, I dont want it to happen, but Im not going to put on a pair of rose colored glasses and pretend that it couldnt or wouldnt happen.
  15. Sounds like you had a bunch of fun. I wish I had time to get out fishing, havent even gotten any of my poles out yet this year let alone wet a line.
  16. How so? If they havent given permission to anyone to hunt their property, then nothing changes for them unless their house is less than 500 feet from the property line, in which case, posting their land would make no difference anyway. The change in distances doesnt allow trespassing. Now, if the landowner allows hunting, they just tell people not to hunt within x number of feet from the house, if the people dont follow the rules, the landowner is free to give them the boot.
  17. Youre in the NZ bubba, you guys dont have cities or suburban areas up there, so you are probably right. I have been to the sz many times. I guess it has really developed as I do not recall the whole sz as one big city. Lighten up buttercup it was a joke. I know it was a joke and my response was tongue in cheek I didnt pick up the sarcasm I guess lol
  18. I either let it suffocate or it dies when I cut it up. I dont keep most of the fish I catch though, I only eat a few species and only of certain size.
  19. Youre in the NZ bubba, you guys dont have cities or suburban areas up there, so you are probably right. I have been to the sz many times. I guess it has really developed as I do not recall the whole sz as one big city. Lighten up buttercup it was a joke.
  20. Any time I have hunted in rifle country, my 30-30 Marlin has been with me. Its a great little gun to carry, and Ill be adding a scope to it eventually. I just dont get to use it often enough.
  21. So 7 or 8 days later you want to be in the woods? If you dont want to hunt that early, nobody is going to force you to be in the woods.
  22. Youre in the NZ bubba, you guys dont have cities or suburban areas up there, so you are probably right.
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