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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Depends on what type of spotlight you have, a white incandescent will spook them, the bluish white LEDs, there is some debate about those. You can hunt coyotes during the day, you dont have to do it at night.
  2. I got my shipment notification today! Hopefully Ill be watching it this weekend or early next week!
  3. I enjoy Starbucks once in a while. Whats wrong with that?
  4. Robinson, dont ever apologize for your opinion. Its good to admit when you are wrong, but a subject like this is way too subjective to be "right" or "wrong".
  5. Wow, it sure is special when you are referring to your favorite team as a festering, infected wound lol.
  6. steve863, we all know you are a Ted hater, why dont you give it a rest. I could swear that you must secretly have some kind of crush on the Nuge, anytime his name is brought up, you get all hot and bothered. BTW, seems you are letting your hot headed nonsense get the best of you again. Go back and read what NYDeer said about 50 Cent, Al Capone, etc and youll see why he brought those names up.
  7. I dont hear him talking about the ONE shelter that the HSUS runs, which has something in the neighborhood of an 80% kill rate. More than likely any "puppy mill" he is protesting is not killing 80% of their dogs. Hypocrites. This site has some good info regarding the HSUS... http://www.humanewatch.org/
  8. NYD, Ive seen that before, and its almost always a case of someone using grandma's or a stolen permit. This law woulndt leave possibilities such as that open. If a doctor fraudulently diagnosed you, thats a whole different thing than stealing or borrowing a handicap parking permit.
  9. The reason you use a red filter on your light is because it wont spook them. Some of the newer LED spotlights with a bluish tint seem to have the same effect, but theres some debate on that. The way you do it is to spot and shoot them with the red spotlight (or led spotlight). A regular, white incandescent spotlight spooks them a shouldnt be used. Coyotes and fox are quick, and can turn and run in a hurry when spooked, you want to keep them distracted long enough to take the shot. Go check out predatormastersforum.com or nypredatorhunters.proboards.com you can get lots of good night hunting tips there as well.
  10. So he took a crap is Saddam Hussein's gold biday and thats a bad thing?
  11. Ted has been sponsored by 2 bow companies, Oneida and Martin. Hes been with Martin for quite some time now. Just sayin.
  12. Theres no need for it, their current system would be able to be modified to add in one selection. The most they would have to do would be temp hire a programmer to make the change, they probably have someone that could do it currently. Im not trying to say the state would necessarily do it the smart way, just saying it would be easy to do.
  13. Just when I finished up all the videos on your Youtube channel lol. Another great one!
  14. Nice, sounds alot like how I came to buy one, fell in love with my buddy's TC and just had to get my own. Id like to get a .223 barrel for mine just to use for practice. The .260 Rem rounds arent exactly cheap and a .223 has got to have less recoil lol.
  15. Theres no reason to "ttt" on this site.
  16. I dont see how that plan is much different than the one that has been mentioned, other than you wouldnt have to bring any print out with you, it would all be associated with you in the computer system already. You dont report, you dont get your tags. It doesnt matter when you apply for your tags, its all random anyway, so if you want to hunt those final 4 days with your old tags, then go get your new tags after that 4th day is over. I dont see how that is so tough. They could really make it easy and change the dates that the license are good for to an earlier date so that you dont have that 4 day period anywhere to begin with. The data wouldnt take any longer to compile, its all done with computers anyway.
  17. Youre Welcome. I thought of doing the same thing, getting a 30-30 barrel for mine because I have a 30-30 rifle, but I havnet bought another barrel for it yet. I dont know if this is your first handgun for hunting, but once you get it put together, put in all the practice time you can.
  18. Way to date yourself Eddie I miss Creekside, that was a great shop. I used to go shooting there all the time as a kid.
  19. Dick's had the Ameristep Dog House Blinds on sale ....buy one , get one free for $70 . $35 apiece is a pretty good price . They are nice for gun hunting but not roomy enough for Bow Hunting .. Im not a fan of them. My buddy has one and I dont like it at all. I like the hub style blinds.
  20. Im not sure what one it is, it was on there when I bought it. Ill have to look and see if it says on it anywhere.
  21. Doe, I think youl find the Remington to be a bit lighter than the BAR if Im not mistaken. Your pocket will be alot lighter with the BAR though lol.
  22. Mine are low, if you want to get a holster and have it fit well, keep them as low as you can. I have regular Weavers on mine, but when I go to a new scope, Im going to go with the Leupold twist lock rings, based on some advice I recently got. Heres what mine looks like with the low rings.
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