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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I asked you a question about your statement, and gave my opinion on it, thats all.
  2. If we were not "forced" to have a permit, the government could then concentrate on all their inside criminal activity. So you dont agree with permits either? Look, I have a situation going with someone I know trying to get their permit as we speak. He got denied, and rightfully so. Dont get me wrong, I like the guy and he means well, but I dont feel comfortable with him having a concealed carry permit. He is on medication and sees a shrink. He is one of those guys that is obsessive about things and depending on if his meds are right, has a tendency of flying off the handle about things that just plain dont warrant it. I am glad he didnt get his permit, and hope like hell that the decision sticks when he goes in to appeal it. That right there is exactly why we have the permits, and in this case, the system worked. yeah he can go to walmart fill put a form and get a shotgun and kill just as many or break into your house and steal your handguns to kill people. Then you will be in as much trouble as he. I am glad mine is listed on there. I just wish they would have added and he is not afraid to use them so beware. I am not ashamed I have a concealed carry permit or who knows it. Who are you to say who gets a permit and who shouldnt? I know he can go buy a shotgun or rifle, Ive told him that he would have no problem getting one and even that if he really wanted to have home protection, a nice pump shotgun is the way to go. My guns are locked up my friend, in a nice safe thats bolted to the floor and wall. Good luck stealing them because they are in there unless they are on me. As far as who I am, I never said the guy couldnt have one, I feel that he shouldnt have one, and unless you know him and how he is, you wouldnt know enough to comment on it. I have no choice but to deal with the guy, and I have every right to say I dont feel comfortable with him carrying a concealed handgun.
  3. In any case, I like some of his political views and think it would be fun to talk politics with him. Like I said, some I agree with, some I dont. Regardless of his less than perfect life, the guy has a pretty big personality.
  4. Im starting my search for a ML barrel for my TC Encore. I dont care if its 50 or 45, but it needs to be blued. If I find a great deal on new, awesome, but Im really looking for a used one. I am also looking for a stock and fore end, I dont care if they are wood or camo or black, as long as they match. Im watching gunsamerica, but havent found what Im looking for yet. Anyone with ideas on good places to get used ones, let me know. Thanks in advance.
  5. Look for trails that are well worn, they will have been used the most. While the patterns may change through the season, the deer always have to eat and drink, so trying to figure out the corridors between food and bedding is the best bet. You usually cant nail it down exactly unless you hunt the same area for years, and take note of where the deer go during the seasons. Even then, they can change things up. Now is a good time to start getting ideas, but having the ability to move during the season is the best way. Scout while you hunt.
  6. You dont have to serve in the armed forces to be a patriot, and everyone makes mistakes, especially when they are young. You cant hold those things over their heads forever. I have a feeling if you were to ask those questions, he wouldnt have a problem answering them.
  7. Gander carries some really nice Liberty safes. The higher end fireproof models are very very nice.
  8. Ive seen alot of great deer so far this year. Ive been glassing fields for over a month now and the deer around here are looking nice and healthy. Lots of fawns running around and some good looking bucks too.
  9. Sounds like it has @ a 3 inch eye relief. The Vortex I bought earlier this year gave me a range to have it mounted to. I cant remember what it is off hand. Glad to hear you got it set better.
  10. Come on guys, you all know its a black Mountain Lion.
  11. Id love to talk politics with The Nuge, alot of what he says makes sense, some doesnt to me though. You have to admit, the guy has more than his fair share of personality. Id like to talk hunting with the Drury's and have my picture taken with Tiffany or that country singer chick. Id love to spend some time in camp with Waddell and his group of guys.
  12. Oh well, back to the perfect hunter....LOL
  13. Yikes! Im glad we dont have many problems with ticks in this area. Ive never gotten one on myself.
  14. Ive been pretty surprised at how quick its growing. Theres good things going on here, thats for sure!
  15. Why? So you can edit posts that you dont like? Thats not what a moderator does. I moderate on another hunting forum, and all we do is make sure people follow the rules and get rid of the spam. Im not there to censor anyone. I have been a moderator on a different site that makes this one look quite small for many years. I very well know the tasks involved in being a moderator. I have never censored anyone. In fact when the owner of the site starting censoring on a forum I moderated, I quit moderating that forum at that time. As a moderator I would ask that things stay to topic and cut down on the nonsense, So go puff your chest elsewhere cuz I am not impressed not scared. Not puffing my chest at all, or trying to scare anyone. Not sure where you get that from.
  16. Yep, sounds like you dont have it sitting far back enough.
  17. I tried it one year and no more for me. Too many layers of clothes. I usually put the bow away about half way through gun season as I have a couple of archery only spots that I hunt with my bow during gun season.
  18. You wouldnt sight the gun in for 200 yards, you would use a Mildot scope or one with the BDC reticle or some other type that gives you points of reference in order to hold high on the target. Its not that complicated really.
  19. The proper amount of eye relief depends on the scope. Look at the specs for the scope, it will tell you what the eye relief is for it.
  20. Actually, I didn't see where anybody was blaming their hunting woes on TV shows. I'm pretty sure I am missing the point of your reply. Must be a bit too early in the morning ..... lol. Sorry about that but I'm having a problem relating all that to anything that was posted. could you clarify a bit more? What specifically are you replying to? I was referring to Bubba's reply. BTW Bubba, I never said Tiffany was the best hunter, shes just better eye candy than Tred Barta or Jim Shockey or even Uncle Ted (aka the man). Im pretty sure thats what the other guys were saying as well. When comparing TV hunters, whats the point in saying this guy is better than that one? Its entertainment LOL.
  21. I think you guys are putting too much stock into what effects hunting shows have lol. People buy the latest and greatest because its available and they think it will give them an edge. Its always been that way, TV didnt invent that. Food plots are around because they work, and are legal. TV didnt invent that. I could go on and on, but its gonna get monotonous, and I think you get my point. The shows are there for entertainment and maybe a little informational value, but thats it. No reason to blame all of your hunting woes on them.
  22. Why? So you can edit posts that you dont like? Thats not what a moderator does. I moderate on another hunting forum, and all we do is make sure people follow the rules and get rid of the spam. Im not there to censor anyone.
  23. Well, I never had an accident riding an ATV nice and easy. You can putter around on them and never have an accident, but what kind of fun is that? Ya gotta pay to play.
  24. It depends on how much pressure there is in the immediate area. If your plot is out in the middle of the thick stuff, or if the thick stuff is just adjacent to the plot, the deer will sometimes use your plot as a sanctuary type area. Remember, deer dont disappear during gun season, they are still around.
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