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Everything posted by corydd7

  1. As a cowboys fan this was an enjoyable night. I didn't even win by a full point but I will take it.
  2. Still going! I gave up in the fence a couple weeks ago, now that they can just walk in I guess it's not as fun for them to eat my peppers.
  3. Monday is looking like rain at my cabin so I might wait until Monday to drive up. Nice little temp drop Tuesday so I will spend Tuesday and Wednesday hunting early season food sources then head back home Wednesday night if I have no luck. Spent the last hour driving my dogs nuts with my grant call, I think overall I'm actually ready this year.
  4. Stuffed banana peppers from the garden wrapped in thick cut bacon. Cream cheese, cheddar, shrimp and chorizo as the stuffing. Some farmer cheese pierogi on the side.
  5. Twenty five yards with recurve. I'm ready for Northern tier on Monday.
  6. Qell John that is mouth watering thanks a lot.
  7. I grew some yellow watermelon last year they were awesome, also smaller then the red ones I grew. First brussel sprouts I've picked. Hopefully they are tasty. Pulled the rest of my potatoes for the year and more green peppers.
  8. My brother just scored a Colorado elk with his bow. I think half my friends went out there this year but my little brother is the first to score.
  9. Going to be close for me and John. Hopefully Hockenson misses the team bus tomorrow.
  10. Plots look great! Deer look very well fed.
  11. Well what the hell lol, everyone who says brassicas aren't palatable before a frost are wrong. Both brassica plots are 80% eaten down to the ground. They always taste them but this is ridiculous. Maybe an electric fence next year? I know I said I was done but I couldn't help myself, so I took the three hour drive up and dumped 70 pounds of rye on the two plots. Glad I went up, the one plot would have been almost done within two or three weeks. Added the 80 pound bag of 10-20-20 that I had so now I'm really really done for the year. The rye planted 10 days ago was already six inches high which is a little to far along for hunting purposes. But on a different note in five years the deer population and the health on my 40 acres is night and day. In another five years I hope the property will keep making strides. One day the abundance of mature beech will one day actually produce nuts as well.
  12. Those two fawns and mom from the second set of pictures visit that clover trail everyday and are doing more then fine. Had a camera problem on my usual bow hot spot but the rye plot is getting pounded. I'm wondering what is munching on the rye. Never had so many good bucks preseason so I'm pretty happy to say the least. For 5H I think these are some pretty nice adk bucks. Opening day of bow I plan on sitting where that wounded buck is. Hope it works out.
  13. Sorry to hear that man. I believe I watched the same documentary, almost had to shut it off. I was kinda dead set on the military as a kid but as a 15 year old kid that did it for sure. Pretty brutal knowing people who died and who were forever changed by the war. I know the twenty year anniversary was positive for many but the guys I know who served really don't see it that way. I truly hope you find peace with the loss of your family and friends my condolences.
  14. Been thinking about doing this for a couple years, after seeing your success I will do it next year.
  15. Garden salsa, pickled banana peppers, eggplant in oil, spicy pickles and a chicken bacon ranch pizza not in the picture. This was for friends that came yesterday for football. Tonight venison stew and it was darn good.
  16. Got me, but boy does it produce for me. But I do have about ten plants and I did have three that barely produced. Try asian eggplant next year, taste better grows better, produces more and earlier then Italian eggplant.
  17. Deer broke in for the final time last night so I cleaned the garden out today (more potatoes and carrots to go). Jalapeños are huge, I also have 8 pounds of green peppers in the window cill I'm trying to ripen up. Those three jars of eggplant in oil were ten eggplant! So much work but so good. I ran out of jars so I'll buy more tomorrow and pickle four or five more jars of banana and Hungarian wax peppers.
  18. If you have time and cash in hand check your county auction during tax season. All public knowledge if your nice to the person working for the county they will give you a ballpark what price to expect at auction. I went to the town in the area I was looking to purchase then looked at what similar properties sold for, very helpful. Also if someone is subdividing you can get a great deal, so if you find three or four properties on the same road I bet you can negotiate down but in this market who knows. This strategy worked for me. I bought three different sub divided lots (all attached to each other) for pennies on the dollar five years ago I think. About three months ago the guy who sold them to me called to see if I would sell them back.
  19. For deer or in general? Quaker creek is expensive but makes quality product. Not many deer butchering spots in HV, desortos is the spot for most people but I'm sure you know them if your local.
  20. I have the GOAT and a Lamb going tonight, Biz your in trouble this week.
  21. So here is how I see my day and the problems that will occur. Headed to public land by myself Saturday from 6 to 10 a.m. the weather should be from 51-60. I plan on calling it a day at about 8:30 but if I have some luck at 8ish after gutting and dragging over a mile it will be at least low 60s. After that even if I skin right away and start butchering the meat, it obviously has been through some stress. I have friends that should be able to come help out and drag but I don't plan on hopefully. I planned on getting a couple days in this coming week but do to weather I think Saturday morning will be the only day I give it a go.
  22. Low 50s for 3m Saturday morning, just saying.
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