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Everything posted by mowin

  1. Bionic, thanks for the info on the holster. Looks very well made. I currently use a Galco king tuck with my shield. The Galco is a little big and cumbersome, but I got used to it quick. Currently looking for a small CC as my current setup is a tad big for landscaping. My main issue is getting on off mower, and bending over constantly. Most of my clients wouldn't be happy knowing that I carry, but luckily a good number are weekenders and not there when I'm mowing.
  2. What IWB holster is that? Likes dislikes?
  3. I've said it before, I'll say it again. Social media ruined this country. IMHO. The Oscars are a joke. The "stars" push for gun control, but it's ok for them to have armed bodyguards. Plus all the local police, FBI at the Oscars to protect them.. with guns...
  4. 7 out of 10... guess I know some shit...lol
  5. FAKE..... I figured out how to get my answers. I got a 10/10. Had my wife take it. She had 3 answers different than mine... 10/10... How's that possible??
  6. Can't see my score, so I'm claiming 10 out of 10.
  7. Couple dozen??.... think you need to count again.
  8. Bunch of great first bird stories.. Mine wasn't too exciting. No calling and I fell asleep, woke up to 3 Jake's 30 yards away. I seen the same Group of jakes cross near this hedgerow two days in a row. I basically ambushed them, or maybe my snoring called em in.. lol. My first tom was a classic hunt. Roosted him the night before. Got within 75 yards of the roost. The next morning I watched him strut and gobble on the limb to my soft tree yelps. Took him about 10 min to strut into range after he hit the ground.
  9. I agree, there all special. I will say I get more enjoyment helping a youth or new hunter get their first bird then i do pulling the trigger. I don't have any kids, but I've taken all of my nephews hunting over the yrs, as well as many friends kids. I will be rock solid waiting for a tom to come into range when its just me, but I'll shake like a leaf on a tree watching that same tom come into range when a youth is behind the gun.
  10. My one and only hen was taken from a treestand. But I wouldn't call someone a bozo because they used a blind. Granted, it definitely is difficult to draw on a turkey, I've failed many a time, lol....
  11. Sound like a dam fun hunt. The only bird I've gotten with the bow is a hen during the fall deer season. Never tried a spring bowhunt.
  12. Tommy, are you going by the set temp only. Could be the grate temp was higher. Get a good dual probe therm like a maverick 732 or 733. They have a ambient temp probe that you can set on the grate to get a accurate temp reading.
  13. So like the title says, what turkey hunt is your favorite. If you can't pick just one, which one comes to mind? . Doesn't have to be a successful hunt to be your favorite either, or a "trophy" bird. Mine has to be last yrs with my grandnephew. Called in his first bird while he used his late uncle's, then his late dads shotgun. Took the bird under the same tree his dad took his first bird. Definitely a special moment and hunt for both of us. The pressure is on, as his younger brother has been asking me if he can possibly take his first bird this spring using the same shotgun and under the same tree. Sure hope I can pull it off.
  14. mowin

    Youth Bow

    Check Craig's list or want ad digest. EBay is also good, but I'd be cautious about buying from a long distance. A used bow could have issues such as cracked limbs that only a close inspection would detect. Possibly only buy used from a dealer if using EBay. Also keep checking on this sights for sale or trade section.
  15. We will loose our right to own gun. It's going to happen. The current president can't protect us for ever. The next might be king Andy. What do you think he would do if he was president right now? Everytime something like this happens, the publics opinion on guns in general takes a hit. This last shooting, really hurt the 2a. As far as Dick's and F&S. This isn't going to hurt them a bit.
  16. That's fantastic. Good job guys... Oh ya... Ziva too.
  17. The Dick's/Field and stream in Latham had lots of AR's on the shelf last week. Seen a few people asking to look at them as I waited my turn. I'm not sure how this will affect the bottom line. I've talked to a few friends that say they will continue to shop there.
  18. Never heard of it... Assuming it's a coffee thing?
  19. I disagree. Seen many of them being purchased in my local FS. They wouldn't have such a large array of them if they weren't selling.
  20. From what I'm reading, they will no longer sell "assault style" rifles period.
  21. Lol. Rarely went on ch 19 to talk. Mainly to learn the lingo. Don't remember the channels I used the most, but there was about 4 people I'd chat with. Mom and dad were strict with a few rules. Couldn't give out my full name, or address, birthday ECT. Yes, even in '78 they were concerned.
  22. Had one just like it. In my early teens, had a truck cb in my bedroom hooked to a inverter. Had a 20' antenna hooked to a 15' pole that dad hooked to the chimney up on the roof. I was hit by a car, and had two smashed up legs. Had to get a tutor for over a yr. Dad set the cb up in my room. Think he regretted it after a while. I'd be up all night talking to people. I'd get the complimentary "pounding on the wall" from dad telling me to shut it down. That cb got this 13 yr old through some challenging times. Thanks Dad...
  23. That's. I was missing the discount. I graduated in 82, and I think I purchased the bow in '80.
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