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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by mowin

  1. I used to bring my compound bow on the bus when our HS gym class had archery. It was in a soft case. I'd have to leave in the office till gym class, and bring it back to the office after gym.
  2. True story... Yrs ago I hunted a property that bortered another who's owner was a jerk. The landowner of the property I was hunting and this other guy didn't get along. I shot a 4 pt with the bow, and it ran on to the neighboring land. Decided to walk back to my truck and drive over to his house. The guy refused me access. I called my local DEC officer and he came and asked. Again refused. The officer told him that he as a officer has the right to enter his property to retrieve the deer. Guy was furious. Took the officer to the blood trail, and he had me wait as he trailed it. Few min later I hear yelling and here comes the officer. The landowner had found the deer, tagged it and gave the officer a piece of his mind. I hunted that property for many years after. Had a few deer die on his property. Never once asked again. Just went and got my deer. To this day, if a deer I shot runs onto another property, I ain't asking, I'm getting my deer.
  3. I use a 60-40 mix, but like my pork on the fatty side, so I do add some back fat if it looks to lean. I freeze my grinder head to help keep meat cold while grinding. I'll stick it back in the freezer for a few minutes if I think the meat is getting to warm. Adding ice to the mix also helps keep the meat cooler.
  4. Your missing the point... HE NEVER SAID IT. So defending him is a mute point on this issue.
  5. Trump and the white house are denying he said that. There are two senator that have come out and said they never heard him say that. Sooooo more fake ass news. Do you notice, all the shit coming out about the FBI, and Clinton isn't being talked about anymore? All the talk is Trump supposedly saying a bad word.
  6. Remember his books as a young hunter. Signed them out of my high school library. Ya, remember when a high school had books that believed in hunting and the hunting lifestyle???? Yep, I'm getting old..... Lol RIP . Charles.
  7. All's this means is "IF" I'm stopped by the locals or state police, they will be able to see if I have a pistol permit or not, and if I'm a threat if I'm stopped. Do I think it's right, hell no. IF I was reasonably assured I wouldn't be targeted and my PP ultimately be pulled, I wouldn't have complied. Only hoping, by compiling, I'll be put on the back burner compared to those who didn't.
  8. Lol. Won't be hearing about this on the local news or CNN.
  9. Never been "lost". Been turned around a few times. The area's i frequent would be impossible to get lost. There's a road or farm within a 30 min walk at most in all directions.
  10. For all of you that are not buying a ticket, thanks for making my odds of winning even better than I thought. Lol
  11. My wife plays both of em. Every drawing. I jokingly call her a looser. Lol
  12. I think I've seen that squirrel in the woods. Nasty little bugger.
  13. mowin

    Plumbers ?

    I've used shark bites, but only in areas that aren't hidden and in spots I can easily spot and issues. Yes I've had a couple fail, so no in the wall use for me. And yes pex is easy to use. No elbows needed to make a corner.
  14. Looks like he's really enjoying himself too. Congrats on figuring out the video thing. I'd probably have a smashed phone by now if I was trying. Lol
  15. Did you ever think that those who looked at your post have know idea how to help? There's a lot of people on this site who do a lot of reading, but rarely post. Don't get upset because your thread doesn't have any/many responses. Give the topic some time. Someone who knows about this stuff will respond.
  16. Your all wrong. It's the one you have the most confidence in, and you shoot the best. But if I "had" to pick one, it would be... Ok I can't choose.
  17. Read his stuff as a young hunter trying to gain any insight into this great sport. Definitely contributed to the hunting community. Prayers to you and his family. Think I still have one of his books buried downstairs. Think I'll try to find it. A true inspection to my becoming the hunter I am today. Few tears rolling down my cheek...
  18. I also like Elmer Keith's " hell I was there" But my favorite in Peter Hathaway Chapstick "death in the long grass".
  19. Have a local butcher that I buy from. Usually get a case which is around 60 to 70 lbs.
  20. Most cooks were in the 225 range. Except summer sausage, pit temp has to be below 170. Little tip. Make foil packets of chips. Poke some holes in the top. No need to soak the chips either.
  21. Had issues with keeping chips lit in stock pan at lower temps. The cast held more heat. I ended up ditching that and did what's called the mailbox mod. Basically, use a metal mailbox and pipe that into the lower side vent. Put a a-maz-n tube in the mailbox for smoke. Eliminates the need to keep adding chips.
  22. Great looking pup. Congrats and enjoy.
  23. I've got the same one. Had it for about 6 yrs. Made some fantastic Q on that smoker. Couple tips... DONT believe the door therm, there notorious for being way off. Grab a Maverick dual probe therm. One probe is for meat and the other is a ambient probe. Next get a bayou classic needle valve and place in in the gas line. It's difficult to get temps low enough with the stock temp knob. Don't get a flow control setup like the one a turkey fryer has( one with the red knob), that's a high pressure unit. The burner on your smoker is low pressure burner. I also got rid of the stock chip pan and went with a small cast iron pan. I did a few other mods over the yrs. PM me if you have any questions. Enjoy the smoker.
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