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Everything posted by mowin

  1. My post was to let you no that I'm jealous that you're leaving this shithole.
  2. Good, loose your rights as a legal gun owner.
  3. Ok, you obviously love king andy. Good for you.
  4. Less then 100 yrds from my driveway this morning, I see a dead hen and probably 6 poults dead on the side of the road. There were probably 3 or 4 poults still alive around mom that would scurry into the brush as I drove by. They were probably 1/3 feathered. So sad...
  5. Are there not laws in place already to control this?
  6. Cold smoking is keeping the pit temp as low as possible, but over 32°, but under 100° as not to render any fat. I only cold smoke during the spring and fall. I use a smoke tube with pellets. I smoke for 4-6 hrs, rest uncovered in the fridge overnight. Another 4-6 hrs of smoke. I might do this twice, or up to 5 times depending on how thick the bellies are, or until I get the color I like. I then rest the bacon uncovered in my project fridge(aka brining, smoking, fridge) for a couple days before slicing and packaging. Bacon is the only meat I like "over smoked" so to speak, so I go 4 smoke, rest periods for me. Others, like 2 smoke periods.
  7. There are laws already on the books for what he's proposing. But unfortunately, it's disgusted as a new law to take guns from "law abiding citizens".
  8. https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-declares-first-nation-gun-violence-disaster-emergency-part-comprehensive
  9. I've done hot smoked a few times, but I prefer the texture of cold smoking. I use this calculator to measure out my cure salt and sugar. www.diggingdogfarm.com/page2. I usually drop the salt % down a tad. Looking forward to the finished pics...
  10. Yes it does. I rub the bags and flip every day. You might want to go a little longer than 8 days if there's still a lot of moisture in the bags. The meat will absorb most of it. I usually go 14 days. Also, I'm assuming your used cure #1 or tender quick?
  11. Benjamin .177cal pump pellet gun. First gray and red squirrel, chipmunk, grackles, cow birds, Bluejays, Racoon, woodchuck. First coyote and fox with Ruger 22mag. Savage pump 16g. First partridge, first hen and tom turkey. Marlin 336c. First doe and buck. First bow kill. Browning deluxe nomad xx75 2113 and bear razor. First bear with pse legacy.
  12. Congrats on the new toy. Looking forward to the Maine pics.
  13. Happy birthday America..
  14. Hard to tell. Could be he's got some junk at the base. Looking forward to seeing some pics as he develops.
  15. It was fantastic. Combo collage grad in vetenary medicine, and her mom who is a physical therapist and her and her husband own 3 physical therapy locations, got her MD in physical therapy to be on the same level as the therapist they employ. And it there 30th wedding anniversary. Oh ya, the engagement of the daughter who is a veterinarian.
  16. AWESOME. Always look forward to your Maine trip. Wife and I were there visiting friends couple weeks ago.
  17. Really.. you make and supply components to the big three, but only the ones you supply to Ram are inferior.
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