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Everything posted by mowin

  1. Love the tree and the tradition. For the first time in... well...ever, I'm ready for a artificial tree....
  2. It is not moving the season later. It's in addition to the current late SZ season.
  3. Ok, please don't do that in anyone's kitchen, lol
  4. Around 70 min. @ 350. Oh, and please don't do that in the kitchen.
  5. Me.... I can't get out much during archery do to work. Next week I'll finally be done with my fall cleanups and can put more time in the woods. I enjoy late muzzle. I've taken some decent bucks, but it's mostly a freezer filler season, so a extra week to fill a tag or two would be great.
  6. I hate road riders. I would have hidden the deer and waited for the scumbag.
  7. I've had mine loaded for the entire late season and a week or so after before I got a chance to shoot. As long as the powder stays dry, you should be good. Tape over the muzzle and I leave it in the truck. Bringing it into the house causes condensation.
  8. Had to go to the store this morning. Drove past my hunting spots. One field had 7 doe and a 6pt that I would gladly have taken. Little further on, a slammer of a 8pt was guarding a doe next to a island of trees only 60 yrds from the road. I was going to take a pic when a truck pulled up and the guy started to get out with his rifle. I quickly pointed out the posted sign, and my clients house only 150' away. He basically said he didn't care, so I walked in the field and spooked them off. I then snapped a pic of the license plate and said DEC will be called. I hate road riders... Notice I didn't say road hunters, as I don't consider them hunters.
  9. Like I mentioned earlier, my local DEC officer told me the plan was to hopefully implement it this yr. Weather or not that happens remains to be seen. I not confident it will be this yr, but I'm not putting money up that it won't.
  10. Gut shot. Could have run a half mile or more. Looks like crows may have fed a little.
  11. mowin

    Buck Fight

    I've seen a bunch of pushing, sparing over the yrs, but only once witnessed a battle. Incredible sight indeed.
  12. In my area, any underground tank is self owned, not leased or owned by the propane company. If you own your tank, you can call around for better price per gallon, and I definitely doesn't take 20 yrs to recoup your cost unless you're only running a cook stove off of a 1000gal tank. Even then, no monthly lease fees.
  13. No judgement from me. I've shot my share of BB, and I'm definitely not a trophy or horn hunter. You mentioned your dad was upset it was a BB. Would he have shot if he realized it was a BB? My statement was more of a general feeling from the hunting community that a BB shouldn't be taken. I meant no disrespect to you or your dad.
  14. Well, I'd still throw the book at the scumbag. Lol
  15. Ok, this has gotten confusing. Do you know the " trespasser" and are just busting chops? Or is this a actual scumbag?
  16. Never understood why one would be upset with a BB, but not a doe fawn? Both eat the same so why? Potential P&Y? Same doe fawn could have the same or better genetics as the BB. But every BB taken is considered as the next world record, but the doe fawn is just that..... a doe. Sorry, but it takes genetics from both parents to make something special.
  17. Well, at least he's friendly, and didn't steal your cam.
  18. She was scheduled to go in next week. However, one of our dogs got under her and she fell resulting in more damage. So today at 5:30AM, were at the hospital. Surgery went well, no complications. Hardest part is they booted me out of the hospital once she got a room. Was only allowed to see her for 15 min. She's coming home tomorrow. No hunting for me until the weekend at best...
  19. Don't mess with a old man's dog. Didn't read the entire article, but hopefully the little guy (puppy) makes a full recovery. I think I would have strangled that gator to death after it let my puppy go.
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