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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Was out working tree stands, and trimming poison ivy out of the trees since 9 am. Did they win?
  2. What a nice animal. Hope u get a daylight view of that deer, with a shot, during the season. They always seem to pop up when u least expect them to.
  3. Sure likes his picture taken. Noticed a lot of sniffing close up pics. The human scent must be stronger, during the dry weather.
  4. Welcome aboard. Grew up in Newstead, and still hunt the area. Nice to see youth being introduced. Good luck with your hunting and enjoy.
  5. Happy belated birthday to your daughter. You set a prime example of what a father should be. I think that is excellent. Cogats to you and your family,
  6. Vote for an early born this year. We always have a few born in April. We have a buck fawn born early this year that's approaching 70 lbs. now. I agree, your protein is sure helping.
  7. Everything is looking much better here. Nice green up in the fields. Think the drought is finally starting to loose it grip.
  8. No groups here. Down to one practice arrow, lol. Shoot and go retrieve.
  9. Have we gone by the deadline when the bill dies, unsigned?
  10. Nice. See the buck in the fore ground on 19. Funny he didn't come closer to the camera for a more solid pic. I'm seeing a full rack on the closer buck in pick 19, zoomed in. Good luck.
  11. Hope the leaves, at least fall off the trees before it snows.Remember far to many years of wet snow, tree damage. A full moon , clear sky, seems to hinder deer movement here to a degree. I have logged many a clear sky with a full moon not seeing a deer. Now being out in the woods a full 2 weeks could be all together different. Canopy should be still full to an extent with may affect the deer patters, showing in the shadows of the woods. With the different sun rise, set times will, no doubt, affect it also. Sure going to be a learning curve.
  12. Nice little 1/2" rainfall here. Oats will be right up.
  13. Depends what deer your looking for. We never ever introduce human urine in the hunting area, ( that we know of). Mature bucks will sort it out. Puts their guard up on high alert. Why take the chance? Take a vessel.
  14. Just like Eddie, I use the plastic patio chairs, with the all important backs. I take a saw and shorten the legs up a tad, so to have a good shot with a bow out the windows.
  15. Have had fatty doe, but never a beefy one, lol.
  16. Call Scott @ Johnson's. They should have them but make sure you get the correct grain weight to match your field point and broadheads. 434-9411 He's good people.... Thank you.
  17. Tried to start some from root stock unsuccessfully. Wouldn't think they would be to different from any other tree. Next year, going to try manure, peat moss; under the roots.
  18. Gottta even out the flow here. I wouldn't be to quick to pass judgement on that deer. We have seen a few like that, form some nice potential with maturity. A pass here.
  19. I'm a American, dam it. When I want a sugar drink, I'll dam well get one!
  20. Choppers don't like rocks. Shortage of hay so more corn will be chopped. Up to 20% more per acre in 15" rows. Deer will head for your food sources, hopefully. Get some oats in the ground, just planted more this am..
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