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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Moved a snapper off the road yesterday. Went well over the 12 inch limit. Heavy too. We use to have one walking around with a shaved flat top. Figured someone hit it with a bush hog.
  2. I sure hope you took pics. of this and post them.
  3. I don't believe it's like that at all Doc. Doe fawns can and do stay with their mothers for several years. Buck fawns are kicked to the curb, so to speak before the next breeding cycle begins. ( Based on my own personal observations) I haven't witnessed near as many deer along our area roadways this year, as years prior. Smarter deer? Lower numbers? Better educated drivers? Better highway cleanup efforts? Maybe. I have slammed on the brakes more this year though, the last, nearly taking out a doe and last years fawn running with her.
  4. Weird color on that turkey. Almost looks like someones barnyard stock
  5. Just hope it doesn't do what's it has done for the last three years now; get May's rainfall along with June.
  6. Just one of the dangers uncovered. How many more, that we don't know about? Head light lens pieces can come through the windshield embedding into the seat, in an accident. How many cars have plastic pieces in front.
  7. I know some of you got downpours over the holiday weekend; we got barely a shower here. Planted a few potatoes on the light soils right in the dust Used liquid fertillizer for fear the dry wouldn't be as effective. Like to get some plantings in this month, so hoping for some rainfall. How's conditions in your neck of the woods?
  8. The protein is a flowing and the racks are a growing. Nice pics from the Covert. Seems use to the cams. No noise, natural poses.
  9. A big Thank You to all "Live From The Turkey Woods" posters. Some nice stories with some great birds taken. Maybe next season, we can get another contest going again for fun.
  10. Still waiting for a jake, tom, gobble or something that resembles a male turkey. Pretty bad when taking a target back out to fire my gun at a paper turkey.
  11. Are you two hunting near each other. Maybe we can get a hunting together picture, LOL. A hunting harvest together pic. would be all the nicer!
  12. They say flash flood warnings in effect till 10:45 PM.. Must have dumped that three inches in a short time.
  13. Weather Service says 3 inches of rain has fallen from thunder storms in parts of Monroe, Ontario, and Livingston counties. Hope everyone safe!
  14. Now there's where the gobblers have been all season. Guess I need to build me one of them bird feeders to a least see a jake or gobbler LOL.
  15. First and foremost, safety should be on the minds of every hunter out there! Now for crossbows, I believe a full NYS. manatory Instructor coarse on crossbow use should be imposed for every hunter. Then throw in your seasons use and, other debates. The state went about this whole crossbow introduction as. backwards. This whole political football that this states DEC throws, stinks rotten. It looks like this state intentionally releases this crap to keep the hunters at odds with each other. Just think what a united hunting community could be in this state. Many have taken the bait and run with it, playing right into the hand of our government. Now I'm ready for some of that popcorn and a good stout beer.
  16. I would question fertility, this late in the game. Set on one hatching with no success. We have had some good weather for poults. That many hens out so early, They all couldn't be infertile. I would lean towards the males. Soft shell eggs could be another deciding factor. I would hope nothing more serious. Something the DEC hasn't released..
  17. Nothing, but mosquitos and deer. Had a doe bring in her fawns. Tails flinching like mad. Cut it with a knife muggy. Looks to be a threating kind of day, weather wise. Came in for breakfast and a thermocell refill. Good luck, everyone out.
  18. You know that spiders pay a visit in the middle of the night to get moisture.
  19. We're on the decline list. Hopefully, this year will be a rebound.
  20. Hopefully, she'll have to miss ballet class for a nice big turkey.
  21. Your camera's just fine. Looks like a young bird. Been told bearded hens are rare. Seem more common as of late. Do turkeys visit the feeder on a regular basis?
  22. Potatoes like soils around 5.5 ph.. Five hundred pounds of 10-20-20 to the acre min.. If you want a giant, hollow free verity; try Kennebec, in the white rounds Long french fries, LOL. Chippawa makes a great tasting potato. Looking for red rounds; try Norland or Pontiac. Watch your damp cool nights; as grow said, blight is your enemy. Dam weeds also. Last on my like too do list. Well drained ground is a must. One wet year, we grew potatoes on top of the ground under mulching hay. One last thing, avoid manure; causes scab on the skin. Good luck and happy spuds!
  23. Humid in the woods today. Turkeys picked a shade tree and parked, LOL.
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