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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. My guess is up north people dont get freaked out seeing people with rifles in the woods and know more about hunting season .
  2. Could be the stock is loose . And make sure your using the same brand of ammo . Or even try a different brand .
  3. Looks good they have those old stone walls where I hunt to. Some of them are over 400 years old I am told
  4. Nice been thinking about getting a lever in 44 mag just to use up there
  5. Good question I'm guessing because they want to promote bow hunting and muzzleloader over rifle hunting . Or there data shows bow and muzzleloader hunters are not successful enough to hurt the population, Or maybe they just want to keep more people hunting as much as possible And figure that is a way to do it with out hurting the deer population as much as they would if they gave out more gun tags .
  6. Yes I think brenneke use more alloys to increase the hardness of there lead slugs.
  7. I practice shooting at small game then a deer seems like a ridiculously huge target to you at moderate range and it calms you down .
  8. Not if you dont hunt them because of AR what did they learn if anything they learn hunters ignor them until they reach that limit . See what I mean . Your giving them a false sense of security up until that day there horn gets legal size . Say what you want but your not getting the best survival gentics with AR .
  9. Sorry but just like a dog is just a wolf that's been bread to be more docile around people . The less hunting pressure you put on the deer or bear or any game animal the more likely you will get deer that are less afraid of people or let themselves get closer to people then they would normally. So the minute that deers horns gets over the size limit it gets shot even more easily then if you had no AR . Dont really see it doing anything except helping someone shoot a bigger buck that normally would not get to shoot because naturally only the smartest ones , good at staying away from hunters grow old .
  10. Heard of spiderman He created that and a bunch of other marvel comics
  11. a limited hunting season that is what keeps deer from getting wiped out . ARs is only good for giving a easier trophy to someone. Kinda like high fence hunting. It let's the less wild bucks grow that normally would get shot . There are big bucks even without AR only difference is those are actually the deer with the gentics that make them the most wild and smartest bucks . They show up on trail cams . Just not stupid enough to come close to most hunters .
  12. Just my opinion but ARs are unnatural. Do wolf's or any predator only go after one group of deer ? If it does not happen with other predators. Then it probably not a good idea for humans to hunt that way either .
  13. Just my opinion but you never notice that animals that dont get hunted near the citys let you get much closer to them then animals that live in places that are hunted a lot . Goes for rabbits crows deer turkey anything that gets hunted . AR more then likely Are giving these bucks a false sense of security making them less wild and making them easier to hunt because they dont fear man as much as they could be .
  14. I like the idea of the smartest most wild deer surviving passing on those gentics AR is unnatural when you do that aren't you basically turning the wild deer into almost high fence deer in a way? It's good if you want a easier chance at a bigger buck it's bad if you want to hunt bucks that are the smartest and hardist to hunt as possible.
  15. Dont know if it be my first choice but I would only use something like this for large dangerous game at close range. https://www.brennekeusa.com/hunting-ammunition/black-magicr-magnum/ Pretty sure that would do the trick Says has over 2200 foot pounds at 25 yards and 1750 at 50 yards Over 3000 at the muzzle.
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