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If we only discuss such things behind closed doors (PM), then it does somewhat of a disservice to the site. Part of the reason these sites are great is because you get lots of info that you may otherwise not know about. In this case, Im sure there have been people that read this thread that didnt know what the baiting laws were, now they do.


I suppose anyone can start a thread on the illegal uses of bait/feed (or any other legal concern) anytime they want without causing embarrassment to members. I mean, if it's just membership education that's a concern, there are a lot of ways to go about that.

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I suppose anyone can start a thread on the illegal uses of bait/feed (or any other legal concern) anytime they want without causing embarrassment to members. I mean, if it's just membership education that's a concern, there are a lot of ways to go about that.

If someone saying "thats a nice mineral block you have there" and saying its illegal to bait or use minerals is embarassment, then you are alot softer than Ive ever took you for Doc. I never said one harsh thing to the guy when he started in with things.

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WNY, let me set it straight, I in no way condone any type of illegal activity. I also noticed the block and knew right away what it appeared to be. I am saying not to jump to a conclusion and call someone out in public by a single set of pictures with no other story with it. A private message stating what the appearance was with a disclaimer would have sufficed. The admission that this was in fact an apple block that was set out with the intention of attracting wildlife came out a few posts after and no doubt was an unintentional infraction. Afterall Vietvet freely admitted what it was and didn't try to hide it. Something that a man with integrity does. So I believe him to be an honest person who didn't know the law.

Personally, I could care less what someone does on their own property and feel that the ban of off season feeding and mineral supplements is politically driven.

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Btw, its Funny that you are bashing a guy for guided high fence hunts in TX, which is 100% legal, but you make excuses for someone doing something illegal in your own state. Just sayin, hope you arent embarrased.

I'm not bashing anybody. I have not said anything about favoring high fences, low fences, or no fences at all. But I will say that this attitude of "gotcha" seems just a tad unfriendly and unnecessary when we have a feature of PMs available.

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WNY, let me set it straight, I in no way condone any type of illegal activity. I also noticed the block and knew right away what it appeared to be. I am saying not to jump to a conclusion and call someone out in public by a single set of pictures with no other story with it. A private message stating what the appearance was with a disclaimer would have sufficed. The admission that this was in fact an apple block that was set out with the intention of attracting wildlife came out a few posts after and no doubt was an unintentional infraction. Afterall Vietvet freely admitted what it was and didn't try to hide it. Something that a man with integrity does. So I believe him to be an honest person who didn't know the law.

Personally, I could care less what someone does on their own property and feel that the ban of off season feeding and mineral supplements is politically driven.

So just how far does your "I could care less" go? What level of illegal does someone have to reach before you do care what is done on their own property?

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WNY, let me set it straight, I in no way condone any type of illegal activity. I also noticed the block and knew right away what it appeared to be. I am saying not to jump to a conclusion and call someone out in public by a single set of pictures with no other story with it. A private message stating what the appearance was with a disclaimer would have sufficed. The admission that this was in fact an apple block that was set out with the intention of attracting wildlife came out a few posts after and no doubt was an unintentional infraction. Afterall Vietvet freely admitted what it was and didn't try to hide it. Something that a man with integrity does. So I believe him to be an honest person who didn't know the law.

Personally, I could care less what someone does on their own property and feel that the ban of off season feeding and mineral supplements is politically driven.

We could obviously go back and forth on this all day, but the posts in the thread tell the story, and I still think that calling people out for their illegal activities, either intentional or unintentional, is a necessary thing. I am not going to shy away from doing it in the future, ruffled feathers or not.

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I'm not bashing anybody. I have not said anything about favoring high fences, low fences, or no fences at all. But I will say that this attitude of "gotcha" seems just a tad unfriendly and unnecessary when we have a feature of PMs available.

And thats where youre wrong, it was not, and still is not a "gottcha" type of thing. I have already made my opinions on this clear.

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I've pm'ed someone about their after hours kill before. I've also made a thread about an after hours kill that was so blatantly obvious in the article. Those who play by the rules have every right to speak up when someone else isn't playing fair. I spoke to WNY and next time he will send a fruit basket with the dec regs in it. LOL.

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So just how far does your "I could care less" go? What level of illegal does someone have to reach before you do care what is done on their own property?

Seriously? Give me a break. You want to mineral supplement deer in your back yard I could care less. It isn't hurting anything or anybody. (I'm talking out of season) You on the other hand admit to talking on a cellphone while driving which has the potential of hurting someone....

The next part is a general comment to no one in particular.

Only point I have been trying to make is that too many people read too much into pictures and never seem to give a benefit of a doubt. Pictures without a story aren't proof of anything. Its a picture and thats it. Then next thing you know someone gets up on a little pedestal and begin to preach the law. It hurts the site regardless of what anyone says. I know at least 5 other members of this site personally and none of us will post a picture on here anymore because of the constant negative reactions. I've seen pictures taken in the dark that are torn apart as an after hours kill even though they weren't. I've seen pictures where the tag wasn't visible torn up as untagged illegal harvests even though they were tagged. Hell, one guy posted a picture of a monster buck last season and it was torn apart because you couldn't see both sides of the rack.

So that is a total of 6 members that I know of that were spooked off from posting pics. How many others just like me and my buddies are there? And some think that the self righteous holier than thou attitudes don't hurt the site.

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Seriously? Give me a break. You want to mineral supplement deer in your back yard I could care less. It isn't hurting anything or anybody. (I'm talking out of season) You on the other hand admit to talking on a cellphone while driving which has the potential of hurting someone....

The next part is a general comment to no one in particular.

Only point I have been trying to make is that too many people read too much into pictures and never seem to give a benefit of a doubt. Pictures without a story aren't proof of anything. Its a picture and thats it. Then next thing you know someone gets up on a little pedestal and begin to preach the law. It hurts the site regardless of what anyone says. I know at least 5 other members of this site personally and none of us will post a picture on here anymore because of the constant negative reactions. I've seen pictures taken in the dark that are torn apart as an after hours kill even though they weren't. I've seen pictures where the tag wasn't visible torn up as untagged illegal harvests even though they were tagged. Hell, one guy posted a picture of a monster buck last season and it was torn apart because you couldn't see both sides of the rack.

So that is a total of 6 members that I know of that were spooked off from posting pics. How many others just like me and my buddies are there? And some think that the self righteous holier than thou attitudes don't hurt the site.

Wow. no need to get your panties in a bunch. It was a real question. I was not bussting your chops. I was asking how illegal is illegal enough to address. Seemed like a simple question. Is a violation not enough to report but anything that is a misdemeanor/felony is?

As far as the members getting torn up for pictures. I would really like to see those threads. andy chance you could point to them or give some keey workds so I could see those specific posts you mention. I don't remember reading them and would like to.

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Wow. no need to get your panties in a bunch. It was a real question. I was not bussting your chops. I was asking how illegal is illegal enough to address. Seemed like a simple question. Is a violation not enough to report but anything that is a misdemeanor/felony is?

As far as the members getting torn up for pictures. I would really like to see those threads. andy chance you could point to them or give some keey workds so I could see those specific posts you mention. I don't remember reading them and would like to.

I think the point that should be taken from this issue is that we all read and see the pictures. But only a select few always have to get on their high hourse and preach. Most of us just enjoy the pictures and know what we are looking out but don't want to start any contravercy over these minor issues. That take over the thread and drive us away from the site. Don't be so quick to judge others, period, just enjoy the site. It seems at times if you are not rubbing someones nose in the muck some are not happy. Trying to show how smart they are about everything that is posted on this site, not a post goes by that you guys don't have something to say about, mostly negative.
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Really Dave my point wasn't that. I really want to know what not to do you someones delicated feelings don't get hurt. .SO from your stand point look at pictures, don't disagree with anyone and never address illegal activity? Is that your point?

Not trying to speak for anyone else, but I would think that a direct private message would be in order and a suggestion that the picture might want to be taken down to avoid legal hassles. That way, instead of a guy getting all pissed off and embarrassed, he is actually kind of grateful that you are looking out for him.

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Really Dave my point wasn't that. I really want to know what not to do you someones delicated feelings don't get hurt. .SO from your stand point look at pictures, don't disagree with anyone and never address illegal activity? Is that your point?

Yes exactly if just to promote harmony. As Doc has mentioned sent a PM if you feel strongly about an issue.
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