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The Government Is Watching You! Really, they are, from drones in the sky.

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Government huh, local townships have been using satellite imagery for years now to see if people put up barns, garages, home additions etc so they can TAX U MORE!!! And these are people that live right in yer own neighborhood, that you more than likely voted for???

If Washington is flying drones over your house to check you out "yooouuu might just be a Terrorist!!

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I recently heard about this and was not paying too much attention.

I may have misinterpreted. I thought that the aircraft was used to see if some kind of contaminents were being ,dumped illegally into the local water supply.

My assumption was that it was possibly for 2 reasons.

First : So that the local people did not drink contaminated water with things like fecal matter .. ( No one wants to drink a cup of feces)

Second: They possibly were afraid that contaminents would get on some kind of vegetables which would get shipped around the U.S., or consumed by the local people.( I don't remember which states were involved and I am not even sure that they grow vegetables in the subject areas)

Like I wrote above I was half listening and then made an assumption.

Am I wrong ??

What was the reason ?


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When any government agency has law abiding citizens under random surveilance, it certainly does magnify the control capabilities to a point where you have to wonder just what kinds of mischief they could use such spying activities for. This sort of thing just grows and grows to the point where the sanctity of privacy totally dissolves.

Technology has a way of putting us under lock and key without even using bars. We used to think that the right to bear arms related to an ultimate control of the citizens over a run-away government. Well given the technology of the day, that argument is really merely a bunch of wishful thinking. But don't tell the anti-gun folks ..... lol.

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I couldn't agree more with you Doc. It doesn't help any that people have brought it on themselves by sharing everything on Facebook and making it easy to monitor. Plus, no one stands up to the government when they pass laws such as the one which allows the federal government to track individual person's cellular phones without a search warrant (although, according to a recent court decision, they still require a warrant to affix a GPS tracking device to your car or person).

I remember seeing a sign out here on this deployment, "If terrorists hate us because of our freedoms, does that mean they're starting to like us?" It's a sad statement.

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By the way, anybody who thinks these wackos are not fiancially well supported and organized might just want to take a look at that camera (which the now claims to have two) and that crazy-looking helicopter thingy. I'll admit that this guy is a bit out there, but they do have some well-healed followers and apparently the ability to sell their nonsense to the public via as much cash as needed.

This actually was a good add to the thread in that it illustrates that these technological spy-gizmos are available to a lot more than just government agencies. So anybody who has cash and a desire to use harrassment against whatever cause or person their twist mind deems worthwhile, are apparently free and legally within their rights to do so. How long before some disgruntled neighbor decides to fly his drone surveillance gadget over and around your house .... lol. Technology ..... a wonderful thing, but maybe completely out of control.

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By the way, anybody who thinks these wackos are not fiancially well supported and organized might just want to take a look at that camera (which the now claims to have two) and that crazy-looking helicopter thingy. I'll admit that this guy is a bit out there, but they do have some well-healed followers and apparently the ability to sell their nonsense to the public via as much cash as needed.

This actually was a good add to the thread in that it illustrates that these technological spy-gizmos are available to a lot more than just government agencies. So anybody who has cash and a desire to use harrassment against whatever cause or person their twist mind deems worthwhile, are apparently free and legally within their rights to do so. How long before some disgruntled neighbor decides to fly his drone surveillance gadget over and around your house .... lol. Technology ..... a wonderful thing, but maybe completely out of control.

I can build a fully-automated, GPS-guided UAV for around $1K. A friend of mine and I built one using a model airplane with a wingspan of 80" and a tiny 4-cycle engine. It could stay airborne for roughly 30 to 40 minutes and we had it programmed such that we could use Google Earth to select a point, enter the altitude, and his UAV would fly there and "monitor." You also had the option of taking full-control and piloting the system from a "ground station" (laptop computer). The actual concept of operations is simple, all that you require are the necessary electronics (microcontroller and low-power ARM system, GPS module, compass, IMU), webcam, and a 4G USB cellular modem. You automate the tasks of flying level to the microcontroller and essentially turn that into the autopilot. We then hosted a webpage on the ARM computer (running Linux) where we could navigate to, enter a password, and "assume control" of the UAV. The ARM computer would process our commands, do any serious math, and then feed the flight information to the autopilot.

All in all it took us probably 70 to 100 hours and I think the final cost was around $900. It was a fun project and a decent test of programming ability.

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I cant seem to be able to draw it up right now. They have own several drones, and some type of hang glider that they harrass goose hunters with ... They flew drones over state pheasant farms, ect, ect... There is 1 or 2 videos of people shooting down their drones too. They taped several police encounters too. Look it up.

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Not to sure what the heck they are trying to accomplish by video taping shoots. I'd thank them and ask for a copy so I could post how I did on here.

He posts this on youtube, facebook and every other place he can, then he sends copies to news stations who might well air these videos. Then the folks out there that dont hunt and really dont care about hunting one way or the other see this stuff and guess what, you got more anti hunters, it works well for them.

Look at some of his other videos of kids killing wounded pigeons and teens slamming them into garbage cans. this stuff can only hurt us as a group and should be done where no body but club members can see it.

check out this video and tell me this wont hurt us in the eyes of the general public??

Edited by sits in trees
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They are ticketing us with camera's too. Wich I feel is not right. How do you cross examin a camera? Just another way the Gov get money from us and we do not complain about it so they will keep on going. Next is hidden camera's on the highway to prevent speeding, it will happen...

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I was in rochester today and we see this guy coming towards us obviously talking to himself, but something just didn't seem right about him. as he got closer it looked silver and sure enough as he turned the corner we were at it was a foil hat! and i couldn't think of anything quick enough to say before light changed

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I grew up in the city and even got my first apartment out there when i was 17 and i have seen and heard some wacky stuff but i have never see a foil hat. I have seen it windows but maybe not for same reason as the hat lol

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