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I was surprised by Paul Ryan's speech

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The problem exists and throwing more money and services at it hasn't worked. It has only gotten worse. I just don't know anymore.

Agreed. I don't know either. But, the truth is that it's probably more costly in the long run to cut off the assistance. It's very frustrating. But, it's a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' / 'don't cut off your nose to spite your face' kind of situation.

I'm not sure it's any more costly in this case, our tax dollars being given to planned parenthood and somehow there still is an increasingly rampant problem with unwanted pregnancy... that tells me that the tax dollars are being wasted because they haven't made a difference in the amount of bad choices being made.

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I'm not sure it's any more costly in this case, our tax dollars being given to planned parenthood and somehow there still is an increasingly rampant problem with unwanted pregnancy... that tells me that the tax dollars are being wasted because they haven't made a difference in the amount of bad choices being made.

You do know that pregancy typically leads to childbirth, right? Unwanted children are most often on government assistance from day one. Many have special needs that are very costly to the taxpayer. You have to seperate your morality from the practicality on this one.

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You just proved my point... the program isn't working!... unwanted pregnancy is worse than ever and feeding money into free birth control isn't working! Money being used for unwanted children has increased even with a taxpayer funding of birth control and nobody is trying to take away money for unwanted children. It is not practical to continue putting money into a program that is not working... regardless of anyones morality.

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The part that I don't understand is why people think a few million to Planned Parenthood, is anything other than a blip on the budget.

If you're going to be critical, be critical about the (only) three things that really matter: Defense, Medicaid and Social Security. That goes for Republicans and Democrats.

And as for that completely ignorant statement about the debt ceiling, and the inference it should not have been raised...wow, just do me a favor and look up what the "debt ceiling" is and what the consequences of not raising it would have been. Try to find a non-political, economist source. That was not a Republican or Democrat issue. If we had defaulted, it would have been a catastrophe like we have not seen in (most) of our lifetimes.

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The Planned Parenthood thing is just a bunch of bible freaks forcing their personal beliefs on the public. No amount of logic is going to change their views.

Not sure where you are going with that. I thought we were all basically saying the current efforts aren't working becasue numbers are still going up. Did I miss something where any religion was discussed?

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I dont think the Dems get it at all. All Ive seen highlighted on the liberal news were social issues, there was a little bit on the economy but 99% was about social issues. Right now no one gives a spit about social issues!! What Mr President are you doing about putting regular Americans back to work? Ive heard your pandering to the unions about how you want to put them back to work but what about the rest of us? Im not a teacher or a cop, or a construction worker so what are you doing for me? Oh I remember for the rest of us its unemployement and welfare. The Dems are doing nothing but playing smoke and mirrors, they have no plan and they have no future for America!!! The Republicrats say something about the economy and the Dems counter with abortion and birth control???? What is that their plan for boosting the economy, killing kids and making drugs? Now just for the record Im for abortion. I beleive all regestered Democrats should have free access to abortion 24 hrs a day. :lol:

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but I must have missed something that made you include the "bible freaks forcing" something.

All christophobes automaticly assume bible freaks are after them. It is a serious mental problem in the growing Atheist population. Its interesting how most Dems spout tolerance and co existance of views untill its in direct conflict with their perceived view of reality.

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And as for that completely ignorant statement about the debt ceiling, and the inference it should not have been raised...wow, just do me a favor and look up what the "debt ceiling" is and what the consequences of not raising it would have been. Try to find a non-political, economist source. That was not a Republican or Democrat issue. If we had defaulted, it would have been a catastrophe like we have not seen in (most) of our lifetimes.

Completely ignorant is not willing to accept the reason why the debt ceiling had to be raised. You missed my sarcastic point. If you took the WHY (Obama) out of the equation there wouldnt have been an IF WE DONT equation to solve. So yeah just do me a favor and look up the reason why it had to be raised and not the if we didnt. And try to find a non-political, economist source. Then we can talk.

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A couple of good night for the Dem's. Honestly I don't think Romney has a prayer.

I wouldnt be so sure since they had to break out the God card and the Jews card. They must really be hurting to offend half their base. But thats what happens when the race card isnt working anymore I guess.

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Now that you've made the statement.. show some proof that poor people can't get birth control.. we already know that free birthcontrol is available to the poor and the not so poor.. the fact that poor women are getting pregnant has little to do with the availability of birth control and more to do with lack of responsibility... and that doesn't seem to be much of a problem either because they also have the option of a free abortion at the same place they get the birth control... can you see the problem we have here yet or is none of this getting through??

You're right on the money. Does anyone think that poor people have trouble scraping up enough money for cigarettes, beer, candy, cell phones junk food?? Fact is birth control is cheap and in a lot of cases free.

This whole free birth control thing is just another example of the liberal mentality that says the government should take care of every little part of a persons life. So NO this wont get through to true libs. In their eyes we are all mean and hate women. It's a brilliant way of thinking LOL

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You can't blame Congress when you feel like taking the blame off a Republican President, and leave Congress completely unaccountable when you want a Democratic President to take the blame for everything.

Well, you can, but it makes you a hypocrite. And a Republican.


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Did your boyfriend Obama stop those wars that , like it or not, congress voted to start or are they still going on ??? After all he IS president while these " extremely expensive " wars are still going on.

I know..I know Geeeooorgge W. Buuusssshhh!!! Pussy excuses hypocrite.

Good luck this season any way.

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After listening to Paul Ryan last night and reading the full transcript of his speech this morning I was surprised that he did not mention anything about the 2nd Amendment and gun control, especially in light of the multiple mass shootings this year and more so in light of the fact that he is an avid hunter. Although he did elude to God given rights since the founding of our country. He did say:

"Each of these great moral ideas is essential to democratic government — to the rule of law, to life in a humane and decent society. They are the moral creed of our country, as powerful in our time, as on the day of America's founding. They are self-evident and unchanging, and sometimes, even presidents need reminding, that our rights come from nature and God, not from government."

Overall I think he gave a good speech about getting our economy back up and running and fixing the country's job crisis. Lets just hope he and Romney aren't just blowing smoke up our a$$es.

Thank God he didn't mention the word firearm, gun or bullet. The liberal press who have their jobs thanks to gun owners would have jumped all over it and used it as an excuse to avoid the real questions about our Failure in Chief, Barry Obama.

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Wait George Bush started the war or the war was started against us and we retaliated? So we were suppose to sit on a pansy ass and take the attack on america with a smile? Keep throwing crap out there Soggard you will come up with something yet.

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Wait George Bush started the war or the war was started against us and we retaliated? So we were suppose to sit on a pansy ass and take the attack on america with a smile? Keep throwing crap out there Soggard you will come up with something yet.

Isn't it funny how short our memories are. Anyone remember the overwhelming national attitude back in the 911 days. Today everyone is asking why we went to war like they never agreed with the decision in the first place .... lol. Very short memories.

That is one thing that other agressive countries are starting to catch onto. These are not the world war days when the American public had some actual resolve and a whole lot of backbone. Any aggressors today understand that there will be hell to pay for a little while until our public starts doing their thing. So a little patience and it's pretty well understood that we will back off. Once again we are hearing the results of that very same thing.

But one thing that I have noted is that since the war started there have been no more successful attempts at terrorism on our soil. Who gets credit for that?

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