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This ever happen to you?


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So I go to the range yesterday afternoon. As Im setting up on the rifle range I notice a guy a few tables down, eye balling me I know he wants to talk but I just want to shoot. Sure enough he makes his way over. and here come the questions. "what grain bullet ya shoot", "whats the twist on that barrel?" "what power scope?" "stock looks like oak" "ever try that Hornady ammo?" "hows the trigger on that gun?" Then he brings his spotting scope over and starts calling my shots. I wrapped it up early.

Seems like ever time I go to shoot I either have the place to myself or someone wants to school me on guns, ammo reloading ......

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So I go to the range yesterday afternoon. As Im setting up on the rifle range I notice a guy a few tables down, eye balling me I know he wants to talk but I just want to shoot. Sure enough he makes his way over. and here come the questions. "what grain bullet ya shoot", "whats the twist on that barrel?" "what power scope?" "stock looks like oak" "ever try that Hornady ammo?" "hows the trigger on that gun?" Then he brings his spotting scope over and starts calling my shots. I wrapped it up early.

Seems like ever time I go to shoot I either have the place to myself or someone wants to school me on guns, ammo reloading ......

LOL! Yeah, the percentage of know-it-alls in the hunting/shooting world is most definitely higher than in other circles! All one needs to do is log-on to this forum for examples. LOL

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Twice (at two different locations), I'm shooting at the range minding my own business and it's like all of a sudden my spider senses started tingling and I turn around real quick and there is a guy standing behind me staring at me. The moment I catch him staring, he turns his head real quick and starts walking away pretending as if he just happen to be walking by and acting like I didn't catch him staring. Two different time, two different people. And it's not like I have some fancy gun that would draw attention or anything.

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Twice (at two different locations), I'm shooting at the range minding my own business and it's like all of a sudden my spider senses started tingling and I turn around real quick and there is a guy standing behind me staring at me. The moment I catch him staring, he turns his head real quick and starts walking away pretending as if he just happen to be walking by and acting like I didn't catch him staring. Two different time, two different people. And it's not like I have some fancy gun that would draw attention or anything.

First guy was me, and I had to stop to cut a SBD, hope you didn't mind. Second guy was Steve863 and he was most likely looking to do something offensive when you saw him but I can't say for sure hwat his intentions were.

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I found the easiest way to get rid of a fellow sportsman, especially a hunter, is to tell them I lost my last deer hunting spot, and I'm currently looking for somebody to show me some decent spots on public land, or preferably, private land.

One time in 20 they will actually offer to take you along, which is a bonus. The remaining times they will just walk away and avoid eye contact, which is a bonus also. :bye:

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I found the easiest way to get rid of a fellow sportsman, especially a hunter, is to tell them I lost my last deer hunting spot, and I'm currently looking for somebody to show me some decent spots on public land, or preferably, private land.

That will get them to run from you quicker than if you told them you were a leper, that's for darned sure!!

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