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Antler Restrictions


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"Impatient part time hunters"? So you hunt all the legal shooting hours of the entire bow/regular/muzzleloader season?? If you think hunters are going to pay money to buy a license and then go into the woods only to let every deer in the woods walk just so guys like YOU can have the big bucks, you are nuts.

We told you why the bucks don't grow like on LI. It is the limited access. Close down most of the areas upstate to hunter access like on LI and you will have big bucks running around up there also.

I tell you, it's people like you who give all the AR supporters a bad name, and why I give little credibility to any of you. You come on here with your first posts thinking that you know everything and mock the rest of us, and all you do is proceed to show how little you do actually know. It's no wonder most of the letters the DEC got in support of AR's were unsigned copies of the same bloody letter! LOL

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You are exactly correct about Long Island. But you forgot the key factor. They don't have all of you trigger happy impatient part time hunters killing the first thing that walks past your stand! That is the most important factor right there! And there is plenty of nutrition for them upstate also! So if you are so qualified on this subject what is the reason why most of the buck population does not grow like LI???

Umm age class benefits from limited access? Duh.

I'm as willing as anyone to admit I can still learn. But, you sir, have proven by your posts, that you know little...period. Do some studying, and I mean that in a pure constructive point of view...it'll help you hunting and it'll help us avoid poor decisions being placed upon the ones who do.

Edited by phade
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My last point proven! The young walk and have an opportunity to grow. Not hang from people's trees! And I agree about most Midwest states have no AR's and everyone seems more then happy to let yearlings walk. Why? Because they know they have an opportunity to have a giant if they are patient! So my question to some of you is. Why are you still killing yearlings if you claim you see so many mature bucks??? You are going to tell me that you would much rather shoot a spike then a decent 6 or 8 or maybe something bigger!! And if you are going to use the lame excuse of the meat is more tender. then go and shoot a yearling doe they taste just as good as a spike buck!

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That's right I'm romneys 47% I milk the system on your tax dollars I collect welfare and I'm in assisted living, working off the books for 1500 a week and my girlfriend (really wife) is doing the same! Don't be a hater I work full time collect a very healthy salary with benefits and have plenty of time off. That I happen to use during hunting season in dutches.

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My last point proven! The young walk and have an opportunity to grow. Not hang from people's trees! And I agree about most Midwest states have no AR's and everyone seems more then happy to let yearlings walk. Why? Because they know they have an opportunity to have a giant if they are patient! So my question to some of you is. Why are you still killing yearlings if you claim you see so many mature bucks??? You are going to tell me that you would much rather shoot a spike then a decent 6 or 8 or maybe something bigger!! And if you are going to use the lame excuse of the meat is more tender. then go and shoot a yearling doe they taste just as good as a spike buck!

Seriously, stop making yourself look foolish.

The midwest has bigger/better bucks on average for several reasons.

Some can apply here, but most cannot. AR is not the answer for what you want to accomplish, so stop beating it to death.

Edited by phade
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Love the "part time hunter" statement....what would constitute a full time hunter? gotta be someone who get's paid to do it like those guy's on TV.

It's someone who doesn't have a job, so they have all the time in the world. Most of us aren't that lucky. We have to work for a living.

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@vet if you can read my post. I work full time (6 days a week) with a healthy salary collect full health vision dental. 6 weeks vacation, comp time and plenty of personal days. I choose to save my time off for hunting season. I understand most people do not get as much time as some and other just simply can not afford to take any time off. Which is very unfortunate! So my last post was def a low blow and that I apologize for. I meant know ill harm on anyone's personal or financial matters!!

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AR's are coming. They keep adding wmu's every year. I'm just sitting back and waiting. I'll be back to see your thoughts when it happens. Good luck with your spikes this year!

OK Jetmec, you WIN! No, not the AR argument, but you win the grand prize here for making a complete ass out of yourself in less than a dozen posts! Congratulations. It takes a complete idiot to win that prize.

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AR's are coming. They keep adding wmu's every year. I'm just sitting back and waiting. I'll be back to see your thoughts when it happens. Good luck with your spikes this year!

If you're so gung ho on AR's, then why are you hunting Dutchess? There are plenty of nice bucks in Southern Dutchess right behind all the new developments. I would think that you would hunt somewhere where AR's are in place. What gives?

By the way, LI is not AR either. Westchester has a hell of a lot of bick bucks-NO AR's there either.

On another note, you stated that the anti-AR people don't shoot does. WRONG! When I went to the deer management meeting in Middleton a few years back, the most anti-doe hunting people, were those who SUPPORTED AR's. They were very vocal about their opposition to doe permits. So, unless you were at the meeting, you're way the hell off!

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@vet if you can read my post. I work full time (6 days a week) with a healthy salary collect full health vision dental. 6 weeks vacation, comp time and plenty of personal days. I choose to save my time off for hunting season. I understand most people do not get as much time as some and other just simply can not afford to take any time off. Which is very unfortunate! So my last post was def a low blow and that I apologize for. I meant know ill harm on anyone's personal or financial matters!!

Fair enough. We're not here to debate finances.

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If you're so gung ho on AR's, then why are you hunting Dutchess? There are plenty of nice bucks in Southern Dutchess right behind all the new developments. I would think that you would hunt somewhere where AR's are in place. What gives?

By the way, LI is not AR either. Westchester has a hell of a lot of bick bucks-NO AR's there either.

On another note, you stated that the anti-AR people don't shoot does. WRONG! When I went to the deer management meeting in Middleton a few years back, the most anti-doe hunting people, were those who SUPPORTED AR's. They were very vocal about their opposition to doe permits. So, unless you were at the meeting, you're way the hell off!


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On another note, you stated that the anti-AR people don't shoot does. WRONG! When I went to the deer management meeting in Middleton a few years back, the most anti-doe hunting people, were those who SUPPORTED AR's. They were very vocal about their opposition to doe permits. So, unless you were at the meeting, you're way the hell off!

That has been my observation as well. They don't want others shooting young bucks or does, in hopes that all these deer grow and reproduce more BIG bucks for them to shoot. Makes me think that what many of them really want is to demoralize the rest of us by not leaving anything for us to legally kill. Demoralize us to the point where we quit hunting altogether which will then leave more land and game for them. People will accuse me of making this crap up, but it don't take a rocket scientist to figure out where this is going. They put us down for shooting a 1.5 year old forkhorn, so tell me they wouldn't prefer that we weren't in the woods altogether??

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"Impatient part time hunters"? So you hunt all the legal shooting hours of the entire bow/regular/muzzleloader season?? If you think hunters are going to pay money to buy a license and then go into the woods only to let every deer in the woods walk just so guys like YOU can have the big bucks, you are nuts."

Couldn't agree more

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The guys who hunt just to harvest a big buck and refuse to shoot does or smaller bucks and ridicule those of us who take those does and smaller bucks, are probably the same guys who are feeding their dog's their venison at the end of each year because it's of little value to them....at least not as much as the rack on the wall.

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I dont understand why there is so much friction with this subject. You will all stand to gain in the long run and you dont seem to realize it. There are plenty of bucks that have 3 points on one side and would be legal to kill. I know, you disagree and im ignorant right? I think it is you who is the ignorant one. Im not going to have a "Peter Measuring Contest with you", but I will say that I have been hunting for a long time and have learned many things. I saw first hand how QDM works and was amazed at the results. You will still be able to fill your freezer, the buck will just be bigger than what you normally take. Do you think that spike or four pointer you pass up will vanish into the air only to never be seen again? He will be around the following year with more meat on him to put in your freezer. Its really very simple, but your not thinking big picture. Its not just about you, its about the whole entire state. Why cant NY be on the same level as the west or even PA? The guys I know in PA, absolutely love the AR program and consistently take nice bucks every year. There are also plenty of little 5 and 6 pointers roaming around there also and you would be well within your rights to shoot them.

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That has been my observation as well. They don't want others shooting young bucks or does, in hopes that all these deer grow and reproduce more BIG bucks for them to shoot. Makes me think that what many of them really want is to demoralize the rest of us by not leaving anything for us to legally kill. Demoralize us to the point where we quit hunting altogether which will then leave more land and game for them. People will accuse me of making this crap up, but it don't take a rocket scientist to figure out where this is going. They put us down for shooting a 1.5 year old forkhorn, so tell me they wouldn't prefer that we weren't in the woods altogether??

I shoot as many does as I can and am legally allowed to and I am very Pro-AR. I just really want the 1.5 YO bucks to be safe for one year. Isnt one of the best parts of hunting the challenge of it? Anyone can outsmart a 1.5 YO buck.

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