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Fatal Tree Stand Accident in Warren County


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You guys complaining about the danger of treestands should take a peek at DRIVING accident statistics. You're more likely to get in an accident DRIVING to the woods to hunt in your ground blind than you are to have a treestand accident. I think we should add trucks to the list of things NY should outlaw.

Do you realize how much you sound like the people trying to outlaw guns? "They're dangerous, better outlaw 'em." When is it going to end?

Prayers to his family, very sad. He was trying to do the right thing - safety harness and everything. When it's your time, it's your time.

Zhe Wiz

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Very sad and my prayers go out to his family as well. It does seve as a good reminder to all of us to not skimp on our safety. I know there are times when I cut corners, especially as the season winds on. There certainly seems to be something missing in this story. If it was being used properly, how did it wrap on his chest?

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I wonder how good a safety harness if someone is severely out of shape and can't get themselves back into the stand and just get exhausted and hang there........and I am in no way suggesting this is what happened, just something for us to think about....a safety harness is only one aspect of tree stand safety and the importance of being prepared for an emergency.

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I hope to hear more about this story. Certainly the family would want to put out some more detail so this didn't happen again. I have a suspension strap, but I think I might go buy one of those livewires for controlled descent. I really sympathize with the family.

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When New York state outlaws treestand hunting, it will be a much safer for everyone. More people are hurt or die from treestands than by guns while hunting.

Why stop there noodle, let's outlaw hunting altogether.....genius idea....

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A lot of people are killed by cars each year so lets also outlaw cars. Knives are dangerous so lets outlaw them as well! I'm sure Chuckie Shumer and Bloomberg will be all over this one. YOU CANNOT OUTLAW stupid, and the rights of the majority should not be taken away because a few are irresponsible. This was a terrible tradgedy and I feel terrible for this guy's family.

why do you write so small?
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Yep knife...cell...in easy reach and set so you don't fall under stand...Mine I try to set so it tugs a bit as I sit....

I do the same with my harness so even if my stand gave way I wouldn't fall anywhere. I think something thats very important is that we stay in shape so if we find ourselves in a sticky situation we are better equiped to work our way out. Being outdoors and hunting is always increasing the level of danger that we are in. Preparation is your best defense. God Bless his family in their time of need

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When New York state outlaws treestand hunting, it will be a much safer for everyone. More people are hurt or die from treestands than by guns while hunting.

i can tell you right now that will NEVER happen and even if it did thats one law that no one would listen too. i myself have spent lots of $$$$$ on stands saftey harneses ect and i would be mad if it would all go down the drain........ my codolences to this guys family and wanna remind you all to always wear a harness and make sure its a good 1, not a old style but a full body and make sure u have a way to get back up or down to the ground if u fall......


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