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If they even bother to stop at all. NYPD is pretty corrupt.

Not waiting at red light isn't corruption. I'm a city cop and I almost never wait at red light. The only time I ever get in the car is because I'm on a task that requires me to be prompt. We have things called radio runs, thats when "you" call the police and we have to investigate. Now if you call the police and you want us waiting at every red light to get there just inform 911 that when you call and we will take our sweet time. The jobs also get picked up in order so If you have 12 calls in an hour do you think the cops are driving around in city traffic and getting to you if they obey the same traffic laws you do. If its an emergency I would be using lights and sirens. You also have to remember that when you see a cop speeding lights flashing and all of a sudden he stops and starts driving normal you as a civilian may think he just didn't want to wait in traffic when the truth is a job came over and the police are rushing there but other units got there first and called no further. There always 2 sides to every story but as a civilian looking the assumptions are often incorrect. I'm not going to stand on a pedestal and swear that every officer in the world is doing the right thing because there are a$$hol;es in every job. I'm sure you have a few where you work but don't paint us with broad paint brush. I wouldn't go around saying all hunters are corrupt because I read a few stories every year.

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Let me just say before this gets "involved"...I don't think all cops are ...lets just say less than honorable...I'm not sure who it was...cop...med ppl...DEC....volunteer fire guy or the local penny saver delivery person..(Oh ya they use lights)...actually glad they do they tend to...just pull out on ya......just saw no need in doing what they did at the time...once said ..done and over

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Let me just say before this gets "involved"...I don't think all cops are ...lets just say less than honorable...I'm not sure who it was...cop...med ppl...DEC....volunteer fire guy or the local penny saver delivery person..(Oh ya they use lights)...actually glad they do they tend to...just pull out on ya......just saw no need in doing what they did at the time...once said ..done and over

THats fine and I agree I often see volley fire fighters blazing around the country side for the most basic calll and think to myself what idiots , they are going to cause a bigger problem then what they are responding to. My statement was aimmed at SHanhu and incorrect and ingnornat statements about the NYPD and police corruption

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Not waiting at red light isn't corruption. I'm a city cop and I almost never wait at red light. The only time I ever get in the car is because I'm on a task that requires me to be prompt. We have things called radio runs, thats when "you" call the police and we have to investigate. Now if you call the police and you want us waiting at every red light to get there just inform 911 that when you call and we will take our sweet time. The jobs also get picked up in order so If you have 12 calls in an hour do you think the cops are driving around in city traffic and getting to you if they obey the same traffic laws you do. If its an emergency I would be using lights and sirens. You also have to remember that when you see a cop speeding lights flashing and all of a sudden he stops and starts driving normal you as a civilian may think he just didn't want to wait in traffic when the truth is a job came over and the police are rushing there but other units got there first and called no further. There always 2 sides to every story but as a civilian looking the assumptions are often incorrect. I'm not going to stand on a pedestal and swear that every officer in the world is doing the right thing because there are a$$hol;es in every job. I'm sure you have a few where you work but don't paint us with broad paint brush. I wouldn't go around saying all hunters are corrupt because I read a few stories every year.

I know some fine NYPD cops, don't mean I'll praise them either. If I have the experience in hunting as some of you do and see the crap that goes on as I do with the NYPD, I'd say otherwise. Anyway, I've edited out my comments in respect to not deter Grows thread. Apologize for getting a few feathers ruffled. You have a problem with my statement, take it up with me in PMs.

Edited by shawnhu
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I am a little concerned about the use of unmarked cars, or cars that are difficult to identify, pulling people over. How long will it be before some of these non-law enforcement wackos start using light bars to stop people. I understand that sometimes cops need an unmarked car for radar traps. But they should use plainly marked chase cars just for the public's safety.

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I swore I remember, Doc something about something being passed requiring marked cars to be used for pull overs just for that reason.

Used to be the case, but the new trooper SUVs as WNY mentioned are unmarked. They light up like a airport at night, but unmarked and can be hard to pick out sometimes if you happen to be doing a mile or two over the limit.

When I lived in VA, the type and kind of unmarked were insane. Seen F150s...and you'd think they were regular trucks. The lights were in the sun visor, they flip the visor down on the passenger side, and that's all it took. Mustangs, old person impalas, you name it....

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Shawnhu....Okay....I'll bite, how many times have you been arrested or ticketed and how many times was it not your fault??? Im sure it was the "corrupt "NYPD or some other "corrupt" agency. Just wondering how many times.

Not interested in entertaining your questions here ants. Nor is it any of your business. Seeing that you seem to have your mind set, like so many others on this site, there really is no point in answering as it will not change the way you think, or lack thereof. I'll stick to helping others that have at least 1/2 a brain. Hope you don't take it the wrong way, let me guess, you were one of the 9?

Seriously, can we let this die?

Edited by shawnhu
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I swore I remember, Doc something about something being passed requiring marked cars to be used for pull overs just for that reason.

I looked it up once, not the case in NY. It may have been that way in the past, as I thought it was, but it must have changed. I see unmarked cars pulling people over all the time lately.

When I lived in Ohio, it was really tricky, they would use impounded vehicles after they sat in the yard for more than 30 days. They had supped up Camaros, Vettes, etc to blend in with the people cruising the circuits out there. That used to be a big thing, to take your car out and cruise around a set of streets over and over, then park and hang out. Most of the time, you never knew the police were there.

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This is exactly why I taught my daughter to put on her 4 ways and slow down to town type speeds and before cells pull into a well light ppl filled area before stopping...after cells phones the same but call 911 and see if anyone is calling in a stop..and stay on the line...

She was ticketed for running a stop sign last year and did not pull over until she hit her drive way...and then just cracked the window to talk.......the ticket was bogus and she fought it and won....That's my girl...lol...went out got witnesses...took measurements and photos the whole nine yards...cop got a chewing out by judge and case dismissed

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This is exactly why I taught my daughter to put on her 4 ways and slow down to town type speeds and before cells pull into a well light ppl filled area before stopping...after cells phones the same but call 911 and see if anyone is calling in a stop..and stay on the line...

She was ticketed for running a stop sign last year and did not pull over until she hit her drive way...and then just cracked the window to talk.......the ticket was bogus and she fought it and won....That's my girl...lol...went out got witnesses...took measurements and photos the whole nine yards...cop got a chewing out by judge and case dismissed

A good officer will try to pull over people in these types of locations. If its not well lit area and the car stops its a good idea to tell them to proceed to a better location. The safety involved in a car stop is for both the officer and the motorist. Poor lit, desolate locations, or areas with little room to pull over don't benefit either side.

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We are out here in the country....there are not well lit areas and you'd be surprised how many country back roads have 45mph speed limits common in this area....Think WNYBH...and Doc could attest to that.......but your right it would benefit both parties

This is some thing that was drummed into our heads when I was a kid and lived in Florida always a good thing for young woman going off to college to know as well...

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