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Big 8 down!! Best buck yet!! Long read.


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Well ladies and gentleman, on the last day of the Southern Zone Early Bow Season I put an arrow through one of my three hit list bucks. I had two other encounters with this deer but it was either to late or to far away to make anything happen. My family owns a couple hundred acres here in eastern upstate and we have been managing it for over 10 years. This is the result of three years of passing the young deer and letting them grow to maturity and it makes it that much more special to me. My hard work and dedication has finally started to pay off, and in a BIG way. Here's the story:

I walked into an area I have dubbed, the Honey Hole stand. It is an area at the base of three ridges, at the edge of a very large beaver swamp. And it is a great chase phase stand to be in as it is a natural pinch point. I have been in the stand 3 times this year and the wind was just right for another sit. As I got a few feet from the tree I was going to sit in, I looked to my left, surprised to see a very nice 1.5 year old 5 point hooking a tree less than 40 yards away. I looked closer and saw a doe bedded not far from him. Now it was decision time, do I sit here on the ground motionless or take the risk and try to climb the tree in plain view of these deer. Well I decided to climb the tree because I wasnt shooting either one of them. I had two advantages, one, the buck was extremely dedicated to killing a small poplar tree and the sun was directly in line behind me so if the doe looked my way she wouldn't be able to see much. So I took the chance and over 20 minutes to climb as silently and slowly as I possibly could into my tree. It was a success! The buck eventually bedded down and I thought great, I have two live decoys right in front of me!!

About an hour later I heard some brush breaking and saw a rack. I pulled up the binos and instantly noticed it was the tall eight I have had two other experiences with. He walked along a thicket about 60 yards away, and put on a great show. He hooked a few trees, and make a couple scrapes. Then, much to my dissappointment he turned and walked back where he came from. I thought that was it, and he was gone. I decided to utlilize the two bedded deer in front of me and thought if he saw an immature buck with a bedded doe that it would surely bring him over. So I did a few tending grunts and a snort wheeze. Nothing. I then decided I needed to get these deer on their feet so he would know they were there. I did some light rattling which jumped the buck and doe up to their feet, they were nervous but I didnt care. If they ran that would be good too.

Almost immediately I head crunching coming back. It was the big eight and he was pissed!!! He went to town hooking trees and making scrapes, he took a sapling that was as big around as my wrist and in one motion snapped it completely in half. But he would NOT commit to leaving that thicket. I couldnt figure out why he wouldnt cross the swamp grass feild to chase off this buck. Then I saw why, he had a doe with him. So my plan immediately changed and I decided my goal was to get that doe to cross and he would surely follow. I did some soft doe bleats followed by some tending grunts and the doe surely but slowly made it out in the field but hung up at 30 yards. In true fashion he wouldnt let her get more than 10 feet away from him at any time and he emerged from the thicket at 40 yards. I pondered taking the shot but decided to wait because most likely I could get him in another 10 yards. But he changed my mind when he started walking along the thicket going away from me. He stopped and started making a scrap at a very slightly quartering away angle but mostly broadside. There was no wind and he was completely preoccupied. It was now or never and this is why practicing all year around pays off!!! I drew back, aimed, mentally ran through the checklist. Anchor point, open grip, slow breaths. I aimed at the sweet spot and released. I heard the thud, and he mule kicked and ran up the hill. The sound stopped shortly thereafter and I thought he had to be down. Now the shakes, my legs almost completely gave out from the rush. My hunting partner and pro-staff associate who was videoing watched me almost fall out of the stand!! I sat down and collected myself and then put on a show for the camera, dancing and making myself look like a fool in the stand.

We got down after the longest 30 minute wait ever. I wanted to check my arrow and first blood to see if it was vitals or liver as it was just a couple of inches back from the spot I aimed. I found first blood and it was red, but no bubbles. So I decided, do I back out now or do I press on further. The blood was pouring out of this deer so I decided to press on. About 30 yards along the trail I found a pocket of blood full of bubbles and my excitement went from extreme to what I have no words to express. We went another 10 yards and my hunting partner turned and looked at me and said, "Do you want to have a heart attack? Look right there" And there he was!! Perfect double lung and he was down and out. We have guessed that he is a 5 year old deer, and not sure of the score but hell be kissing P&Y. He is getting officially scored and aged tonight by a close family friend who is a DEC Forest Ranger.

My most memorable hunt and my best deer to date. I was and still am euphoric. The day before rifle opener and the sum of three years of letting countless bucks walk to grow. The rest of the night was photos, and enjoying the story telling with my family and friends.

I do have a rough video of the kill shot and prior events but it will be a few days before I release it. For now, here are some pics. Sorry for the long read!!





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Thanks guys! Arrow nocker - Yea he had great mass that went all the way up his main beams. Score will be in tonight but it wont matter what it is.

I am just pumped to have had the opportunity to take this guy. As much hard work as I put into deer like this, a lot of it is luck, and I got lucky!

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