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How can we get illegal handguns off the street?

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No, just the ones that have large capacity capability. Does the 7400 really need a 10 round clip. Last time I looked, I never had to empty a weapon when shooting a deer.

The 2nd Ammendment has nothing to do with deer hunting. Deer hinting limitations is outlined in our conservation laws and I believe does limit Mag fed to 5 shots.

the 7400 and the BAR don't offer an aftermarket in 20 or 30 round versions but several manufacturers offer a 10 round Mag. Most of the shotguns offer an extended tube Mag and the speed loaders are crazy fast to use.

Using a litmus test as to what you have a need for is a huge error. The same group that will be pushing for these limits ans bans to take place are the same groups that won't address the real problems under the guise of limiting freedoms and rights. Ironic don't you think?

Maybe since som many are pointing to the sensationalizing by the media as a contributing factor in the frequency of these horrors we should be banning TV ...internet...things like that too?

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There was already an article in the washington post today about banning "assault rifles", but your right, it's a total crapshoot if they get it right. And these same people will continue to try to ban every other weapon possible. It's like the old cliche, "be careful what you wish for".

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BS, Doc! Point to an online site where you can buy a 30 round + magazine for the Remington 7400 or Browning BAR rifles or the Remington 11-87 shotgun? I can give you dozens of sites that sell them for AR-AK type rifles, though.

How long does it really take to exchange clips? Do you honestly believe that handing over these kinds of rifles is going to make any difference in gun violence? Now be honest .... do you really think that that will have any difference in the frequency and the level of damage inflicted. pacifism based on bogus standards is really not going to work. Its not going to be effective in crime reduction and it's not going to pacify the gun banners. Take my word for it, any brief intermission such a capitulation to the anti-gun lobby would soon be followed by more demands for more models and you know it. And they aren't going to care about clip size or any other bogus standard. So, exactly how far are you willing to go in this gun banning scheme. Are there other currently legal models that you think people shouldn't have the right to own? See, that's the problem with giving away someone else's gun. It's just a matter of a very short time before they come for the next one, and the next one, and eventually yours. This is a road that we don't want to start down.

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How long does it really take to exchange clips? Do you honestly believe that handing over these kinds of rifles is going to make any difference in gun violence? Now be honest .... do you really think that that will have any difference in the frequency and the level of damage inflicted. pacifism based on bogus standards is really not going to work. Its not going to be effective in crime reduction and it's not going to pacify the gun banners. Take my word for it, any brief intermission such a capitulation to the anti-gun lobby would soon be followed by more demands for more models and you know it. And they aren't going to care about clip size or any other bogus standard. So, exactly how far are you willing to go in this gun banning scheme. Are there other currently legal models that you think people shouldn't have the right to own? See, that's the problem with giving away someone else's gun. It's just a matter of a very short time before they come for the next one, and the next one, and eventually yours. This is a road that we don't want to start down.

That's the same old tune you and the NRA continue to sing, so tell me something I haven't heard already?? Think what you want, but I guarantee you that this old worn out song won't work for much longer. This last incident most especially struck a nerve with many out there, even many gun owners. I don't know for sure what will happen, but I suggest you and everyone else who thinks like you buckle up, for you WILL be in for a ride in the not too distant future that you may not like.

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That's the same old tune you and the NRA continue to sing, so tell me something I haven't heard already?? Think what you want, but I guarantee you that this old worn out song won't work for much longer. This last incident most especially struck a nerve with many out there, even many gun owners. I don't know for sure what will happen, but I suggest you and everyone else who thinks like you buckle up, for you WILL be in for a ride in the not too distant future that you may not like.

Well, unfortunately the NRA and I won't be going down alone. Those that bury their heads in the sand and don't understand the concept of incrementalism will be going right down with us

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So anyway, I see this thread has taken quite a trip from "getting illegal handguns off the street" to what people feel is the more significant act of banning those evil-looking "black" rifles ..... lol. Hey whatever the hot button of the day is ..... lol. We just can't ban stuff fast enough can we? Amazing!

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That's the same old tune you and the NRA continue to sing, so tell me something I haven't heard already?? Think what you want, but I guarantee you that this old worn out song won't work for much longer. This last incident most especially struck a nerve with many out there, even many gun owners. I don't know for sure what will happen, but I suggest you and everyone else who thinks like you buckle up, for you WILL be in for a ride in the not too distant future that you may not like.

And I will contribute all I can afford to organizations that oppose it. Doing an end around to the Constitution is not acceptable and shouldn't be allowed. I don't care what freedom we are discussing. If they want it take the appropriate steps. They are clear and outlined.

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I think the government WILL do anything they can to ban any type of firearm. I'd say about 80% of them would do away with all guns in general if it were a choice. They take any reason they can to squeeze the life out of gun owners. laugh now cry later "they" would take ALL your guns in a heartbeat if they could.

As far as illegal guns. Keep your weapons LOCKED, if you have pistols or any gun for that matter and its just sitting around without a lock on it you shouldn't own a firearm. It's that reason that someone can just break in and O theres a firearm.

I dont think "Banning" { Witch is the same thing as taking } any one type of weapon will make a bit of differance. if someone has the mind state that their going to cause mass harm theres nothing thats going to stop them other than the law or a person that happens to be around with... A firearm and the right training to use it when needed. Just my 2 cents.

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So anyway, I see this thread has taken quite a trip from "getting illegal handguns off the street" to what people feel is the more significant act of banning those evil-looking "black" rifles ..... lol. Hey whatever the hot button of the day is ..... lol. We just can't ban stuff fast enough can we? Amazing!

we're legalizing pot? I dont know many pot heads interested in mass killing sprees :)

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Quick name some members of Congress that you think will be the 80% that want to take guns away. You have a 2 minute time limit Huntorbehunted.

2 minutes on whos clock lol.

And Gee idk doe, just turn on the news read a news papper. I guess the real question is can you name someone thats NOT against banning weapons.

You have a minute and a half...

Edited by HuntOrBeHunted
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OBAMA: We're a nation that believes in the Second Amendment, and I believe in the Second Amendment. We've got a long tradition of hunting and sportsmen and people who want to make sure they can protect themselves. My belief is that we have to enforce the laws we've already got, make sure that we're keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, those who are mentally ill. We've done a much better job in terms of background checks, but we've got more to do when it comes to enforcement. But weapons that were designed for soldiers in war theaters don't belong on our streets. Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced. But part of it is also looking at other sources of the violence. Because frankly, in my home town of Chicago, there's an awful lot of violence and they're not using AK-47s. They're using cheap hand guns.

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What I really think we should be grouping together to ban is Teachers. A teacher gave birth to this evil...raised this evil and did little to prevent him from committing this crime. All accounts she knew he had issues. She is the one that purchased the guns and left them in a way that he was able to take possession. Apparently teachers are at the root of this problem.

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i've had it...all you no good liberal peice's of ***** can kiss my ***

so now i'm just suppose to give up my full gun safe because you don't like black guns

maybee you should all give up your guns...who the hell are you to decide what guns i can hunt with

my AR's are no where close to being as powerfull as my 300 mag.....and all my magazines are 5 rounds

at least now I know how odumbo got elected.....you are a special kind of stupid

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This is his quote fromt he 2012 townhall debate

“My belief is that, (A), we have to enforce the laws we’ve already got, make sure that we’re keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, those who are mentally ill. We’ve done a much better job in terms of background checks, but we’ve got more to do when it comes to enforcement.

“But I also share your belief that weapons that were designed for soldiers in war theaters don’t belong on our streets. And so what I’m trying to do is to get a broader conversation about how do we reduce the violence generally. Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced. But part of it is also looking at other sources of the violence. Because frankly, in my home town of Chicago, there’s an awful lot of violence and they’re not using AK-47s. They’re using cheap hand guns.”

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You couldn't name even one yet you are positive they all want your guns?


Mayor bloomberg

Brady campaign

Look in a news paper, turn on the news you must be joking.

List goes on if I looked into it further it would be a long list.

Now its your turn there bud name someone that wants us to keep all are gun rights.

If not you may just... "fail"

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