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Why to me gun control is not an option

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this was posted elsewhere online but i think it hits the nail on the head and so i decided to share it with you all....

Way back in "The day" The strong, adventurous and freedom loving of the slaves/serfs of Europe made the uncertain trek of traveling to the "New World" A land of danger, but also of opportunity, if you were tough enough and worked hard. It took a very different person to make the trip and to dare to challenge the environment carving your home from the wilderness.

Why did they do it? First, there was something different in their genes. And they no longer wanted to exist at the whim of the King, Lord, Emperor, Konig, Etc.... whatever RULER was holding their balls at the time. These emigrants faced many challenges. Their lives were in constant danger from disease, starvation/malnutrition and deprivation and wildlife as well as the most prevalent danger of those two legged animals, man (white, red or whatever). Yet they still came. The brave came. The strong survived.

They had sons and daughters. Most of which never lived to adulthood. The average life expectancy of Americans in Colonial times was less than 25 years. Yet they still came. They moved west in the thousands....And died in the thousands. Yet they still came. The strong. The ones that YEARNED for freedom. As they reproduced, those genes that made them what they were were passed on to future generations. The weak.

Those that lacked the genes of strong, hard willed freedom-loving people stayed where they were. Slaves. Serfs. Ruled. And they passed on their genes as well. They are satisfied with what they have. They like to be ruled. I do not fault them for that. It is what they want. They gave up their right or ability to resist tyranny many years ago when they allowed their ruler of the week to disarm them. The possibility of again being ruled by a tyrannical government is programmed from their psyche. I wish them well on this wishful thinking as they MUST accept whatever lot in life they are dealt.

Our problem here in America NOW is that we are becoming soft. We allowed the installation of "Gun Free" zones. Places where bad guys can feel safe to kill as many defenseless people as they wish, with impunity. Too many of our men have relinquished their duty to protect our females and our children by allowing themselves to be helpless. Banning guns sounds like the simple solution to some. But what would that solve? It is already illegal to murder people. What are you going to do? Charge the punk with 28 counts of murder and two counts of illegally possessing a firearm? Sounds kind of stupid to me.

The founding fathers of America saw the evil of the European tyrants. They were determined that we in America would ALWAYs retain the ability to resist. THAT is why the second amendment to our constitution is the MOST important one. It is not about collecting "cool" guns, target shooting, sport or hunting. It is about resisting tyranny. Some day (SOON) I think, we will need it. Yes, very soon. MEN, protect your families and arm yourselves!!!

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this also was something i found...

I decided to have an email waiting for my elected representatives on Monday to preempt the Schumers of the world. I spent a fair amount of time on it, trying to strike the right tone. If anyone else would like to use it, either partially or completely, by all means help yourself.

Congressman *******,

My best Christmas wishes to you and your family for this holiday season. It is with a heavy heart that I write to you today...the events taking place in Connecticut deeply trouble and sadden all of us. No doubt some of your colleagues from New York and other more civilized places of the country are anxious to use this tragedy to push their agenda for civilian disarmament. I urge you to reject their emotional pleas and remind you that the self defense is a natural right granted by God and arms are merely the tools to exercise that right. Both of these rights were recognized by our founding fathers when writing the second amendment. Yes, it is true; this heinous act was committed by a madman with firearms. Of that, let there be no doubt. However, the greater tragedy would be to attempt to strip Americans of the tools to effectively exercise their God given rights. It should be noted that this atrocity and other recent ones, all took place in areas where arms were prohibited. In these cases, unfortunately law biding citizens followed the law and no amount of laws, regulations or decrees will prevent recurrence of this type of evil. Indeed, it will only be encouraged by its success when confronted by cowardice instead of courage. Israel confronts this type of evil daily, and I encourage you to research their methods for combating these atrocities.

It is possible that nothing could have prevented this; however as a “Handgun Permit” holder and also a veteran, I assure you I would have welcomed the opportunity to try, as would have many others. On this issue, it should be noted that it trumps all others in my voting patterns. I simply do not trust elected officials to follow the law who do not trust me to do the same. Therefore any votes you cast for any type of gun control, is effectively a vote against yourself.

Edmond Burke once said and I believe “The only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” The only response in the face of evil is courage, any other response just breeds more evil.

My Best Regards,


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this also was something i found...

I decided to have an email waiting for my elected representatives on Monday to preempt the Schumers of the world. I spent a fair amount of time on it, trying to strike the right tone. If anyone else would like to use it, either partially or completely, by all means help yourself.

Congressman *******,

My best Christmas wishes to you and your family for this holiday season. It is with a heavy heart that I write to you today...the events taking place in Connecticut deeply trouble and sadden all of us. No doubt some of your colleagues from New York and other more civilized places of the country are anxious to use this tragedy to push their agenda for civilian disarmament. I urge you to reject their emotional pleas and remind you that the self defense is a natural right granted by God and arms are merely the tools to exercise that right. Both of these rights were recognized by our founding fathers when writing the second amendment. Yes, it is true; this heinous act was committed by a madman with firearms. Of that, let there be no doubt. However, the greater tragedy would be to attempt to strip Americans of the tools to effectively exercise their God given rights. It should be noted that this atrocity and other recent ones, all took place in areas where arms were prohibited. In these cases, unfortunately law biding citizens followed the law and no amount of laws, regulations or decrees will prevent recurrence of this type of evil. Indeed, it will only be encouraged by its success when confronted by cowardice instead of courage. Israel confronts this type of evil daily, and I encourage you to research their methods for combating these atrocities.

It is possible that nothing could have prevented this; however as a “Handgun Permit” holder and also a veteran, I assure you I would have welcomed the opportunity to try, as would have many others. On this issue, it should be noted that it trumps all others in my voting patterns. I simply do not trust elected officials to follow the law who do not trust me to do the same. Therefore any votes you cast for any type of gun control, is effectively a vote against yourself.

Edmond Burke once said and I believe “The only thing needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” The only response in the face of evil is courage, any other response just breeds more evil.

My Best Regards,


Joe, although you and I have not agreed on things that we have stated, I really like your letter. Well thought out.

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Well said, but unfortunately this government will "never waste a good crisis" opportunity, although it has nothing to do with the guns, they will use it this way. I wish they will evaluate how mental health patients are being treated (or not treated for that matter) and actually do something about, but that's just logical response.....nuff said

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Well said????? Are you serious??? 'the greater tragedy' than the murder of 20 innocent children would be a reduction in gun rights???? Why, because gun ownership is a 'god given right'??? Are you serious? What about the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness??? If this letter were sent and made public, it would further outrage the public. This is exactly the type of thinking that causes the general public to think that all gun owners are whackjobs.

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I have hunted my total life ( 71 years ) and no longer can support the NRA, and or the call for no changes to current laws.

I think a great first step would be the a ban on clips of 30 rounds or more. I sure can not see how some call the AR rifle a hunting rifle and then can with a minute shoot over 30 rounds,

It was designed and mfg as just one thing a killing tool for people. I think this time the laws will change and I do not blame Obma. It will be the house and senate, your people that you put there will cause some of the laws to change.

I do think the other factors must be mental illness sure seems to play a key part in these killings, what normal man would want to kill small kids. I say a prayer for the families and the kids that were killed.

Sportmen / NRA should be part of the discussion and suggest the changes and not just say it my right to have a gun. Not true when your so called right, is causing killings of my grandkids, my kids and or my friends kids.

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