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Ole Piers Morgan making us look bad....

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I watched this last nite and gotta say theres only one reason Piers Muttonhead invited this guy on his show and i think he got his point across just the way he wanted too....This guy makes us all look like a bunch of Redneck Buffoons right along with well you all know who else...We are under the microscope of the inbetweeners right now and they are more important to us than any other portion of the population. Trust me when the betweeners see a guy like this it aint gonna help our cause...We gotta drop this redneck image we all so seem to love and wanna push and start sounding more like Wayne Lapierre when we are talking about our right as gun owners. I never meet an inbetweener that couldnt be convinced or atleast wasnt impressed by Wayne. Ask any betweener about Uncle Ted and they say, yaaa hes funny man..

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This guy makes us all look like a bunch of Redneck Buffoons right along with well you all know who else...We are under the microscope of the inbetweeners right now and they are more important to us than any other portion of the population.

Sorry to have to say it, but there are PLENTY of gun owning bufoons out there that make us look bad. I have been seeing them for YEARS now! The guy on Morgan's show just gives even more credibility to the stereotype. All we need to do is read some of the crap written on this forum (and others) for even more examples of how stupid many of us are. I have said it from the moment I heard about this last school shooting that this incident would be the tipping point. The media, the non-gun owning public, and even MANY gun owners feel that something needs to change. The extremist view will go nowhere. Will only give more energy to the other side that something definitely needs to be done this time out. So there you have it. All the "never give an inch" mindset has done is give the rest of society even more reason to stomp us off the green earth. Simply owning a .22 rifle for plinking let alone being a proud NRA member right now gives someone as much social status as a child molester or rapist it seems. I can't say that I didn't see this coming, but of course no one will listen to what I say. I will even be accused of sleeping with the enemy when I do say it. So be it. Many of you guys made your beds, so now you need to sleep in them. Unfortunately, we others who are more sensible about things have to suffer this stigma as well because of you. So thanks a lot for that, fellas!

Edited by steve863
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what it boils down to are rights that you believe are more important than others, many of the people here voted solid democrat last november. This was your choice and I am sure you had good reason to vote the way you did an put dems in power. Unfortunately this is what comes with the left...so if you voted democrat in November you should be real happy. As far a piers morgan he picks and chooses his stats. He sits here on American TV talking about how we need to be like England. He should hop his happy english a$$ on a plane and go back if it is so great. Liberals thank you for ruining this country...the good ole days are long gone. They say history repeats look at the Roman Empire they fell because they started to take care of too many lazy people and ran out of resources...looks like we have a bright future ahead.

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Except it isnt rednecks going into crowded buildings and shooting people. These have been suburban, well to do kids. Then there was the recent NYC incident. A redneck is defined as an uneducated farm hand - not exactly the same backround as the Joker either...

Society needs to start looking at the DNA of the people who do these things as well as the DNA of the people who bully. Make Hollywood responsible and accountable and then lets see what we get...

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Piers Morgan knows what he is doing. He selectively invites the right people to accomplish his agenda. He picks the sensibles ones who are introverted and meek, then he bullys them without letting them speak. Constantly cuts them off. When viewers complained about that, he picks someone who he knew would eventually put his foot in his mouth and he egged him on. Piers is a jerk but he's also no dummy.

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They say history repeats look at the Roman Empire they fell because they started to take care of too many lazy people and ran out of resources...looks like we have a bright future ahead.

So the world would have been for the better if the Roman Empire was still ruling much of the world?? You guys are funny!!!

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Make Hollywood responsible and accountable and then lets see what we get...

I don't completely disagree with you here, but when I hear pro-gun people telling me that NO, the easy availability of guns can't in any way be blamed for gun violence in this country, I don't think they have much of a leg to stand on when they point their fingers at other things like, TV, movies and video games. Why blame one and not think the other might not play even a small part?? Heck a TV, or ipad won't get up and murder someone all by itself right? Like they say about guns? They are talking from two sides of their mouths and NO one is buying it I'm afraid.

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Sorry to have to say it, but there are PLENTY of gun owning bufoons out there that make us look bad. I have been seeing them for YEARS now! The guy on Morgan's show just gives even more credibility to the stereotype. All we need to do is read some of the crap written on this forum (and others) for even more examples of how stupid many of us are. I have said it from the moment I heard about this last school shooting that this incident would be the tipping point. The media, the non-gun owning public, and even MANY gun owners feel that something needs to change. The extremist view will go nowhere. Will only give more energy to the other side that something definitely needs to be done this time out. So there you have it. All the "never give an inch" mindset has done is give the rest of society even more reason to stomp us off the green earth. Simply owning a .22 rifle for plinking let alone being a proud NRA member right now gives someone as much social status as a child molester or rapist it seems. I can't say that I didn't see this coming, but of course no one will listen to what I say. I will even be accused of sleeping with the enemy when I do say it. So be it. Many of you guys made your beds, so now you need to sleep in them. Unfortunately, we others who are more sensible about things have to suffer this stigma as well because of you. So thanks a lot for that, fellas!

The proverbial "buffoon" hurts the image of shooting and hunting and I agree with you about that. But they are not the Colubines and the Jokers and the Sandy Hooks. This is an entirely different and unstudied mentality. And it must be fueled by Hollywood, and I think the fact that they choose to aquire and use guns instead of just mowing a group of people down with a car strongly suggests that it is in fact hollywood. What ever mental defect these people have it seems to be encouraged by shooting scenes in movies and/or copy catting similair crimes.

And what if the case for bullying is true? Remember when that women was aquited for lopping off her husband's penis because she claimed he abused her? The experts said that caused her to do that. Personally, if she went for his lungs I would find it more credible, but I am not a mental health expert... Either way, abuse is taken very seriously by society, but when gun violence is involved the focus is on the guns and other factors seem to be forgotten. With or without greater gun restrictions all the factors must be addressed.

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I agree that there are many factors involved and all of them should be considered. Having said that, as far as I know, Hollywood movies are very popular in England and they have about as many gun-related deaths there in a year that we have in a day. So, you can't just blame Hollywood and absolve the issue of availability of guns in this country.

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Definitely many factors, but for pro-gun people to blame Hollywood and at the same time say that the easy availability of guns in NO way should ever be blamed is downright silly. Maybe pro-gun people were able to get away saying this up to this point, but I can assure them that those days are now forever gone. I don't think anyone should forget that for all the gun owners there are in this country, there are MORE that don't own guns and have few issues with having stricter gun laws. The 4 million NRA members are outnumbered by a large margin, that is for darned sure.

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Blame is placed on hollywood and video games is because those devices have become the parents of our children. A lot of parents simply plot their kids in front of the TV instead of taking them out and spending time with them. Hollywood and video games ends up what they grew up with.

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I don't completely disagree with you here, but when I hear pro-gun people telling me that NO, the easy availability of guns can't in any way be blamed for gun violence in this country, I don't think they have much of a leg to stand on when they point their fingers at other things like, TV, movies and video games. Why blame one and not think the other might not play even a small part?? Heck a TV, or ipad won't get up and murder someone all by itself right? Like they say about guns? They are talking from two sides of their mouths and NO one is buying it I'm afraid.

OK, but what about when the easy availability of guns is removed?

The goverment has not been able to prevent drugs from entering and being distributed in this country for what 100 years? There will still be some guns available to criminals. Even with less guns available, criminals will use other weopons or means to kill people. Coumbine killers could have poisoned the cafeteria, hell they made bombs...

Gun opponents are no less irrational than gun advocates when they dont offer a plan A.G. (after guns).

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Alex Jones is a hyper guy that battled it out with morgan. Pratt was subdued and morgan called him a stupid man.

I am not a follower of Jones but he has helped out in certain areas, like the dissolution of what transpired in Hardin, Montana and the American Police Force.

If someone brings the show up, I state the Jones is hyper, thats the way he is, and obviously went on the show with a dislike for morgan. Shrugg it off as nothing and continue your own debate with points to the person your discussing this with.

This next statement is for adults only. It is a comment a person made on another forum and tend to agree with it.

"Especially ironic coming from a nation ruled for a thousand years by inbred tyrants, whose only claim to the throne is coming out of the right woman's snatch."

Here is Ben Swann from Reality Check giving more facts for us to use concerning morgans main stat he brought up.

and a funny one, with obscenities, posted on another forum in defending jones.

Edited by tony m
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Blame is placed on hollywood and video games is because those devices have become the parents of our children. A lot of parents simply plot their kids in front of the TV instead of taking them out and spending time with them. Hollywood and video games ends up what they grew up with.

If what Elmo says hear is true, think about the size of the impact that would have.

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I agree that there are many factors involved and all of them should be considered. Having said that, as far as I know, Hollywood movies are very popular in England and they have about as many gun-related deaths there in a year that we have in a day. So, you can't just blame Hollywood and absolve the issue of availability of guns in this country.

Its also a much smaller country. Take a good look at all of the violent crime stats in England vs the US. Youll see that percentage-wise, gun deaths are lower (about 1/2 as many) but overall violent crime is 3 times or more as high as in the US. If people want to be violent, they will find the means to do so, guns, fire, knives, baseball bats, cars, bombs, what have you.

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Nope, violence surely will NOT cease even if guns were totally eliminated. Never said it would. I however will NEVER be convinced that a gun doesn't make it easier for someone to actually go thru with a murder, because in my opinion it's way easier to kill someone with a gun than it is with a bomb, knife, strangulation or any other means. A gun is the implement of choice for most of the murders in this country for a reason, and the reason being they are readily available and effective leaving little actual blood on the person committing the murder.

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Nope, violence surely will NOT cease even if guns were totally eliminated. Never said it would. I however will NEVER be convinced that a gun doesn't make it easier for someone to actually go thru with a murder, because in my opinion it's way easier to kill someone with a gun than it is with a bomb, knife, strangulation or any other means. A gun is the implement of choice for most of the murders in this country for a reason, and the reason being they are readily available and effective leaving little actual blood on the person committing the murder.

Its no easier to kill someone with a gun than a bomb. How about poison? Yes, it would be easier to kill an individual with less collateral damage to others with a gun than a bomb, or poison, but if you are looking for mass devastation, a gun is not the most effective tool. Its not even the most readily available one.

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