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What's the latest Date you Killed a turkey in May?


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I'v gotten them later than this. I had 2 big toms chasing after a loaner hen late season and they never made a sound. They ran right by me and when the hen ran right behind my barn I called, they turned a marched right back to my decoy and I popped one. Late season they will actually start coming to calling again. Right now by me they are coming out of the henned up stage and should respond to calling again...I hunt right to the end of the season.

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last Sunday 5/19/13 was the latest I have taken one only because I call for quite a few people & usaully take the first good bird so I can concentrate on calling which I enjoy more then shooting but the tough year it didn't happen early hoping we can get two more late toms

Edited by gfdeputy2
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May 29th but I had to walk away from a gobbling bird at 12:00 on the 31st! really sucks, it's times like that I wish the DEC would change the season to 1:00pm.


Last year Pennsylvania went to all day hunting after the 15th (?) of the month.  My buddy killed a nice adult late in the day in Tioga County, PA after the change.




I'm pretty sure the latest I ever killed one is the 30th.  I blew it on a dandy one year on the 31st though.  I had 3-4 jakes walk past me within 10 yards and the boss gobbler finally came in and he had me too rattled and I shot to soon........oh do that sting! 

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I have more luck mid-season fom around 5/12 - 5/20.

I have heard other guys say this too, I keep trying to prove my theory wrong, but I just can't seem to make it happen, at least consistently. But I do think if you can get one to gobble this time of the year, get ready, good chance he's coming in. Edited by Uncle Nicky
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I've killed a couple on the 30th of May... I don't remember ever killing one the last day, although one of my hunting buddies has killed several on the last day.

He's one of the guys who hunts every legal minute.. He doesn't give up until noon...He's killed a BUNCH of longbeards between 11:00 am and noon over the last 35 years or so.

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Shot one a few years ago with about 15 minutes left in the season. Hadn't shot a long beard all month and was on my way home at about 11 with my tail between my legs. Ended up seeing a tom a few miles from home, got in front of him and the rest is history. He was with a hen too so it can happen.

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