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Brand new Moultrie M-990i stolen


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Last time I checked the cams was on Thursday because I knew I wouldn't be around the entire weekend. I was itching to see what I had on the cams! I went out this afternoon to check them and my newest cam (the M-990i) was gone. I didn't even have it for a whole month. Cost me about $160. This camera was less than 200 yards from my house, you can even see the house from where it was, and yes it's private property.


I kind of stood there and stared at the tree for a few moments... Then I looked around the tree, and just couldn't believe it wasn't there. EMPTY feeling. That empty feeling turned to rage quickly, and I took off through the woods for my other cams that were further away, thankfully they were both there. I took them home with me.


I am so pissed. I see the threads all the time and didn't think it could happen to me around here.


I don't even want to put the other cameras back out, but them what the hell is the point in having them??!!?


Take precautions people. :(



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Sorry for your bad luck. Even though I dislike the use of trail cams, I would never think of destroying or stealing those I encounter in the field. Private property is private property...plain and simple.

Suggestion: Check your homeowner's insurance policy....It is surprising what personal possessions are covered.

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