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Practice wearing what you wear hunting - I missed


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I have heard this and heard this and until today did not think it could happen to me but it did.I was wearing a wool glove under my light camo glove and was wearing a double camo scent-lok hood because of the cold wind this morning.

I use an alignment device called "No-Peep" with a dot in a dot visual similar to an Anchor Sight. Any way, when I drew back on this decent 8 I could not find the bubble in the dot and when I moved the pin on the buck at 25 yards in the open I let it go. I shot right over it. After recovering the arrow and climbing back in the stand I tried some draw backs and came to the conclusion that the double glove and double hood did not allow me to anchor high enough just below my earlobe.

Lesson Learned and I hope this mistake helps some others check their draw with what they are wearing when they go out.

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I find it hard when I have the hood on to anchor so I tend to keep it off or at least behind my ear.  Otherwise I try to pull it back when I draw so my thumb can lock into my jaw for anchor.  Another reason I don't like the face mask when bow hunting it tends to interfere with my anchor.  Hope you get another shot at him!  Good luck!  I find it harder to shoot with a day pack on too with gun and bow...  I should practice with it more...

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I don't see a difference in shooting with a T shirt on or a jacket. My elbow is always bent anyway, so a little more or less doesn't affect my shots out to 40. I don't use gloves now, just stick my hands in my pocket to keep warm. Hand warmers later when I need them, and maybe a pair of thin gloves when that time comes.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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I'm guilty as to not practicing with my hunting jackets on but I always shoot with my hunting gloves on. I feel weird shooting with no gloves. I always take a few draw backs once I'm up in the stand and it's light enough to see a bit just to warm myself up and make sure nothing will get it in the way. It happens to a lot of people that wear bulky clothes and it screws them up. Just keep it in the back of your mind that you should try drawing back to make sure your good to go.

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I was thinking of this as I put an extra layer on yesterday. It was cold and windy and I needed an extra layer on top. It was too thick for my arm guard so I left it off. I did do a few practice draws to make sure I had a good range of motion, but I was aware that I was a bit more "bulky" than normal.


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I was thinking of this as I put an extra layer on yesterday. It was cold and windy and I needed an extra layer on top. It was too thick for my arm guard so I left it off. I did do a few practice draws to make sure I had a good range of motion, but I was aware that I was a bit more "bulky" than normal.



I forgot mine at home once on a trip to camp. Old Green wool sock with the toes cut out worked great when slipped over the jacket sleeve.

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It's a big difference out in the woods. Shooting in the back yard, standing on the ground in a tee shirt vs in a tree at awkward angles with all our hunt garb on are 2 very different animals. I'm always amazed how foreign it feels. One of the best things we can do when you get to your spot is draw our bow a LOT, and try to see how you might do with different opportunities. It will make your more comfortable and confident.


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I find it hard when I have the hood on to anchor so I tend to keep it off or at least behind my ear. Otherwise I try to pull it back when I draw so my thumb can lock into my jaw for anchor. Another reason I don't like the face mask when bow hunting it tends to interfere with my anchor. Hope you get another shot at him! Good luck! I find it harder to shoot with a day pack on too with gun and bow... I should practice with it more...

I try to pull down my facemask just prior to draw.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

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