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No crossbow no hunting

noodle one

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I feel for the guy, and it is certainly his right to post his own land, but you can't set policy based on one person.  Should they allow the use of claymores for people who can't pull a trigger for some reason?  Where to you draw the line?  Don't get me wrong, I think if they are going to allow crossbows, they should be allowed in bow season (at least on some level).

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Don't think claymores would even qualify as guns let alone archery equipment. ;)

See, that's where that internet computer hunting would have been perfect for bowhunters who can no longer pull back their bow. Your never too old to work a keyboard. Maybe they could come up with a version that uses  a bow. ;D  If you could still work your fingers, you could claim you are still bowhunting. That would be much easier than using claymores. ::)

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X bows will probably  be legal next season. Not concerned  about it. Pa and Ohio have them hasn't changed much of anything.People are still enjoying their hunting seasons and both states arent doin to bad in the deer take either.      It is a shame that anyone who can legally hunt in ny.Is'nt able to because of a handicap of any type. Watched my dad go through a bunch of bs,before his passing.

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Eddie...you pot stirrer you :)

Yes and No ....... I have seen a few articles on the PSE Tac-15 . It's a powerfull and has amazing accuracy out to and beyond 100 yards . Here I am at 69 years old shooting a 60 & 70 pound bow . Poor me , I should be able to use something much easier . I could have reached out and touched some of those deer with the Tac-15 .

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a man wanting to hunt with a crossbow should hunt with a crossbow. a man wanting to hunt with a bow should hunt with a bow.enough said.

And a man wanting to hunt with a gun should hunt with a gun ........ so what's the point?


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So did your friend write a letter requesting the Xbow be used during all seasons on private land?

so let me get this , your friend posted his land theirfor shutting out other hunters, Who don't controll the DEC.



Today, I went shopping and ran into an old friend of mine. When I asked him how he was doing ,he told me ,not good he owns and works a small construction outfit and has worked hard his whole life. He has a very bad back and had (2) two surgery on it in the pass. This pass spring they went and did  some more on his back and had to put in a rod and some pins. He told that he can not even stand up straight. Now this man  loves to hunt and lives to hunt with a bow. He can not even start to pull back his bow, so he went out and got himself a crossbow this summer and started to practice with it, only to find out that he could not hunt with it even with a doc. slip and this has him very upset and mad. Now this man owns about 500 acres that has never been posted and he would let anyone who asked hunt. He told me that he has had it with New York State and the DEC. If he can not hunt he own land with a crossbow during bow season than nobody can hunt. he sent his son out to post every in. of it. I will tell you,  he is upset.  Thankyou New York Bowhunters , his words, not mine. What do you think.

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Eddie...you pot stirrer you ;)

Yes and No ....... I have seen a few articles on the PSE Tac-15 . It's a powerfull and has amazing accuracy out to and beyond 100 yards . Here I am at 69 years old shooting a 60 & 70 pound bow . Poor me , I should be able to use something much easier . I could have reached out and touched some of those deer with the Tac-15 .

You could use something easier, say like a 50 pound bow.

People became polarized on bigger and more power. It was all marketing hype to sell more equipment.

Macho man stuff.

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Eddie...you pot stirrer you ;)

Yes and No ....... I have seen a few articles on the PSE Tac-15 . It's a powerfull and has amazing accuracy out to and beyond 100 yards . Here I am at 69 years old shooting a 60 & 70 pound bow . Poor me , I should be able to use something much easier . I could have reached out and touched some of those deer with the Tac-15 .

I can pull the 60 & 70 # bows okay . I want something easier that will give me more distance with accuracy like the PSE Tac-15 !

You could use something easier, say like a 50 pound bow.

People became polarized on bigger and more power. It was all marketing hype to sell more equipment.

Macho man stuff.

You could use something easier, say like a 50 pound bow.

I can pull the 60 & 70 # bows okay . I want something easier that will give me more distance with accuracy like the PSE Tac-15 !

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