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Long Island sump buck


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Oh sorry.  On long island the roads have underground drains for rain water that gather in sumps or catch basins in residential neighborhoods.  They vary  in size but usually 1/3 to 1/2 acre with overgrown edges with like a big deep empty pond except for when it rains.  They are also fenced in with 6 foot chain link fences with usually a gate to get in for access and cleaning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My brother said that the neighborhood people know its there and feed it (why they don't get in trouble is beyond me) but they keep and eye on it and supposedly 3 people have been pinched so far trying to hunt it.  


i figured that much...


the DEC should be called to remove it out of there.

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My sister lives around the corner from that sump.  That buck is the neighborhood attraction as well as a pet.  The only thing I can figure is that he must have run across the highway and jumped the fence with a full head of steam.  Now that he's in there he doesn't have the room to get the speed to jump the fence again.  IMO

Last year he tore up just about every tree in there and snapped quite a few in half.  Every time I visit my sis I make it a point to go see him.

And yes, the immediate neighbors keep a watch for him to make sure no one tries anything funny!!

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Last year?? How long has that buck been in there? That's no way for a deer to live, to be stuck in a small fenced in area like that regardless if people look out for him or feed him. It's a wild animal... It apparently has no fear for humans and associates them with food. At this point if that deer was removed from dec, they would destroy it probably...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Obviously the deer is not happy. He is showing his aggressions by tearing up all the trees when he is in his rut. The deer has to be near 5-6 years old. If the neighborhood had any compassion for the animal they would have the gate opened and the deer set free. That massive deer should be out of that pen spreading his genes around and living a happy life in the woods before its too late. I am a dedicated bowhunter. Believe me, I would love to have that mount hanging on my wall. But he is doing nobody good inside that pen. Let him free silly neighborhood. Also, somebody is going to get hurt. That is a wild animal. You don't feed deer like that especially this time of year.

Edited by Rob Answer
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