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Sooo pissed at myself right now.....


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find is nuisance permit thread. He posted a nice picture of several doe with summer coats stacked up. He then let us know he only eats the rib meat.

Belo, you might be getting senile in your young age, I also keep the necks! You can have the rest of the junk if you come pick it up. But you promise to play nice with Biz though, no fist fights, ok?

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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Doc, I usually respect the pieces that you write, but if you really think this thread is about "bad luck" then you need to re-read. No one is claiming to be perfect, but being irresponsible and sloppy isn't something I'm ok with either. In not afraid to call out those that makes mistakes either, and when I make the same mistakes, by all means crucify me. Of all people, I would think YOU would want this sport to be seen in a better light. For all you know, this deer could be running around with an arrow hanging under its belly in some anti's yard.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


Look I said my piece and I'm not going to get into it with you. I'm not into crucifying people or starting some arbitrary daily scrap just for kicks. I didn't join this forum for that purpose.

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junk... perfect response. I'm glad you refer to the very edible and delicious parts of a deer as junk. You eat the neck and the ribs. but the hell with the backstraps and tenderloins. god forbid grinding anything up either. I don't need to say anything else Shawn.

Edited by Belo
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junk... perfect response. I'm glad you refer to the very edible and delicious parts of a deer as junk. You eat the neck and the ribs. but the hell with the backstraps and tenderloins. god forbid grinding anything up either. I don't need to say anything else Shawn.

I knew you'd understand.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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Thankfully, this thread is taking a different turn .... lol. regarding the ethics of shooting something that is not consumed, I hate to hang the requirement of consumption on legitimizing hunting because before you know it people are claiming that the only justification for hunting is as a food harvest. That of course would eliminate varmint hunting, and shooting rats at the dump, and crow hunting, etc., etc.  I am not going to feel pressured to eat the next fox or coyote I get. I would just as soon not even start going down that path.

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No. You eat all of it. Neck roast is great. Grind the little bits you can't. Taste is indeed subjective, but why are you hunting if you're not after the venison or at least trophy hunting?

But I don't see you giving the 99% of other hunters a hard time about them tossing the ribs to the yotes. Why is that? Double standards?

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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No. You eat all of it. Neck roast is great. Grind the little bits you can't. Taste is indeed subjective, but why are you hunting if you're not after the venison or at least trophy hunting?


Note that I specifically said "those who toss the rids and/or neck".  I, personally, eat everything.

Edited by Elmo
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No. You eat all of it.

No you don't ..... or at least I don't. Tell me, how does stomach contents taste? .... lol. Not everybody considers the same parts of a deer edible as the next guy. Yes we pick and chose. I don't eat kidneys .... some do. Am I wasting venison? Probably so, and to me it's ok. Some guys don't want to pick and pick at the neck until every last piece of meat is gotten, I fully understand that. Somebody doesn't like liver or heart, that's up to them and their likes and dislikes (I happen to like liver and heart).
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