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Thiefs are getting bolder


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Did you ever wonder of these thieves sit on sites like this sort of casing things. Not in this case but I mean in general.

Bubba, you know it. Guys post photos of where they hunt some complete with roads,,what days they are hunting or working, photos of the "big ones" .

It's only a matter of time.

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I've mentioned I've had 2 8's taken  out of the field /woods before recovery...have had a few friends get to their deer to find a guy standing over it with his tag filled...DEC won't do any thing about that....If the guy tagged it before you they'll side with the tag unless you have pics of actually shooting it......some ppl around here  have cards with there name and tag # on them wrapped in cellophane...that they stuff down the deers throat...just in case...

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In all realty the thief is gonna put the antlers on his wall and claim it was his deer to all his buddies. That or somebody who just wanted to screw with your friend by stealing his trophy. I hope they catch them but truthfully the odds aren't good unless the word gets out and somebody that knows something speaks up.

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Years ago my friend had his whole buck stolen from a tree, on the side of his pole barn. It wasn't even a big buck, just a broken up six point but some  little sh$t stain stole it, and you can bet that the little sh$t stain went around bragging that he was the one who killed the buck. I don't hang anything outside, for this very reason……a lot of little sh$t stains out there who will do anything to put their name on a set of horns… Sad.

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What a POS. Really? Steal a head off of someone's deer. I read in the local paper years ago an article in the letters to the editor section about an old timer that had his "deer of his lifetime" stolen from a tree in his yard in the town of Argyle, NY. Just incredibly low. Hope the guy that did it is found and stoned in the town square.

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What do you even say to somebody if you catch them standing over your deer with his tag filled. That takes some balls

For me it would go something like this "get the F*** away from my deer you POS" if he said anything to argue with me I would beat the crap out of him.....sorry if that bothers some, but if your dealing with someone trying to claim something clearly not there's, they deserve all of it. If you don't act like a normal human you will not get treated like one.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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